Tobias Datum


Seguindo em Frente
Director of Photography
Duas amigas de longa data se reencontram em um funeral e decidem se vingar do viúvo que as prejudicou décadas antes.
Director of Photography
Neste filme inspirado em uma história real, um pai viúvo lida com dúvidas, medos, decepções e mamadeiras ao assumir a tarefa de criar sua filha sozinho.
Saída à Francesa
Director of Photography
Frances (Michelle Pfeiffer) é uma socialite viúva sem dinheiro de Manhattan cujo marido morreu há quase duas décadas. Com sua herança, ela ganha o último de seus bens e resolve viver...
Adam Niskar
Director of Photography
Adam Niskar é um jovem trabalhador que está em seu melhor momento. Além de receber uma promoção no emprego, ele vive um romance com Christine. No entanto, um acidente faz com que Adam fique tetraplégico, mudando sua vida completamente. Agora, ele precisa lidar com os desafios do novo mundo que bate à sua porta. Baseado em uma história real.
Bel Canto
Director of Photography
Roxane Coss, uma famosa soprano americana, viaja para uma país vivendo sob uma ditadura militar, na América do Sul, para dar um concerto privado na festa de aniversário do rico industrial japonês Katsumi Hosokawa. Mas as coisas não saem como planejado, e o bonito encontro é tomado pelo medo quando a casa é invadida por guerrilheiros fortemente armados, liderados pelo general Benjamin, exigindo a libertação de seus companheiros presos.
Foam at the Mouth
Director of Photography
After losing his leg, ex-cop Didzis focuses on training his three beloved police dogs. His estranged wife Jana, a doctor at the local sports school, seeks romantic fulfilment with Roberts, a 17-year-old student and a promising swimmer. After a secret randez-vous, Jana hits a rabid wild boar with her car and eventually spreads the virus to Didzis’ dogs. The accident ignites dark suspicion and jealousy in Didzis. Busy with finding and punishing Jana’s secret lover, Didzis overlooks the ever-growing strangeness and aggression in his now infected dogs. Just as the love triangle becomes toxic, the dogs escape and threaten the local town. Facing both personal and professional fiasco, Didzis decides to take matter in his own hands.
Os Amantes
Director of Photography
Mary (Debra Winger) e Michael (Tracy Letts) estão juntos há um longo tempo. Eles sofrem com o matrimônio e a falta de paixão de um com o outro. Ambos estão tendo sérios casos com amantes e quando estão quase trazendo o assunto à tona, uma faísca reacende entre os dois, reiniciando neles um impulsivo romance.
Not Yet Titled
After an 87 day labor dispute the New York Symphony Orchestra returned to play music. This is the story of that day.
Director of Photography
A young, recently-released and unpredictable ex-con with bad luck, and a sexy, listless girl-next-door with a troubled family, become trapped in a downward spiral of crime and obsessive love, as they try to ditch their dead-end town for a better life.
Director of Photography
A young woman's friendship with a drug-dealing drifter evolves into a lesbian romance.
Matei minha amiga
Director of Photography
Shane Riley (Katrina Bowden) e Heather Thomas (Olivia Crocicchia) não se conheciam até darem à luz juntas no mesmo hospital. Depois disso, logo se tornaram melhoras amigas e passaram a compartilhar as dificuldades e as alegrias da maternidade. Mas o misterioso assassinato de uma delas acaba levantando uma questão: será que elas mesmo tão amigas?
Aprendendo Com a Vovó
Director of Photography
Elle Reid (Lily Tomlin) se fechou para o mundo após perder sua parceira, com quem viveu durante 38 anos. Antissocial e com um senso de humor ácido, ela terá que sair de "sua bolha de proteção" quando sua neta pede ajuda. As duas enfrentam uma viagem de um dia, que faz Ellie ter que confrontar seu passado e florescer, enquanto a jovem terá que se preparar para enfrentar o futuro.
Authors Anonymous
Director of Photography
Um grupo de escritores é formado por membros que possuem uma característica em comum: nenhum deles conseguiu publicar seus livros. Quando aceitam a novata Hannah em uma reunião, algo acontece: ela logo encontra um editor interessado em publicar a sua obra. O sucesso repentin o desta escritora desperta paixões, ciúmes e inveja entre os colegas.
Boys On Film 11: We Are Animals
Director of Photography
Boys On Film showcases short works from around the world that challenge genre, initiate discussion and explore issues of sexuality in beautiful ways. Volume 11: We Are Animals contains eight complete films: Dominic Haxton's "We Are Animals" starring Daniel Landroche, Clint Napier, and Drew Droege; "Burger" from director Magnus Mork; Shaz Bennett's "Alaska Is A Drag" starring Martin L. Washington Jr., Spencer Broschard, and Barret Lewis; Carlos Augusto de Oliveira's "Three Summers" starring Morten Kirkskov and Simon Munk; Nicholas Verso's "The Last Time I Saw Richard" starring Toby Wallace, Cody Fern, and Brian Lipson; Eldar Rapaport's "Little Man" starring Daniel Boys, Darren Evans, and Jamie Thompson; Rodrigo Barriuso's "For Dorian" starring Ron Lea and Dylan Harman; and Bryan Horch's "Spooners" starring Walter Replogle and Ben Lerman.
