Camera Operator
Willy, Giacomo, Lorenzo e Sandro sono 4 giovani yuppies rampanti nella "Milano da bere" degli anni '80, che vivono nel mito dell'Avvocato Gianni Agnelli e di Silvio Berlusconi; il loro unico scopo nella vita è apparire anziché essere. Giacomo è un pubblicitario, Lorenzo è un notaio, Sandro è un dentista, e Willy è un venditore di automobili.
Camera Operator
Lino lives in Turin with the family of his sister. He doesn't have a good job and never enough money. But in a day his life changes: he wins 1 billion dollars in a lottery and... everyone becomes a friend, the girl who he liked becomes his girlfriend and his sister begins to love him. He leaves Turin with his friend Parola and, in a Casino, he looses all money! But luck returns...
Camera Operator
In 1900 in Rome, the poor carpenter Francesco, by a twist of fate, is recognized component of a noble family in the process of decay. Francesco knows the cynical and ruthless Prince Torquato Terenzi, disappointed by life and progress, and also falls in love with the beautiful Duchess Elisa. When Prince Terenzi dies, Francesco realizes that he's not enriched for nothing with the inheritance, because the noble family is broke; so he enlistes himself for the war in Libya, but quickly returnes to Italy, disgusted by the atrocities of the fighting. His dream is to be a singer, and so he goes to America with the Duchess Elisa.
Camera Operator
Patricia, a journalist, is fed up with all the stupid chores and being ridiculed by her colleagues. To show her talent, she challenges her director Eugenio to test her. She will write a good article, but if she fails she will sleep with him.
Camera Operator
A burned-out New York police detective teams up with a college psychoanalyst to track down a vicious serial killer randomly stalking and killing various young women around the city.
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A disaffected media executive spends his days watching violent programming on the television screens in his office and his evenings neglecting his frustrated wife at home. The monotonicity is disturbed when he is contacted by an old friend who confides in him he is being threatened by mysterious assassins.
Camera Operator
As John Dhannay, a CIA agent stationed in Rome, plans the overthrow of an African government, he discovers one of his men has been in contact with agents from the other side. Before he can confront the traitor, the man seemingly goes crazy, sniping several people before taking an adulterous couple hostage in a hotel room.
Camera Operator
A police commissioner and a political activist join to investigate the suspicious death of a playboy Prince.
Camera Operator
Three episodes of casual erotic character: a porn scriptwriter and his secretary, a man locked up among homosexuals, and a shy man who decides to hire a prostitute over the phone.
Camera Operator
Set during a retreat of Christian Democrat politicians who practice spiritual exercises together, it is an allegory of corrupted power. Disturbing, claustrophobic settings are the background to a series of mysterious crimes.
Camera Operator
Social/sexual farce focusing on a boss and his workers in a faucet factory.
Camera Operator
Conhecido como "o rei da comédia italiana", o diretor Mario Monicelli dirigiu nos anos 70 esta irreverente e engraçadíssima história sobre velhos amigos de escola. Através do jornalista e narrador Giorgio Perozzi (Philippe Noiret) conhecemos o cotidiano de cinco cinquentões que adoram pregar peças e passar trotes em quem se atreve a passar na frente deles. Pequenas histórias do grupo que contadas por Perozzi nos apresenta Lello Mascetti (Ugo Tognazzi), o conde falido; o Doutor Sassaroli (Adolfo Celi), o arquiteto Rambaldo Melandri (Gastone Moschin) e Necchi (Duílio Del Prete). Para morrer de rir! (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Camera Operator
Um pianista inglês testemunha um brutal assassinato, mas não consegue identificar o criminoso. Algo na cena o inquieta, o levando à uma compulsiva necessidade de desvendar o caso.
Camera Operator
50 year old Giulio (Tognazzi) and his 17 year old goddaughter, Vincenzina (Muti) fall madly in love with each other and soon are wed. Unfortunately for Giulio he walks in on his friend and Vincenzina upon a return from a trip. His jealousy and anger get the best of him and he kicks his wife out of the house. Years pass and Giulio decides to rekindle the lover affair with Vincenzina
Camera Operator
Two factory workers living in Northern Italy form a romantic connection. The woman, torn between the freedoms of the North and her traditional Sicilian values, slowly allows herself to love...
Camera Operator
In 1848, as Italy becomes engulfed in a bubbling revolution to finally get rid of the ruling Austrians, a patriotic prisoner named Cainazzo begins to wonder if he will soon get the chance to see the revolution in action away from his prison cell. Suddenly, a cannonball comes flying through the air and knocks the main wall of the prison down. Excited to have a chance to see the change taking place in person, Cainazzo hits a bumpy road when one of his former fellow prisoners yells out to all the revolutionary gangs that Cainazzo is not a patriot, but is in fact a traitor!
