J. C. Nugent

J. C. Nugent

Nascimento : 1868-04-05, Niles, Ohio, USA

Morte : 1947-04-21


J. C. Nugent


Follies Girl
J.B. Hamlin
In PRC's Follies Girl, Wendy Barrie plays dress designer Anne Merriday, who becomes the object of middle-aged millionaire J. B. Hamlin's (J.C. Nugent) affections. To save his dad from throwing his life away on a supposed golddigger, Hamlin's son, Army private Jerry Hamlin (Gordon Oliver), begins courting Anne-and, of course, falls genuinely in love with her himself. Meanwhile, the rogueish J.B. tries to mount a Broadway burlesque show, with costumes designed by Our Heroine.
Give Me a Sailor
Mr. Larkin
Jim and Walter are two brother sailors in the United States Navy. Walter tells Jim as soon as they get home he is going to ask his beautiful girlfriend, Nancy Larkin to marry him. But Jim is also in love with Nancy so he begs Nancy's ugly duckling sister, Letty to help break Walter and Nancy up. Letty agrees only under one condition, he help her to win Walter!
Midnight Intruder
Doc Norton
A former actor poses as the son of a wealthy man and gets involved in a murder in which the real son is the suspect.
Assim é Hollywood
Junior Pettypacker
Um especialista em eficiência, da costa leste, que conquista sua reputação com sua capacidade de resgatar um estúdio de Hollywood financeiramente problemático, recebe ajuda de uma ex-estrela infantil que agora trabalha como stand-in (substituta) do estúdio. Um stand-in é uma espécie de extra que, durante os ensaios de luz e câmera, fica na posição do ator principal para poupa-lo. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
It's All Yours
E.J. Barnes
Jimmy Barnes arrives from Europe to be educated by his multi-millionaire uncle, Edward J. Barnes and in five years the extravagant escapes of Jimmy, now a lawyer, are the talk of San Francisco. Linda Gray is a mouse-like secretary to the elder Barnes who has fallen in love with Jimmy, but he favors actress Constance "Connie" Marlowe. Mr. Barnes dies and leaves everything to Linda but he has urged his partner, Alexander Duncan, to plan things so that Jimmy and Linda will get married. Coached by Duncan, Linda accepts the inheritance and announces that she is departing for New York on a wild spending spree. He tells Jimmy that the will can be broken but only after many months and he suggests that Jimmy follow Linda and curb her spending or there won't be any money left. In New York, Linda hires Jimmy as her private secretary. Connie also arrives in New York, as does the ingenious Baron Rene de Montigny with the intention of marrying the wealthy Miss Gray.
A Força do Coração
President McKinley asks Lt. Richard L. Perry to go underground to identify some obviously very well briefed Mid-Western bank robbers based in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Nasce Uma Estrela
Mr. Blodgett
Hollywood, anos 30. Esther Blodgett é mais uma das inúmeras garotas que sonham em virar estrela de cinema. O sonho torna-se realidade quando, trabalhando como garçonete numa festa, atrai a atenção do astro Norman Maine. Apaixonado, ele a transforma numa grande estrela. Porém, enquanto a amada conquista o sucesso, Norman se afunda no alcoolismo.
Tempos Modernos
Department Store Section Manager (uncredited)
O icónico Vagabundo está empregado em uma fábrica, onde as máquinas inevitável e completamente o dominam e vários percalços o levam para a prisão. Entre suas passagens pela prisão, ele conhece e faz amizade com uma garota órfã. Ambos, juntos e separados, tentam lidar com as dificuldades da vida moderna, o Vagabundo trabalhando como garçom e, eventualmente, um artista.
Men Without Names
Major Newcomb
A G-man woos a newswoman and corners bank robbers with a hostage in a factory.
Love in Bloom
Col. Downey
A young girl runs away from her carnival family to make it in New York and becomes involved with a young songwriter.
The Millionaire
Dr. Harvey
A millionaire automaker retires upon the advice of his doctor, but becomes so bored he buys half interest in a gas station and works it on the sly.
Remote Control
A radio announcer gets caught up with a fake clairvoyant and his gang of thieves.
Love in the Rough
When a shipping clerk is recruited by his employer to help his golf game, his boss insists he conceal his humble identity at the country club.
Trindade Maldita
Versão falada, de 1930, do filme mudo de Tod Browning: "A Trindade Maldita" (1925). Um trio de ex-artistas de circo se unem formando o grupo de bandidos "Trindade Maldita" e montam um esquema para roubar pedras preciosas. Único filme falado de Lon Chaney, aonde ele, conhecido por ser o homem de mil rostos, faz várias vozes diferentes.
The Sins of the Children
A barber turns down a promising business venture in order to take his sick son to a drier climate out west.
O Presídio
Mr. Marlowe
Convicted of manslaughter for a drunken driving accident, Kent Marlowe is sent to prison, where he meets vicious incarcerated figures who are planning an escape from the brutal conditions.
They Learned About Women
Jack and Jerry are doing okay between profession baseball and Vaudeville. That is, until love and gold-diggers get in the way.
The Rounder
A drunkard climbs a ladder into a bedroom in the wrong house and gets romantically involved with the woman who lives there.
The Rounder
A drunkard climbs a ladder into a bedroom in the wrong house and gets romantically involved with the woman who lives there.
Navy Blues
On shore leave, a young sailor meets and falls in love with a pretty young blonde. He goes home with her to meet her parents, but they don't approve of him at all. Their daughter takes offense at this, and in the ensuing argument she storms out of the house determined to live on her own.
Navy Blues
Mr. Brown
On shore leave, a young sailor meets and falls in love with a pretty young blonde. He goes home with her to meet her parents, but they don't approve of him at all. Their daughter takes offense at this, and in the ensuing argument she storms out of the house determined to live on her own.
Wise Girls
Mr. Bence
Early MGM talkie about a retired businessman, his headstrong daughter, and the comical complications that result when she marries in haste.