Arturo Dominici

Arturo Dominici

Nascimento : 1918-01-02, Palermo, Sicily, Italy

Morte : 1992-09-07


Arturo Dominici


Mazinga contro gli UFO Robot
An Italian theatrical film edited from Mazinger Z vs. Devilman, UFO Robot Grendizer vs. Great Mazinger, and Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo.
Heidi geht nach Frankfurt
Dottor Classen
Rome, Armed to the Teeth
ADR & Dubbing
A tough, violent cop who doesn't mind bending the law goes after a machine-gun-carrying, hunchbacked psychotic killer.
Free Hand for a Tough Cop
De Rita
A cop recruits a criminal and his cohorts to help track down a violent crime lord who has kidnapped the ill daughter of a rich family.
Silent Action
Chief of Police
A number of unexplained military deaths hit Italy and are ruled to be accidental or suicides, but police inspector Giorgio Solmi suspects otherwise. When a mysterious wealthy electrician is seemingly murdered by a female escort, a sinister plot slowly begins to unravel.
King Dick
Il Notaio (voice)
Little Dick, the well-endowed dwarf servant of Master Limpcock is being pursued by Nymphomania, an ugly witch who must have 69 orgasms to turn herself beautiful again.
Special Killers
District Attorney
Sandro, a detective, finds his wife strangled. His girl-friend Tiffany, who works as photographer, makes a "Blow up" from a photo, what Sandro finds beside the victim. Sandro and Tiffany are looking for the woman on the photo, Laura. They finds her in a Night Club in Rome...
Simbad e il califfo di Bagdad
The sailor Sinbad is dragged by two cheaters on board a ship on which the beautiful Sherazade travels, promised to the Caliph of Baghdad. Adventurous fairytale inspired by the "A Thousand and One Nights".
Pescatore Verde (voce)
The film was directed by Giuliano Cenci with assistance from his brother Renzo. During production, Carlo Collodis grandchildren Mario and Antonio Lorenzini were consulted. The subtle movements made by fidgeting children whilst speaking or under scrutiny were incorporated into Pinocchios movements, particularly when he lies to the Fairy with the Turquoise Hair over the fate of his gold coins. For the design of the Fairy, Italian portrayals of the Blessed Virgin Mary in art were used as starting points.
The Pisciotta Case
Michele Scauri
The magistrate, Scauri, inquires into the mysterious poisoning death of Gaspare Pisciotta, the imprisoned assassin of Salvatore Giuliano. He very soon finds himself struggling against a conspiracy of silence, which Scauri must therefore overcome in order to indict two powerful mafia bosses. His only hope comes for a brief moment from the testimony of the young prosecutor Lojacono. But The Organization is the most strong: the young prosecutor withdraws his deposition and the magistrate disappears in mysterious circumstances.
Girolimoni, the Monster of Rome
Ing. Jaccarino
In Mussolini's Rome a murderer is targeting young girls. The movie explores how the fascist mind works, how it plays its values off the sentiment of the masses and explores the role of the press in creating a unified narrative.
Oplà, noi viviamo
Barone Friedrich
The Eroticist
sua eccellenza
Senator Pupis feels a strong and uncontrollable urge to grab women's bottoms, a habit than can lead to embarrassment, especially if the woman in question is head of another state and the occasion a state visit. In his desperation Pupis turns to the clergy for spiritual and psychological help.
Zorro, Rider of Vengeance
In Old Calfiornia, an unscrupulous adventurer massacre Indians in order to find an ancient (and precious) talisman they are supposed to hide. Zorro will be on the rescue to protect both the pioneers and the Indians. This adventure has very little in common with the traditional swashbuckling backstage of Zorro's films but many elements of a western film.
Confissões de um Comissário de Polícia
Maître Canistraro
Um capitão da polícia organiza a libertação de um prisioneiro criminoso insano, que logo acaba morto. Quando o promotor público assume o caso, ele revela a corrupção no departamento e promete derrubar o homem responsável. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
O Conformista
The Colonel (voice)
Um italiano é atraído para o partido fascista quando é instruído a assassinar seu antigo professor universitário, um antifascista vocal exilado na França durante os anos 30. Baseado no romance homônimo de 1951, de Alberto Moravia.
La signora dalle camelie
Inquérito a um Cidadão Acima de Qualquer Suspeita
Em um momento de perturbação política interna na Itália, o inspetor de polícia recebe a tarefa de reprimir os dissidentes políticos. Dentre eles esta sua amante Augusta Terzi. Ele começa a testar os limites da polícia, vendo se irá ser acusado pelo crime. Assim, começa a plantar pistas óbivias que o identificam como o assassino da mulher, e vê seus colegas ignorando-as, seja intencionalmente ou não.
Ciccio loves very much the novel Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, although his friend Franco does not understand him.