Camera Operator
Um jovem funcionário de banco, literalmente alérgico ao papel-moeda, torna-se o pior pesadelo do melhor cliente do banco, um rico açougueiro que dirige seus negócios sem escrúpulos.
Camera Operator
Nino Manfredi is a police captain, giving an onlooker's point-of-view towards the decadent society folk. Party itself features a down & out baron, who dances with the party's glamorous hostess Virna Lisi so that he can steal her valuable earrings. When they're missing, she's angry enough to call in the cops (Manfredi shows up) and have the baron taken away.
Camera Operator
Adorado por seus superiores por ser um trabalhador extremamente dedicado e odiado pelo mesmo motivo por seus colegas de trabalho, Lulu vive entregue aos sonhos de consumo da classe média, alienado em meio aos movimentos de protesto de sua classe, até que um acontecimento põe em xeque suas opiniões.
Camera Operator
Carol Hammond, esposa de um advogado londrino, tem sonhos bizarros com a vizinha desinibida, Julia Durer, que dá festas barulhentas na casa ao lado. Uma noite, ela acorda e descobre que seus pesadelos se tornaram realidade: Julia foi assassinada e Carol é a principal suspeita.
Camera Operator
Em um momento de perturbação política interna na Itália, o inspetor de polícia recebe a tarefa de reprimir os dissidentes políticos. Dentre eles esta sua amante Augusta Terzi. Ele começa a testar os limites da polícia, vendo se irá ser acusado pelo crime. Assim, começa a plantar pistas óbivias que o identificam como o assassino da mulher, e vê seus colegas ignorando-as, seja intencionalmente ou não.
Camera Operator
Relatives brawl over the estate of a deceased grandmother who owned an insecticide factory.They stop at nothing, including bumping each other off.
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A painter facing a creative block arranges to spend the weekend in the country at his mistress's villa. While staying there, his sanity begins to disintegrate.
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Ignazio is married to a much younger girl, as she starts being attracted by a handsome young man. The new couple set up several plans to kill the cuckhold, but.. it always seems to work out for lucky Ignazio!
Camera Operator
Johnny Donald, a cynical seducer of women, discovers he is actually the son of Don Diego Tenorio, a wealthy Mexican landowner. Accompanied by his trusty servant Morenillo, he travels south in search of vengeance and riches, but manages to deflower and make enemies all along the way until he finally meets his match in the person of a Mormon assassin and a stone statue.
Camera Operator
During the 1800s, Peru's government sends 2 envoys to negotiate peace with the rebellious Incas but a treasure-hunter bandit shoots the Inca ruler and his son, leaving the 2 envoys to take the blame for it.
Camera Operator
Consisting of two segments, the film is centered on two great Israelite leaders found in the Book of Judges.
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Mais um filme de episódios, típico do cinema Italiano dos anos 60 e 70. São 3 episódios sobre a imoralidade:
1º Sobre a primeira experiência com drogas,
2º Sobre voyeurismo e poder,
3º e último sobre a indiferença no amor.
Director of Photography
A lone rider comes across a dying soldier, the victim of an Indian attack, who gives him a paper authorizing the payment of $150,000 to the U.S. Army. The rider gathers some colleagues who disguise themselves as soldiers and who take the paper to a bank. They get the money but a shoot-out occurs, an old woman is killed, and the gang acrimoniously splits up. Later some members of the gang meet up with some real U.S. Cavalry soldiers and together they must fight off new Indian attacks.
Director of Photography
O assassinato da modelo Isabella por um assaltante mascarado dá início a uma investigação. Seu diário é encontrado, detalhando os vícios da grife e uma complexa teia de chantagem e segredos. Quando o pânico se espalha e o assassino sem rosto sai em busca do diário, as modelos são mortas uma por uma.
Director of Photography
In the 19th century, a sadistic nobleman terrorizes the members of his family. He is found dead, but his ghost soon returns to haunt the residents of his castle.
Director of Photography
Three short tales of supernatural horror. In “The Telephone,” a woman is plagued by threatening phone calls. In "The Wurdalak,” a family is preyed upon by vampiric monsters. In “The Drop of Water,” a deceased medium wreaks havoc on the living.
