ShortsHD is once again bringing the wildly popular Oscar nominated short film program (Live Action, Animation, and Documentary) to theaters in the US, Canada, and Europe beginning February 10th. The theatrical release of the Academy Award nominated short films has met with enthusiastic audiences ever since its launch 6 years ago, giving people around the world an opportunity to see the nominated films prior to the Academy Awards ceremony on February 26th.
É domingo outra vez. Isso significa dia de igreja com a vovó e o vovô, um lugar onde os adultos conversam um monte de coisas sem o menor interesse para um garotinho. Por isso que ele prefere ficar brincando em volta da casa, matando o tempo com suas moedas. Mas dessa vez será diferente porque ele vai fazer descobertas sobre coisas que não imaginava.
A robot rambles about frenetically, receiving countless electronic messages through his antenna every second. Despite his fatigue and stress, he never slows down. The only thing that might bring his frantic journey to an end is a traffic accident. This film was made as part of the third edition of the NFB's Hothouse apprenticeship.