O poderoso Kong e o temível Godzilla se unem contra uma colossal ameaça mortal escondida no mundo dos humanos, que ameaça a existência de sua espécie e da nossa. Mergulhando profundamente nos mistérios da Ilha da Caveira e nas origens da Terra Oca, o filme irá explorar a antiga batalha de Titãs que ajudou a forjar esses seres extraordinários e os ligou à humanidade para sempre.
Executive Producer
O poderoso Kong e o temível Godzilla se unem contra uma colossal ameaça mortal escondida no mundo dos humanos, que ameaça a existência de sua espécie e da nossa. Mergulhando profundamente nos mistérios da Ilha da Caveira e nas origens da Terra Oca, o filme irá explorar a antiga batalha de Titãs que ajudou a forjar esses seres extraordinários e os ligou à humanidade para sempre.
O poderoso Kong e o temível Godzilla se unem contra uma colossal ameaça mortal escondida no mundo dos humanos, que ameaça a existência de sua espécie e da nossa. Mergulhando profundamente nos mistérios da Ilha da Caveira e nas origens da Terra Oca, o filme irá explorar a antiga batalha de Titãs que ajudou a forjar esses seres extraordinários e os ligou à humanidade para sempre.
Executive Producer
Depois de uma série de assassinatos brutais, um grupo de adolescentes enfrenta uma força maligna que aterroriza a cidade há séculos. Bem-vindos a Shadyside.
Executive Producer
Camille, uma jovem que chega à Fairfield Academy após a morte violenta e prematura de um aluno.
Em uma época em que os monstros andam na Terra, a luta da humanidade por seu futuro coloca Godzilla e Kong em rota de colisão que verá as duas forças mais poderosas da natureza no planeta se confrontarem em uma batalha espetacular para as idades. Enquanto Monarch embarca em uma missão perigosa em terreno desconhecido e descobre pistas sobre as origens dos Titãs, uma conspiração humana ameaça tirar as criaturas, boas e más, da face da terra para sempre.
Documentary about the making of the film The Beastmaster.
Dune Buggy Man
Amy entra numa espiral de loucura ao achar que vai morrer amanhã. Quando sua cética amiga descobre que o medo da morte de iminente dela é contagioso, as duas começam uma bizarra aventura no que pode ser o último dia da vida de ambas.
Um jovem usa os poderes de um caderno sobrenatural para matar bandidos, mas acaba atraindo a atenção de um detetive, um demônio e uma colega.
Original Music Composer
Um grupo de estudantes universitários se aventuram na floresta de Black Hills para desvendar os mistérios que cercam o desaparecimento da irmã de James, que muitos acreditam estar ligado à lenda da Bruxa de Blair. No início, o grupo está esperançoso, especialmente quando uma dupla de moradores se oferecem para guia-los na floresta. Mas com o cair da noite, o grupo é surpreendido por uma presença ameaçadora e lentamente, eles começam a perceber que a lenda é real e muito mais sinistra do que imaginaram.
Um grupo de estudantes universitários se aventuram na floresta de Black Hills para desvendar os mistérios que cercam o desaparecimento da irmã de James, que muitos acreditam estar ligado à lenda da Bruxa de Blair. No início, o grupo está esperançoso, especialmente quando uma dupla de moradores se oferecem para guia-los na floresta. Mas com o cair da noite, o grupo é surpreendido por uma presença ameaçadora e lentamente, eles começam a perceber que a lenda é real e muito mais sinistra do que imaginaram.
Um grupo de estudantes universitários se aventuram na floresta de Black Hills para desvendar os mistérios que cercam o desaparecimento da irmã de James, que muitos acreditam estar ligado à lenda da Bruxa de Blair. No início, o grupo está esperançoso, especialmente quando uma dupla de moradores se oferecem para guia-los na floresta. Mas com o cair da noite, o grupo é surpreendido por uma presença ameaçadora e lentamente, eles começam a perceber que a lenda é real e muito mais sinistra do que imaginaram.
Um dia, o soldado David chega à casa da família Peterson. Ele diz ser um amigo do filho dos Peterson, morto em combate, e logo é acolhido neste lar. Aos poucos, no entanto, uma série de mortes começam a acontecer entre os membros da família.
Um dia, o soldado David chega à casa da família Peterson. Ele diz ser um amigo do filho dos Peterson, morto em combate, e logo é acolhido neste lar. Aos poucos, no entanto, uma série de mortes começam a acontecer entre os membros da família.