O Homem Que Eu Amo
Le douanier
In America, two French expats, composer Henri and actress Françoise meet and fall in love with each other.
The SuperVips
Caretaker (voice)
A satire of modern society or perhaps just a funny tale for children, depending on your age, mood or liking. Recounting the adventures of the last in a line of Supermen, the film pokes fun at the processes that lie behind advertising, politics and our consumer society.
Angélica e o Sultão
Mezzo Morte
This film finds Angélique in a North African Muslim kingdom where she is now part of the Sultan's harem. The first part of the film consist of her angrily refusing to be bedded as well as their trying to literally beat some sense into her. It all seems to go on too long and I was surprised that the Sultan simply didn't have her killed. Late in the film, she finally decides to escape with the help of two Christian prisoners.
Untamable Angelique
Mezzo Morte
Angelique goes in search of her husband Joffrey de Peyrac who did not die on the stake.
A Million Dollars for 7 Murders
Zorro il ribelle
Don Alvarez
California, a province of the Spanish colony Mexico. Don Ramiro, the secretary of the tyrannical governor, is charged with assuring his son, don Luis, the chief of the military police, can marry Isaballe, the daughter of don Miguel, who plans to divide his land among his tenants, a recipe for revolt. Secretly don Ramoro is Zorro, the masked leader of the popular rebels. Both parties resort to desperate means, while don Carmello, the forcefully persuasive mission priest, guards morality.
Jerry Krueger
Para vingar-se do homem que abusou de sua mulher e depois a matou, o xerife se une a uma quadrilha de bandidos ao qual pertence seu inimigo. Tomando cuidado para não deixar revelar quem realmente ele é, o xerife inicia seu plano de vingança.
A Volta de Fantomas
Professeur canadien
In the second episode of the trilogy Fantômas kidnaps distinguished scientist professor Marchand with the aim to develop a super weapon that will enable him to menace the world. Fantômas is also planning to abduct a second scientist, professor Lefebvre.
Giant of the Evil Island
Don Alvarado
A Spanish sea captain is sent to clean out Evil Island, from where pirate bands are raiding Spanish shipping under the leadership of a pirate named Moloch.
Goliath at the Conquest of Damascus
Goliath (Peter Lupus) comes to the aid of the former King Selim in order to regain his throne and rescue his daughter (Anna Maria Polani).
Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon
Hercules goes to Babylon to rescue the Queen of the Hellenes and free the people of Babylon from slavery.
00-Dois Fugitivos de Sing-Sing
Alfred Attanasia
Dois atendentes em um banheiro público em Nova York salvar a vida do chefe da máfia Attanasia. Attanasia transforma um deles em um boxeador de sucesso, estabelecendo seus fósforos e faz o outro em sua mão direita. Quando uma guerra de gangues começa, os dois são acusados dos assassinatos e são sentenciados à morte. Quando chega o dia da execução, eles se recusam a deixar sua cela, mesmo quando são provados inocentes.
Temple of the White Elephant
Temple of the White Elephant
Castle of Blood
Dr. Carmus
A writer accepts a wager that he cannot spend the night alone in a haunted castle on All Soul's Eve. Once night falls at the castle, several who had been murdered therein return to life, reliving their deaths and seeking to kill the writer for his blood in a vain attempt to stay alive beyond that one night.
The Betrothed
Cardinale Federigo Borromeo
Renzo Tramaglino and Lucia Mondella are two poor farmers who are in love, but they are hampered by the wickedness of the powerful Don Rodrigo, who secretly loves Lucia. The two run away from Lake Como where they live, and take refuge inland.
Golias e o Cavaleiro Mascarado
Don Ramiro
In 16th century Spain, Don Francisco reluctantly betroths his daughter, Blanca, to the arrogant Don Ramiro in order to preserve the lands in the family estate. Then Don Juan, Don Francisco's nephew and Blanca's true love, returns from the war in Flanders. Don Juan dons a mask and joins with a gypsy band led by Estella to fight against the forces of Don Ramiro.
The Sign of the Coyote
Judge Clemens
California, 1847. The territory is about to be incorporated into the United States. Parker, the new governor, is a cruel man who believes that the time has come to get rich regardless of the means, but he will soon find a mysterious opponent driven to end his tyranny.
The Conquest of Mycenae
Gordon Scott plays Glaucus, the prince of Tiryns, a powerful warrior who goes undercover in Mycenae to infiltrate the evil cult of Moloch, which is exacting tribute from neighboring kingdoms in the form of attractive young hostages, both male and female. Calling himself "Hercules," Glaucus defeats Mycenae's champions and gains the favor of the voluptuous Queen Demetra (Rosalba Neri) whose son, covered in a dog's head mask, has been raised as the living embodiment of the dark god Moloch and receives sacrifices in his sprawling underground grotto.
