Um casal frustrado e com problemas no casamento encontra esperança em um aplicativo divertido que premia boas ações… até que isso se torna uma obsessão.
Gabriel has been separated for four years now. Since then his 8 year old daughter is the center of his life. Completely avoiding getting involved in a new romantic relationship, Gabriel focus all his energy in his daughter and work. This plan gets spoiled when Vicky, a platonic love from his adolescence, now a beautiful and independent woman appears in his life. When romance is about to start, she puts one condition: She would never get involved with a man with children. She just does not want children in her life. When Gabriel is confronted with this, he says he has no children. From that moment on his life becomes a torment, playing every trick at hand in order to hide his child and belongings from Vicky in every date.
Quando a Lua está em Leão, o Sol joga seu papel mais importante do ano. Luna, uma charmosa mulher, e o elegante Leo terão seu primeiro encontro sob essa influência. Ambos estão destinados a viver uma noite que jamais esquecerão.
Pancho (Juan Manuel Rodil) is an independent filmmaker from Buenos Aires which is pushed by his grandfather Faust (Horacio Dener), to go after the loot of Butch Cassidy, who lived in Cholila (Chubut) between 1901 and 1905. Pursued by Commissioner Galvez (Oscar Huberty) for a crime he did't commit, Pancho will intersect with Nancy (Carla Pandolfi) and Anibal (Adrián Garavano). They will help him to find the treasure before Dimitri (Hernán Varela) a heartless professional searcher.
As estradas argentinas traçam o caminho da banda Erreway e seus quatro integrantes adolescentes, decididos a realizar seu sonho na música e crescer longe do luxo e das facilidades. A chegada de um inesperado bebê marca um novo rumo para eles.