Num futuro próximo, a água doce, nosso mais valioso bem, está muito escassa e a sociedade entrou em colapso. No vale Oregon assolado pela seca, um egoísta e ganancioso barão da água está determinado a acabar com todos os sobreviventes, mesmo que precise utilizar os meios mais violentos. A valente Kendal, uma garota de 17 anos, luta para defender o último poço de água livre que ainda funciona no ressequido vale.
Paul e Aubrey Davison convidam os seus filhos, já adultos, para celebrar o aniversário de casamento deles. O primeiro a chegar é Crispian, que vai com a namorada Erin, seguido pelos irmãos. A festa prossegue mas, na hora do jantar, velhas rivalidades ressurgem e a família é atacada por pessoas que usam máscaras de animais.
Paul e Aubrey Davison convidam os seus filhos, já adultos, para celebrar o aniversário de casamento deles. O primeiro a chegar é Crispian, que vai com a namorada Erin, seguido pelos irmãos. A festa prossegue mas, na hora do jantar, velhas rivalidades ressurgem e a família é atacada por pessoas que usam máscaras de animais.
Billy é um fotógrafo erótico cujas imagens ficam entre a fina arte e a pornografia. Junto com sua namorada, Alex, ele vive em um labirinto de drogas, sexo e modelos. Quando uma linda modelo aparece morta, Billy atrai a atenção do detetive Michael Bamfeaux, um policial instável lidando com demônios pessoais. Enquanto isso, Billy tenta iludir Rebecca, uma jovem curiosa e inocente, para sua pornografia, enquanto equilibra um complicado relacionamento com Callie, sua modelo favorita. Conforme a investigação se aprofunda, o detetive Bamfeaux entra no mundo de Billy, que ele preferia manter para si só.
Executive Producer
Seguindo o mesmo estilo de V/H/S, S-VHS é uma antologia com vários curtas de horror. Procurando por um estudante desaparecido, dois investigadores particulares vão parar numa casa abandona onde descobrem uma nova coleção de misteriosas fitas VHS. Assistindo aos horríveis vídeos, eles logo percebem que o desaparecimento do estudante tem motivações terríveis.
Seguindo o mesmo estilo de V/H/S, S-VHS é uma antologia com vários curtas de horror. Procurando por um estudante desaparecido, dois investigadores particulares vão parar numa casa abandona onde descobrem uma nova coleção de misteriosas fitas VHS. Assistindo aos horríveis vídeos, eles logo percebem que o desaparecimento do estudante tem motivações terríveis.
Seguindo o mesmo estilo de V/H/S, S-VHS é uma antologia com vários curtas de horror. Procurando por um estudante desaparecido, dois investigadores particulares vão parar numa casa abandona onde descobrem uma nova coleção de misteriosas fitas VHS. Assistindo aos horríveis vídeos, eles logo percebem que o desaparecimento do estudante tem motivações terríveis.
Vinte e seis cineastas dão vida a 26 histórias de morte. A cada uma foi atribuída uma letra e com ela devem iniciar a produção de um curta-metragem banhado a sangue. Engraçados e assustadores, eles fazem uma mostra colorida do gênero terror.
Vinte e seis cineastas dão vida a 26 histórias de morte. A cada uma foi atribuída uma letra e com ela devem iniciar a produção de um curta-metragem banhado a sangue. Engraçados e assustadores, eles fazem uma mostra colorida do gênero terror.
A man, the patient, is sitting in a doctor's office and the doctor is examining his camera. The camera is in the man's eye, which has been installed after a car accident took his sight from that eye. The doctor informs the patient that everything will be recorded and monitored for research purposes.
Um grupo de pequenos criminosos é contratado para recuperar um vídeo encontrado em uma casa dilapidada no meio do nada. Eles logo percebem que o trabalho não vai ser tão fácil quanto pensavam. Ao procurarem o certo entre pilhas de fitas VHS, eles se deparam com um número aparentemente interminável de vídeos assustadores, cada um mais estranho que o último.
Director of Photography
Um grupo de pequenos criminosos é contratado para recuperar um vídeo encontrado em uma casa dilapidada no meio do nada. Eles logo percebem que o trabalho não vai ser tão fácil quanto pensavam. Ao procurarem o certo entre pilhas de fitas VHS, eles se deparam com um número aparentemente interminável de vídeos assustadores, cada um mais estranho que o último.