Son of Hercules vs. Medusa
To avenge his father's death and free the people of Seriphos from the evil King Galinor of Argus, the noble Perseus must defeat a dragon -- and the monster Medusa, whose steely gaze has cast the kingdom's best soldiers into stone.
Son of Hercules vs. Medusa
To avenge his father's death and free the people of Seriphos from the evil King Galinor of Argus, the noble Perseus must defeat a dragon -- and the monster Medusa, whose steely gaze has cast the kingdom's best soldiers into stone.
O Triunfo de Robin Hood
barone Fitz Alwine
O popular anti-herói Robin Hood e seus companheiros da Floresta de Sherwood assumem a defesa dos interesses do Rei Ricardo Coração de Leão contra seu irmão, o Príncipe John, enquanto o primeiro está em sua Cruzada na Terra Santa.
A Guerra de Tróia
A história do cerco à Tróia, sob o ponto de vista de Enéas, o filme é repleto de personagens fascinantes. Enéas, segundo a interpretação do poeta Virgílio, é o mais sábio dos troianos e, que depois de dez anos de guerra, se tornou o defensor principal de se encontrar um fim para ela. A sabedoria e nobreza dele o levaram a ganhar um lugar à mesa com Rei Príamo e outros motivos, o colocaram em conflito com o ciumento Paris e a sua Helena. Abrindo com a morte de Heitor por Aquiles, o filme é recheado de relações pessoais complexas e vaidades mitológicas. John D. Barrymore interpreta Ulisses, um guerreiro inteligente, cínico e corajoso entre os gregos. A interpretação de Reeves traz nobreza a Enéas, demonstradas nas suas habilidades e seu físico. Fiel a história e fantástico!
Joseph and His Brethren
A brother is cast out from his family, sold in to slavery and then returns years later as a man of power - but shows forgiveness and compassion to his family through the strength of character given to him by God.
As Aventuras do Ladrão de Bagdad
Prince Osman
O ladrão Karim (Steve Reeves), corajosamente lidera um assalto numa festa celebrada pelo Sultão de Bagdad, em homenagem à visita do Príncipe Osman, fazendo-se passar pelo próprio príncipe. Fugindo, ele se escondendo no quarto da filha do sultão, a Princesa Amina (Giorgia Moll), por quem acaba se apaixonando à primeira vista. Mas o verdadeiro Osman está chegando a cidade para pedir a mão da princesa em casamento, e quando ela o rejeita, o maléfico Vizir real, oferece ao verdadeiro príncipe uma poção que fará a princesa apaixonar-se por ele. Mas a paixão da princesa por Karim é verdadeira, e a poção acaba por deixá-la doente. O sultão lança então uma corrida em busca da rosa mágica que curará a princesa, Karim sai em busca do remédio para finalmente poder casar com sua amada...
Revenge of the Barbarians
Un dollaro di fifa
Two conmen, Alamo and Mike, find shelter in Paradise City, which is full of jokers like themselves, who assume them to be lawmen and are almost hanged.
A Máscara do Demônio
Igor Javutich / Javuto
Uma bruxa vingativa e seu servo diabólico retornam da sepultura e iniciam uma campanha sangrenta para possuir o corpo do belo descendente da bruxa. Apenas o irmão da garota e um belo médico estão em seu caminho.
I piaceri del sabato notte
Un cliente dell'atelier
Behind the facade of a fashionable Milanese home, headed by Arabella, lies an efficient ring of high prostitution.
Caius Silius
Messalina was the Roman noblewoman who inveigled ageing emperor Claudio into marriage. Once ensconced on the throne, Messalina launched a reign of terror that shook the empire to its very foundations. The subject of countless film treatments, Rome's most villified empress is herein played by British actress Belinda Lee.
Caltiki, O Monstro Imortal
Academic researchers are chased by a nuclear-hot specimen of ancient Mayan blob.
O Terror dos Bárbaros
When barbarians invade his village and kill his father, a local man wages a one-man war against them.
As Façanhas de Hércules
O musculoso Hércules realiza seus trabalhos, navega com os Argonautas e vive um romance com a bela Iole. Inspirado na Mitologia Grega, o filme enfoca a figura de Hércules, o filho de Zeus que se tornou famoso graças à sua força descomunal e que, até sua morte trágica, protagonizou inúmeras façanhas, várias delas por exigência dos deuses. O roteiro do filme se vale da lenda dos Doze Trabalhos, fundindo-a com a de Jasão e os Argonautas.
Rosso e nero
The Last Race
Dottore Magni
Two young men are training for a rowing race on the Tiber. One of them, "Marco" is distracted by a new found love.
Yvonne of the Night
Un ufficiale di cavalleria
Carlo Rutelli falls in love with the beautiful variety singer Yvonne la Nuit, but his father opposes the wedding. World War I breaks out and Carlo is killed while Yvonne has a son, but on orders from Carlo's father, she is told he is dead. Her career descends and only Nino, an art partner, remains close to her and helps her earn her living by singing in taverns.