Pablo Cervantes

Pablo Cervantes

Nascimento : 1977-09-07, Seville, Spain


Pablo Cervantes Gutiérrez (Seville, September 7, 1977), is a Spanish musician and composer. Professionally, he has worked composing for different television programs on Canal Sur, Giralda Televisión, Vía Digital, or Televisión Española and composing original soundtracks, both for feature films, and for short films, especially for José Luis Garci. At the 2013 Goya gala, he became the unwitting protagonist when the presenters of the best song award were mistaken, naming him instead of the prize winner. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Pablo Cervantes
Pablo Cervantes
Pablo Cervantes


The Ponzán Network
Original Music Composer
During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and the Second World War (1939-1945), around three thousand people managed to elude their pursuers, and probably also avoided being killed, thanks to the heroic and very efficient efforts of the Ponzán Team, a brave group of people — mountain guides, forgers, safe house keepers and many others —, led by Francisco Ponzán Vidal, who managed to save their lives, both on one side and the other of the border between Spain and France.
To Spanish Women. María Lejárraga
A fictionalised documentary that tells the story of María Lejárraga, writer and pioneer of feminism in Spain during the 1920s, whose work was produced under the name of her husband, the theatre impresario Gergorio Marinez Sierra. Lejárraga was the most prolific Spanish female playwright of all time. She is the author of works such as "Cancion de cuna", as well as a member of parliament for the Second Republic and founder of pioneering projects for women's rights and freedoms.
Antonio Machado: los días azules
Documenting the world of the famous Spanish poet Antonio Machado, including the places where he lived and worked.
Para toda la muerte
Original Music Composer
Casas Viejas 1933
Original Music Composer
On January 8th, 1933, a general strike was declared throughout Spain. The strike was quickly quelled, except in Casas Viejas, a small village in Cádiz. During the repression, the security forces of the Second Republic murdered in cold blood twenty-two peasants, including women and children.
Once Again
Abril left Daniel behind 5 years ago, when she decided to try her luck in London. She is back home now, to bury her grandmother. Walking the streets of what was her home with the man who was her love, she realizes she had missed it all.
Solar Lands
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío fulfilled a dream of youth, travelling to Spain and touring Andalusia. It was a journey in search of the sun and a light that would heal him from his chronic bronchitis and the sadness in which he was submerged. An expedition in search of beauty, to the lands of the sun. Solar Lands presents this little-mentioned moment in the life of Darío, but it also helps us to learn about his life and the main characteristics and importance of his complete work from the hand of specialists and high-level women and men of letters. The actor Pedro Casablanc gives voice to the verses of Rubén Darío in this beautiful documentary, which was Laura Hojman's first directing work.
Asesinato en la Universidad
Original Music Composer
Em 1543, na Universidade de Salamanca, na Espanha, Fray Antonio Román, um monge agostiniano que difunde idéias humanistas, considerado herético, entre seus alunos mais inquisitivos, um grupo clandestino de quatro liderados pelo brilhante noviço Luis de León, morre misteriosamente em circunstâncias indescritíveis. Nos dias de hoje, a historiadora Lara Cabanes é contratada para descobrir se o monge foi assassinado, como se suspeita e lhe é dito, mas a tarefa não será fácil de ser realizada.
Quando os Anjos Dormem
Original Music Composer
Germán (Julián Villagrán) é um executivo de uma importante empresa de seguro de vida ocupado demais com o trabalho para dar atenção a sua família amorosa. Quando, na noite do aniversário de sua filha pequena, ele tenta dirigir para casa exausto de tanto trabalhar, um acidente transforma aquela noite em um terrível pesadelo.
23 Disparos
Rebelde nas Alturas
Mexico 1968: students are the public enemy. Mitch, a wealthy student of Monterrey, hijacks a plane to retrieve Beatrice, who has been kidnapped by the secret police six months ago. Armed with a gun, which he doesn't know how to use, and helped by his two friends as allies, Mitch will face the most bloodthirsty General and force him to release the love of his life.
La gran ola
A Prueba
Original Music Composer
Marta, who is in probationary period in the border guard, realizes how a simple traffic ticket on the border turns into blackmail on the authority. This fact will make her question everything.
Ebre, del bressol a la batalla
In 1938 the Spanish Civil War has worn both armies and destroyed the mood of the people of both sides. The differences between national Republicans however are revealing: The fascist side has the unconditional support of arms and men facilitated by Hitler and Mussolini while the Republican army is ignored by a Europe more concerned of a possible World War than the fate of Spain. Thousands of young people between 17 and 18 rows are called by the republican army. These are the main characters, four young for whom the Battle of the Ebro will be the first direct contact with the war. This film tells the story of these young people forced to leave behind innocence and into whistling bullets.
Innocent Killers
Original Music Composer
Garralda is a troubled college student who only has to pass one last subject to obtain his academic degree. When his teacher catches him copying on a test, he requires him to perform a very unethical task in exchange for passing and thus achieving his goal.
The fight between an elderly man and a mosquito. How far a decent citizen in our civilization is willing to go to kill a small insect.
The Future
When their parents die, Bianca starts to smoke and Tomas is still a virgin. The orphans explore the dangerous streets of adulthood until Bianca finds Maciste, a retired Mr. Universe, and enters his dark mansion in search of a future.
The Future
Original Music Composer
When their parents die, Bianca starts to smoke and Tomas is still a virgin. The orphans explore the dangerous streets of adulthood until Bianca finds Maciste, a retired Mr. Universe, and enters his dark mansion in search of a future.
The Wild Children
Original Music Composer
Alex,Gabi and Oki, three teenagers living in a big city, are completely unknown to their parents, to their teachers and for themselves. Their emotional isolation, led to the limit, will have unexpected and terrible consequences that will shake society.
Reflexiones de un picaporte
Original Music Composer
La banda en la isla de la magia
The boys of 'La Banda' who are a sensation among children get involved in an adventure to avoid the children's happines to be taken away.
Blood of May
Revolution in Spain, around the events of 2 May 1808, when the people of Madrid rise up in rebellion against French occupation.
Sunday Light
Original Music Composer
The small Asturian village of Cenciella, Spain, at the beginning of the twentieth century. The quiet life of Urbano and Estrella, a kind and naive couple in love, is seriously altered when they get involved in the fierce struggle between the local political factions.
Tiovivo c. 1950
Original Music Composer
This movie has any coherent plot. It is more the portrait of the lives of different people in the hard years of post-war in Spain (the 40's), and how people manage to survive in a country desolated by the war. Like other films: la colmena or roma (fellini) it shows us lots of characters and some moments of their lives.
Historia de un beso
You're the One
Julia, an only child of an affluent, bank owning family living in Madrid, escapes from her family to get over her grief that her boyfriend has been imprisoned. Julia is a well educated woman, having studied in Switzerland and England, who wants to become a writer. Julia drives to a little village in Asturias called "Corralbos del Sella" and there she stays in a mansion "llendelabarca" of an old childhood friend "Pilara" she had spent many a happy summer with. Also living there is Pilara's mother in law Tia Gala, and her grandson Juanito. Julia's relationship with caretakers, teacher and priest makes Julia, a woman of the spanish capital, perhaps for the first time to not feel so alone.