Um grupo de pequenos criminosos é contratado para recuperar um vídeo encontrado em uma casa dilapidada no meio do nada. Eles logo percebem que o trabalho não vai ser tão fácil quanto pensavam. Ao procurarem o certo entre pilhas de fitas VHS, eles se deparam com um número aparentemente interminável de vídeos assustadores, cada um mais estranho que o último.
Um grupo de pequenos criminosos é contratado para recuperar um vídeo encontrado em uma casa dilapidada no meio do nada. Eles logo percebem que o trabalho não vai ser tão fácil quanto pensavam. Ao procurarem o certo entre pilhas de fitas VHS, eles se deparam com um número aparentemente interminável de vídeos assustadores, cada um mais estranho que o último.
A woman named Emily and her boyfriend, James, video chat and talk about her apartment being haunted. James does not believe this but recorded scares around the apartment occur.
A woman named Emily and her boyfriend, James, video chat and talk about her apartment being haunted. James does not believe this but recorded scares around the apartment occur.
"V / H / S" (2012) is an anthology of several stories, all of which feature "found footage". Each individual tape is framed by a story (titled "Tape 56") that follows a team of masked criminals that are sent by an unknown person to retrieve a VHS tape from a seemingly empty house.
Camera Operator
"V / H / S" (2012) is an anthology of several stories, all of which feature "found footage". Each individual tape is framed by a story (titled "Tape 56") that follows a team of masked criminals that are sent by an unknown person to retrieve a VHS tape from a seemingly empty house.
"V / H / S" (2012) is an anthology of several stories, all of which feature "found footage". Each individual tape is framed by a story (titled "Tape 56") that follows a team of masked criminals that are sent by an unknown person to retrieve a VHS tape from a seemingly empty house.
"V / H / S" (2012) is an anthology of several stories, all of which feature "found footage". Each individual tape is framed by a story (titled "Tape 56") that follows a team of masked criminals that are sent by an unknown person to retrieve a VHS tape from a seemingly empty house.
"V / H / S" (2012) is an anthology of several stories, all of which feature "found footage". Each individual tape is framed by a story (titled "Tape 56") that follows a team of masked criminals that are sent by an unknown person to retrieve a VHS tape from a seemingly empty house.
Emily and Andrew, a young couple living in Memphis, agree to babysit their friend’s 6-month-old for a day. The experience causes them to examine their own relationship and their feelings about marriage and children.
Emily and Andrew, a young couple living in Memphis, agree to babysit their friend’s 6-month-old for a day. The experience causes them to examine their own relationship and their feelings about marriage and children.
Director of Photography
Emily and Andrew, a young couple living in Memphis, agree to babysit their friend’s 6-month-old for a day. The experience causes them to examine their own relationship and their feelings about marriage and children.
An anthology of one-minute films created by 60 international filmmakers on the theme of the death of cinema. Intended as an ode to 35mm, the film was screened one time only on a purpose-built 20x12 meter public cinema screen in the Port of Tallinn, Estonia, on 22 December 2011. A special projector was constructed for the event which allowed the actual filmstrip to be burnt at the same time as the film was shown.
A short abstract film about love and modernity, created for inclusion in the "60 Seconds of Solitude in Year Zero" project, for which directors from all over the world created one-minute short films which were screened one time only for free on a temporary public screen, after which both the screen and the sole print of the film were burned.
A short abstract film about love and modernity, created for inclusion in the "60 Seconds of Solitude in Year Zero" project, for which directors from all over the world created one-minute short films which were screened one time only for free on a temporary public screen, after which both the screen and the sole print of the film were burned.
Caitlin, a young Chicago performance artist, struggles to create work that is both personal and political. A piece she performs about the BP oil spill sends her relationship into a tailspin because her onstage nudity bothers her boyfriend.
Tension mounts between a director and his lead actress on the set of a sexually explicit low-budget film. As the actress and her co-star develop real feelings for each other, the director's jealousy erupts and he begins sabotaging his own production.
Tension mounts between a director and his lead actress on the set of a sexually explicit low-budget film. As the actress and her co-star develop real feelings for each other, the director's jealousy erupts and he begins sabotaging his own production.
Tension mounts between a director and his lead actress on the set of a sexually explicit low-budget film. As the actress and her co-star develop real feelings for each other, the director's jealousy erupts and he begins sabotaging his own production.
