Daniël Bouquet


Big Paris Moment
An actor tries to bolsters his confidence by trying on high end fashion.
O Som do Silêncio
Director of Photography
Um jovem baterista teme por seu futuro quando percebe que está gradualmente ficando surdo. Duas paixões estão em jogo: a música e sua namorada, que é integrante da mesma banda de heavy metal. Essa mudança drástica acarreta em muita tensão e angústia na vida do baterista, atormentado lentamente pelo silêncio.
Director of Photography
Stephanie smiles as she’s applauded by the crowd. The 11-year-old gymnast just won her first international title. Her coach Patricia embraces her as they both admire the gold medal they have worked so hard for. The girl is crushed with attention, everybody wants to have a picture with her and expresses their high hopes, but the more recognition she gets, the more she realises that the game only has begun.
Elektro Mathematrix
Director of Photography
Electro dance is all what these high school students are really into. Every period, whether class, meals, recess, exams, workshop or sports, any activity they find at school leads them into wild choreography. Derived from the ElektroKif stage show choreographed by Blanca Li, which has extensively toured around the world, Elektro High School is an urban dance musical unlike any you have ever seen. Full of humor, sensibility and without any dialogues, it is a statement about what it is to be at school today, and how be an electro dancer. Electro Dance, the first dance genre to be born in France since Can-Can, is one of the most original urban dance styles, getting hot among high school students from around the world.
A Comunidade
Camera Operator
O casal liberal Erik e Anna são acadêmicos que decidem transformar a herança de Erik, uma casa extensa em Copenhague, em uma comuna. Tudo parece estar indo bem, até que a receptividade de Anna é colocada à prova quando Erik apresenta sua amante Emma à cooperativa.
Director of Photography
Laura is a young dancer from the Paris Opera Ballet who worries about the future and her vocation as a classical dancer.
The Blue Wave
Director of Photography
Deniz and her friends, who have been apart for the summer, have much to tell each other. While adults are busy with their professional lives, Deniz and her friends are still confused about their university plans. Through the worries of their daily routines, they make plans for the future, yet the challenges of teenage years/adolescence are burdensome. Deniz desires a life that is different than the ideals of her friends. A song nobody has heard of, a hopeless love, solitude. A different world, but where exactly?
Director of Photography
Vivendo em meio a carências afetivas, pois a mãe está ausente e o pai trabalha e quando está em casa pode se tornar violento, o pequeno Jojo passa o tempo sozinho. Ao descobrir um filhote de corvo caído no chão, e passa a criá-lo e preenche, com o animalzinho, uma lacuna de amor em sua vida. Enquanto bate de frente com o pai para cuidar do filhote, saberemos o paradeiro de sua mãe, que tanta falta tem feito.
Director of Photography
Divided into chapters, the film first chronicles Hemel's many sexual conquests, but then takes on a different tone as it explores her complicated relationship with her father, Gijs. A dapper auctioneer, Gijs has dated a series of younger women since Hemel's mother's death. But when Gijs starts seeing the charming Sophie, for the first time Hemel feels that her special relationship with her father is threatened...
Director of Photography
Belle 19 anos, é uma violinista que vive em uma pequena aldeia na Holanda. Todos ao seu redor parecem obcecados com o sexo: o namorado, a irmã e especialmente sua mãe. Mas o que interessa para Belle é unicamente seu violino e ela irá em busca de seu sonho. Mas para alcança-lo ela terá que derrubar algumas barreiras.
Director of Photography
Nassim Guammaz wants to become the best skateboarder in the world. His father says he has to choose a secure future, and the boys from his neighbourhood think skateboarding is not for Moroccans. But Nassim follows his heart and does what he wants. This summer, for the first time, he is not going to Morocco with his family, but staying in the Netherlands to compete in important skateboard competitions.
Nada pessoal
Director of Photography
Sozinha no seu apartamento vazio, Anne (Lotte Verbeek) olha pela janela as pessoas que vão passando à sua porta e nervosamente vão tirando os bens pessoais e peças de mobiliário que ela deixara na rua. O gesto final de tirar a aliança do dedo mostra bem a vontade que tem de deixar para trás a sua vida na Holanda. Anne parte então para a Irlanda, onde escolhe ter uma existência solitária e vagueante, caminhando por entre a austera paisagem de Connemara. Num dos seus passeios, descobre uma casa onde vive uma espécie de eremita, Martin (Stephen Rea).