Glendyn Ivin

Glendyn Ivin


Glendyn Ivin


Um Milagre Inesperado
Após um trágico acidente, uma mulher encontra forças para viver quando sua família resgata e cuida de um pássaro ferido. Baseado numa inspiradora história real.
Theo Visser
On Anzac Day 2006 the Beaconsfield mine collapsed, trapping Russell, Webb and fellow miner Larry Knight one kilometre underground. When it was revealed that two of the men were alive, Australia prayed and the world waited in hope that the miners would make it out alive. But the rescue was far more complex than anyone ever imagined. Beaconsfield recounts this riveting story of mental and physical fortitude and two very different men who were trapped together for 14 days under rubble in a cramped, pitch-black metal basket no bigger than a dog kennel.
On Anzac Day 2006 the Beaconsfield mine collapsed, trapping Russell, Webb and fellow miner Larry Knight one kilometre underground. When it was revealed that two of the men were alive, Australia prayed and the world waited in hope that the miners would make it out alive. But the rescue was far more complex than anyone ever imagined. Beaconsfield recounts this riveting story of mental and physical fortitude and two very different men who were trapped together for 14 days under rubble in a cramped, pitch-black metal basket no bigger than a dog kennel.
Em Busca de Redenção
Quando seu pai o coloca dentro de um carro no meio da noite, Chook de 10 anos imagina que algo de muito errado está acontecendo. Pai e filho partem para uma jornada de final desconhecido onde ficará evidente seu relacionamento conturbado e a necessidade de sobreviverem. Um embate entre 2 forças questionando amizade, traição, amor e lealdade.
Cracker Bag
Eddie spends her pocket money collecting firecrackers, to prepare for Cracker Night. This key moment will live on in Eddie's memory, transforming her for life.