An anthology film consisting of four segments, entitled "Hot Boys," "The Sleep Creep," "The Meat Man," and "Silver Bullets," each of which obliquely dramatizes an incident of sexual assault. The four stories take place in the same small American town on four different holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day. "What Fun We Were Having" screened publicly once at the 2011 Fantasia International Film Festival, but received no further distribution.
An anthology film consisting of four segments, entitled "Hot Boys," "The Sleep Creep," "The Meat Man," and "Silver Bullets," each of which obliquely dramatizes an incident of sexual assault. The four stories take place in the same small American town on four different holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day. "What Fun We Were Having" screened publicly once at the 2011 Fantasia International Film Festival, but received no further distribution.
An anthology film consisting of four segments, entitled "Hot Boys," "The Sleep Creep," "The Meat Man," and "Silver Bullets," each of which obliquely dramatizes an incident of sexual assault. The four stories take place in the same small American town on four different holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day. "What Fun We Were Having" screened publicly once at the 2011 Fantasia International Film Festival, but received no further distribution.
An anthology film consisting of four segments, entitled "Hot Boys," "The Sleep Creep," "The Meat Man," and "Silver Bullets," each of which obliquely dramatizes an incident of sexual assault. The four stories take place in the same small American town on four different holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day. "What Fun We Were Having" screened publicly once at the 2011 Fantasia International Film Festival, but received no further distribution.
Camera Operator
Autoerotic follows four interconnected Chicago couples as they explore the boundaries of self-pleasure and sexual exploration. Through a unique blend of outrageous comedy and in-your-face sex, Autoerotic insightfully illuminates the private sexual lives of America’s urbanites.
Autoerotic follows four interconnected Chicago couples as they explore the boundaries of self-pleasure and sexual exploration. Through a unique blend of outrageous comedy and in-your-face sex, Autoerotic insightfully illuminates the private sexual lives of America’s urbanites.
Autoerotic follows four interconnected Chicago couples as they explore the boundaries of self-pleasure and sexual exploration. Through a unique blend of outrageous comedy and in-your-face sex, Autoerotic insightfully illuminates the private sexual lives of America’s urbanites.
Autoerotic follows four interconnected Chicago couples as they explore the boundaries of self-pleasure and sexual exploration. Through a unique blend of outrageous comedy and in-your-face sex, Autoerotic insightfully illuminates the private sexual lives of America’s urbanites.
Autoerotic follows four interconnected Chicago couples as they explore the boundaries of self-pleasure and sexual exploration. Through a unique blend of outrageous comedy and in-your-face sex, Autoerotic insightfully illuminates the private sexual lives of America’s urbanites.
A mysterious visitor spends the night at an apartment belonging to a young engaged couple and their friend. Over the course of the night and the following day he sleeps with all three roommates and then disappears, leading to conversations about God, life and filmmaking.
A mysterious visitor spends the night at an apartment belonging to a young engaged couple and their friend. Over the course of the night and the following day he sleeps with all three roommates and then disappears, leading to conversations about God, life and filmmaking.
An escaped murderer is in pursuit of his ex-girlfriend, who has fled to start a new life in a small town.
An escaped murderer is in pursuit of his ex-girlfriend, who has fled to start a new life in a small town.
Camera Operator
Laura Panic is convinced that her boyfriend comes from outer space. Something will have to be done about it. The third in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
Laura Panic is convinced that her boyfriend comes from outer space. Something will have to be done about it. The third in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
Laura Panic is convinced that her boyfriend comes from outer space. Something will have to be done about it. The third in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
Camera Operator
A young woman gets a hotel room and contends with sleep deprivation. The third in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
A young woman gets a hotel room and contends with sleep deprivation. The third in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
A young woman gets a hotel room and contends with sleep deprivation. The third in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
A young woman gets a hotel room and contends with sleep deprivation. The third in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
Laura is in love with a man who hasn't quite noticed her yet. He's clearly not very observant, since she's been stalking him for days. The first in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
Laura is in love with a man who hasn't quite noticed her yet. He's clearly not very observant, since she's been stalking him for days. The first in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
Laura is in love with a man who hasn't quite noticed her yet. He's clearly not very observant, since she's been stalking him for days. The first in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
Laura is in love with a man who hasn't quite noticed her yet. He's clearly not very observant, since she's been stalking him for days. The first in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
Laura is in love with a man who hasn't quite noticed her yet. He's clearly not very observant, since she's been stalking him for days. The first in Adam Wingard's "Forgot My Meds" trilogy of short films.
