In the distant future, centuries after nearly all life has been wiped out by war, disease, and environmental collapse, the planet has begun to heal itself. WRACK focuses on four mutated humans, who despite being the only known people left on their world, still cannot get along.
In the distant future, centuries after nearly all life has been wiped out by war, disease, and environmental collapse, the planet has begun to heal itself. WRACK focuses on four mutated humans, who despite being the only known people left on their world, still cannot get along.
In the distant future, centuries after nearly all life has been wiped out by war, disease, and environmental collapse, the planet has begun to heal itself. WRACK focuses on four mutated humans, who despite being the only known people left on their world, still cannot get along.
Desdobrando-se ao longo de 36 horas, em três guerras separadas - a Guerra Civil Americana, a Primeira Guerra Mundial e o Iraque - acompanhamos um pequeno grupo de soldados presos em um espaço confinado, enquanto lutam com a moralidade, a futilidade e uma situação de combate cada vez mais insustentável e perto de um desfecho ruim para todos.
Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2018 Creepy Christmas Film Festival, in which each short is inspired by a holiday-themed word. This film, the tenth in the series, is inspired by the word “reindeer.”
Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2018 Creepy Christmas Film Festival, in which each short is inspired by a holiday-themed word. This film, the tenth in the series, is inspired by the word “reindeer.”
Ray Pelletier just wants to spend a pleasant and relaxing weekend ice fishing with his family. Alas, Ray's plans are ruined by the unwanted presence of the obnoxious big city father and son duo of Steve Cote and Stevie Jr. However, the two squabbling families are forced to set aside their differences and work together after a vicious monster awakens from the cold waters of the remote frozen lake area they are staying at.
Ray Pelletier just wants to spend a pleasant and relaxing weekend ice fishing with his family. Alas, Ray's plans are ruined by the unwanted presence of the obnoxious big city father and son duo of Steve Cote and Stevie Jr. However, the two squabbling families are forced to set aside their differences and work together after a vicious monster awakens from the cold waters of the remote frozen lake area they are staying at.
Inspired from the golden age of religious cinema, Satan Hates You is a graphic horror film that tells the stories of a brother and sister and their personal struggles with the ultimate evil; Lucifer himself!
Inspired from the golden age of religious cinema, Satan Hates You is a graphic horror film that tells the stories of a brother and sister and their personal struggles with the ultimate evil; Lucifer himself!
Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2008 Creepy Christmas Online Film Festival, in which each short was inspired by the inhabitants of a Christmas diorama advent calendar. Each filmmaker was assigned a specific date and given the props that were used in that window to use in their short. This is the twenty-third film in the series.
Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2008 Creepy Christmas Online Film Festival, in which each short was inspired by the inhabitants of a Christmas diorama advent calendar. Each filmmaker was assigned a specific date and given the props that were used in that window to use in their short. This is the twenty-third film in the series.
Three young ad-men enter the woods for a photo shoot, but a girlfriend's mysterious disappearance sparks a harrowing descent into unreality.
Inspired by true events...The story of three hunters who mysteriously became the hunted.
There's a drug for sale. It promises to deepen the connection of couples who dare to try it. But whatever you do... Don't do it alone.
A low-tech FX film about the horrors of war and robots.
A low-tech FX film about the horrors of war and robots.
Part of a "special" late-nite television program...Four friends on their way to a wedding find themselves marooned on a mysterious farm. Creatures of the night awaken and the undead rise, as a night of relentless horror...Begins!
Library Patron
A couple stay in a dingy motel in Maine to try and escape their hectic lives, but are haunted by spirits of previously murdered guests.
A couple stay in a dingy motel in Maine to try and escape their hectic lives, but are haunted by spirits of previously murdered guests.
A couple stay in a dingy motel in Maine to try and escape their hectic lives, but are haunted by spirits of previously murdered guests.
A couple stay in a dingy motel in Maine to try and escape their hectic lives, but are haunted by spirits of previously murdered guests.
A couple stay in a dingy motel in Maine to try and escape their hectic lives, but are haunted by spirits of previously murdered guests.
Will was a vegetarian pacifist trying to forget his flesh eating past. But when the citizens of this small town pushed him too far, he went CanniBallistic!
Will was a vegetarian pacifist trying to forget his flesh eating past. But when the citizens of this small town pushed him too far, he went CanniBallistic!
A Fine Arts painter is convinced that he is a werewolf wreaking havoc on a small American town under the full moon.