Director of Photography
A young man discovers a strange woman in his house who just wants to "meet him"...
Mother, I Love You
Director of Photography
12-year-old Raimonds tries to cover up a bad note at school and starts a spiral of lies, which spins out of control. He has to venture into Riga’s thrilling night-life to save his saxophone, his friendship and his face in front of his mother. An exciting story about the healing power of truth.
O Beijo do Vampiro
Director of Photography
Seduzida por Paolo (Milo Ventimiglia), a vampira Djuna (Joséphine de la Baume) não consegue resistir e entrega-se ao rapaz, dando início a um relacionamento amoroso. Mas a relação se complica com a chegada inesperada da irmã de Djuna, capaz de perturbar toda a comunidade de vampiros.
Alaska is a Drag
Director of Photography
Leo's dreams of being an international drag superstar are hard fought working in a fish cannery in Alaska.
Smashed: De Volta à Realidade
Director of Photography
Kate, uma professora de Los Angeles, e seu marido Charlie têm problemas com a bebida. Até agora, a vida dela parece ser uma grande festa de embriaguez, mas sua última bebedeira a afeta no trabalho e, mais tarde, ela passa a noite sozinha na rua. Kate, então, percebe que atingiu o fundo do poço. Ela concorda em participar de reuniões dos Alcoólicos Anônimos com o vice-diretor da escola e toma seu primeiro passo no caminho desafiador para a sobriedade.
Free Hugs
Director of Photography
Free Hugs captures the "rock bottom" moment of post-breakup wallowing, when friends lose their patience, and the pitiless world moves on without you. We follow the hilariously bitter Billie (Jaclyn Jonet) as she attempts to find catharsis through comfort food (and wine), sawing her belongings in half and attacking a particularly meaningful local monument. Ultimately Billie must slam into the harsh reality of heartbreak before she can understand that sometimes the purest form of love is a free hug from a stranger.
Director of Photography
Terri é um adolescente alienado e solitário, órfão de um tio que está desaparecendo gradualmente, terrivelmente ridicularizado pelos colegas de turma e completamente ignorado pelos professores. Quando o temido vice-diretor reconhece seus traços no garoto, nasce uma amizade que muda a vida de Terri.
The Thief
Director of Photography
When a thief enters a house desperately looking for money, he finds something more valuable.
What happens when a bartender on a mission to find her cheating boyfriend gets stuck driving a drunk high-schooler home? Trans Am, emergency room, strip club, showdown, vomit, sunrise. Yeah.
A Informante
Second Unit Director of Photography
Adaptação para longa-metragem das experiências de Kathryn Bolkova (Rachel Weisz), uma policial do Nebraska que serviu nas forças de manutenção de paz na Bósnia do pós-guerra, e que expôs a hierarquia militar das Nações Unidas por ter encoberto um escândalo de tráfico sexual.
Director of Photography
Um drama centrado nas provações e tribulações de uma orgulhosa mãe solteira imigrante cristã palestina e seu filho adolescente na pequena cidade de Indiana.
Director of Photography
Former Yugoslavia. 1997. 17 year old VIKO shares a squalid, cramped apartment with his family, all struggling for survival. His only joy is with his girlfriend LILA, and their dream of escaping to London. When his older brother, IVAN, finally offers him some black market work, that dream suddenly seems within reach. Enlisted as a driver for his brother, Viko hopes to make his money and go. But instead, Viko is drawn into a web of sex-trafficking, when he is forced to stand in for a 'disappeared' member of the gang. Overnight, he is brought into the belly of an organization he might never escape. And into a role from which he may never recover. The story of a boy's induction into a sex-trafficking ring, VIKO explores the devastating effect of violence on victim and perpetrator alike.
Momma's Man
Director of Photography
In Momma's Man an adult decides to escape the pressures of life and return to his old bedroom at his parents' house. An odd premise, but executed with skill and tenderness.
Broken Glass
Director of Photography
After being caught in the arms of her lover, Alessandra (Danielle James), artist Valentina (Mariela Santos) is given a devastating ultimatum: be heterosexual or be disowned. The trauma forces a duality in her, and her male ego, Valentin (Gustavo Camelot), emerges to take over. Spiraling out of control, her life is manipulated by seven bottles of wine made to celebrate her milestones. And in the magic of the seventh bottle, she finds redemption.
Director of Photography
Two stories unfold over the same long, hot day in Acapulco. The first involves Fernanda, who is forced to deal with the emergence of her ex-lover. Her boyfriend must compete with the sexual tension they share. The second concerns Jamie, a worker attempting suicide, until a girl disrupts his plan.