Mary has a problem. And it’s right in front of her. It’s in front of everyone else too, only they haven’t recognized it yet.
Mary has a problem. And it’s right in front of her. It’s in front of everyone else too, only they haven’t recognized it yet.
Mary has a problem. And it’s right in front of her. It’s in front of everyone else too, only they haven’t recognized it yet.
Mary has a problem. And it’s right in front of her. It’s in front of everyone else too, only they haven’t recognized it yet.
Mary has a problem. And it’s right in front of her. It’s in front of everyone else too, only they haven’t recognized it yet.
Camera Operator
This DVD is a recording of the show Patton Oswalt performed at the 40 Watt Club in Athens, Georgia . It's a version of his Werewolves and Lollipops show, second solo album, and he ranges from talking about Kentucky Fried Chicken's famous bowls to his work as television writer.
This DVD is a recording of the show Patton Oswalt performed at the 40 Watt Club in Athens, Georgia . It's a version of his Werewolves and Lollipops show, second solo album, and he ranges from talking about Kentucky Fried Chicken's famous bowls to his work as television writer.
Addled prescription drug addict Daniel finds himself unraveling further under the stress of a recent breakup. Worse yet, he lives in a house haunted by nightmarish events from the past, images of which torment him in terrifying dreams. This hallucinatory horror film leaps off the screen with its disturbingly vivid visuals.
Addled prescription drug addict Daniel finds himself unraveling further under the stress of a recent breakup. Worse yet, he lives in a house haunted by nightmarish events from the past, images of which torment him in terrifying dreams. This hallucinatory horror film leaps off the screen with its disturbingly vivid visuals.
Addled prescription drug addict Daniel finds himself unraveling further under the stress of a recent breakup. Worse yet, he lives in a house haunted by nightmarish events from the past, images of which torment him in terrifying dreams. This hallucinatory horror film leaps off the screen with its disturbingly vivid visuals.
Samantha, Lydia, Isabella, and Lisa. These four young women are about to learn that humanity is just an irrelevant flame burning nowhere in the vastness of space. Their dreams will be shattered and one man will marvel at the evil he has committed.
Samantha, Lydia, Isabella, and Lisa. These four young women are about to learn that humanity is just an irrelevant flame burning nowhere in the vastness of space. Their dreams will be shattered and one man will marvel at the evil he has committed.
Samantha, Lydia, Isabella, and Lisa. These four young women are about to learn that humanity is just an irrelevant flame burning nowhere in the vastness of space. Their dreams will be shattered and one man will marvel at the evil he has committed.
Samantha, Lydia, Isabella, and Lisa. These four young women are about to learn that humanity is just an irrelevant flame burning nowhere in the vastness of space. Their dreams will be shattered and one man will marvel at the evil he has committed.
A maniac with a suitcase full of razorblades unleashes a super human killer upon a group of kids in a small Alabama town. They must take up arms with a insane Chili enthusiast if they want to survive.
Camera Car
A stunt goes wrong on the behind the scenes of this indie film shoot.
A stunt goes wrong on the behind the scenes of this indie film shoot.
A stunt goes wrong on the behind the scenes of this indie film shoot.
A stunt goes wrong on the behind the scenes of this indie film shoot.
Made as a part of the Winter 2006 Sidewalk Scramble.
Director of Photography
A young woman is taken over by an evil entity on the way to meeting her boyfriend's parents for the first time.
A young woman is taken over by an evil entity on the way to meeting her boyfriend's parents for the first time.
A young woman is taken over by an evil entity on the way to meeting her boyfriend's parents for the first time.
A night of babysitting takes a horrific turn when the baby goes missing.
Director of Photography
A night of babysitting takes a horrific turn when the baby goes missing.
A night of babysitting takes a horrific turn when the baby goes missing.
Short film by Adam Wingard.
Short film by Adam Wingard.
Short film by Adam Wingard.
Scoring Mixer
Short film by Adam Wingard.
Short film by Adam Wingard.
Short film by Adam Wingard.
Short film by Adam Wingard.
Short film by Adam Wingard.
A re-imagining of the hit '80s animated TV series of the same name.
A re-imagining of the hit '80s animated TV series of the same name.