Camera Operator
Nora Davis viaja para Roma, onde irá ficar na casa de Edith. Infelizmente, já na primeira noite Edith morre. Nora sai pela noite em busca de ajuda e acaba transformando-se em testemunha ocular de um assassinato. Sendo uma mulher jovem, com um apetite insaciável por literatura de crime e mistério, Nora não consegue fazer qualquer um acreditar em sua história. Porém, com a ajuda do Dr. Marcello Bassi, fica sabendo que um assassinato ocorreu nesse mesmo local há 10 anos atrás, quando Emily Craven foi vítima do "assassino do alfabeto". A partir daí, se vê envolvida numa trama de mistérios que parece não ter fim.
Camera Operator
In the 9th Century, two Viking children, separated since their early childhood with one raised by the British and the other by Vikings, meet after nearly 20 years as rivals as war breaks out between Britian and the Vikings for control of England.
Camera Operator
Upon his return from battle in the previous film, the great warrior Hercules learns that his lover, Daianara, has lost her senses. Acording of the oracle Medea, Dianara's only hope is the Stone of Forgetfulness which lies deep in the realm of Hades. Hercules, with two companions, Theseus and Telemachus, embarks on a dangerous quest for the stone, while he is unaware that Dianara's guardian, King Lico, is the one responsible for her condition and plots to have the girl for himself as his bride upon her revival.
Camera Operator
Esta passagem Bíblica conta a história vivida por Esther, uma mulher bem jovem que é forçada a deixar sua vida com sua família e seu noivo, e é levada para o palácio de Xerxes, o Rei da Pérsia. O Rei está procurando uma nova esposa por causa do comportamento infiel de sua antiga esposa, e sua escolhida foi Esther, desconhecida judia. Vendo seu povo sendo perseguido pelos soldados do Rei Xerxes, Esther decide dedicar sua vida em trazer paz para seu povo, usando seu poder de Rainha.
Camera Operator
Uma bruxa vingativa e seu servo diabólico retornam da sepultura e iniciam uma campanha sangrenta para possuir o corpo do belo descendente da bruxa. Apenas o irmão da garota e um belo médico estão em seu caminho.
Camera Operator
A Greek soldier leads the fight against an invading Persian army.
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The story of Hadji Murad, a 19th-century Chechen chieftain who led his warriors in a fight against the invading forces of the Russian Czar.
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En route to Thebes for an important diplomatic mission, Hercules drinks from a magic spring and loses his memory. He spends most of the movie in the pleasure gardens of Queen Omphale of Lydia. While young Ulysses tries to help him regain his memory, political tensions escalate in Thebes, and Hercules' new wife Iole finds herself in mortal danger.
Camera Operator
Scientists discover that a group of meteors are hurtling on a collison course with Earth, and if they hit, the planet will be destroyed.
Assistant Camera
O musculoso Hércules realiza seus trabalhos, navega com os Argonautas e vive um romance com a bela Iole. Inspirado na Mitologia Grega, o filme enfoca a figura de Hércules, o filho de Zeus que se tornou famoso graças à sua força descomunal e que, até sua morte trágica, protagonizou inúmeras façanhas, várias delas por exigência dos deuses. O roteiro do filme se vale da lenda dos Doze Trabalhos, fundindo-a com a de Jasão e os Argonautas.
Assistant Camera
While her new husband is away looking for work, the wife loses the child she was expecting and uses another woman's baby as a substitute so she won't have to upset her spouse when he returns.
Assistant Camera
It's the last year of highschool of a group of teenagers, and now they have to face their final exam, and the loves, happy or not, that sprung during those years of school.
Assistant Camera
When young Dalia is mistakenly admitted to a mental institution, she is declared sane - but by a truly mad person pretending to be a doctor. The real doctor thinks she is insane - how can she escape this madness?
Assistant Camera
The Passaguai family is living peacefully, but then they go to see the magician Bhorman, starting a series of problem for them.
Assistant Camera
To get ahead after he answers a newspaper ad for a business proposition, Passaguai borrows the more impressive apartment of a retired actor and arranges an elaborate luncheon there.
Assistant Camera
When Passaguai family patriarch Giuseppe (Fabrizi) decides to take advantage of a corporate discount to bring his wife (Ninchi) and children to spend a Sunday at the beach of Fiumicino, a series of troubles begins for everyone, in the form of a comic nightmare.
Assistant Camera
While casing a bank he intends to rob, gangster Leo discovers one of the clerks, Antonio, is his exact double. He kidnaps Antonio and robs the bank, posing as Antonio. But Leo hadn't accounted for the involvement of Antonio's wife, Dorothy.
Camera Operator
In the Po Valley during the 19th century, a rich girl engaged to a well-to-do farmer ends up penniless and is forced to work for her fiancé’s relatives. Peasant unrest, carried to extremes by both workers and landowners, leads to violence and tragedy.