Franco Marotta


L'ultimo Dei Corleonesi
The rise and fall of sicilian most important mafia bosses after WWII: Luciano Liggio, Totò Riina and Bernardo Provenzano, all from Corleone. Their friendship and struggle against italian state.
L'ultimo Dei Corleonesi
The rise and fall of sicilian most important mafia bosses after WWII: Luciano Liggio, Totò Riina and Bernardo Provenzano, all from Corleone. Their friendship and struggle against italian state.
La provinciale
In 1950s Italy, a young woman from a poor background strives for a better life.
Italian made-for-TV drama.
Filme retrata o desastre em Marcinelle, mostrando a incompetência e até descaso das autoridades. Ocorreu na manhã de 8 de agosto de 1956 na mina de carvão do Bois du Cazier em Marcinelle , na Bélgica . Um incêndio causado pela queima de óleo de alta pressão desencadeada por uma faísca elétrica. O fogo iniciou no duto de ar principal, encheu toda a instalação subterrânea de fumaça, causando a morte de 262 pessoas dos 275 presentes, principalmente emigrantes italianos . O acidente é o terceiro em número de baixas entre italianos no exterior após os desastres de Monongah e Dawson.
The Theft of St. Peter's Treasure
Rome is on the thresh-hold of the Holy year 1925, the city wishes to present itself as 'spotless' to the outside world. The appearance of a child's corpse puts an end to these aspirations. The police arrest a small time crook who has committed a robbery but has nothing to do with the murder of the child.
La casa bruciata
1998 Made-for-TV Italian film.
Villa Maltraversi
The body of one of the Villa owners is found lifeless in the tub. The accusations are immediately turned against the plumber.
The Blonde in Black
Imperfect Crimes
A psychiatrist is murdered and a rich heiress fears her disturbed lover will be implicated as the killer. She hires an ex-lover lawyer friend to help her defend him but when he turns up dead, the lawyer realizes he´s in over his head.
Private Crimes
This Italian TV mini-series (4 episodes) is directed by giallo great Sergio Martino and stars some of the most recognizable stars of Italian genre cinema, including Edwige Fenech, Ray Lovelock, and Alida Valli. Story: Sandra Venturi, studying to be a singer at the conservatory of music in the Italian town of Lucca, has a promising career in opera ahead of her. On the eve of her nineteenth birthday, during a thunderstorm, the young singer leaves the apartment she shares with her mother Nicole Venturi, a journalist. Sandra is on her way to a secret rendezvous with a married man. He is murdered shortly before Sandra arrives at the deserted villa outside the town which they had chosen as their meeting point. When Marco's corpse is discovered the next morning, Nicole senses that reporting this case will make her famous outside her local region. What she doesn't know is that her daughter is also missing ...
From Night to Dawn
Ne parliamo lunedì
Nico runs the Nevada motel with his wife Alba, near an Italian country road. boredom looms and so the couple indulges in erotic games. Assathan she, perverted him, to enliven the situation by advertising to the local, Nico hires Marcello, to solve the problem of the profitability of the motel .
School of Thieves 2
In this second episode Dalmazio and Egisto come, respectively, from the prison and the insane asylum. They risk a second arrest for their awkwardness so they return from their "uncle" who is willing to help them.
Firefighters 2: Heroic Mission
Following a twinning between the national fire brigade and the special forces of the Canadian firefighters, Captain Carter arrives in Rome.
Firefighters 2: Heroic Mission
Following a twinning between the national fire brigade and the special forces of the Canadian firefighters, Captain Carter arrives in Rome.
Who Is Afraid Of Dracula?
Fracchia is desperate: he has to sell a house with at least five bathrooms within three days or his boss will fire him. Incredibly, he and his pal Filini manage to find the perfect house, a castle in Transylvania owned by some count Vlad... things get even worse when they meet the Count and his sister, who has a crush on Fracchia and decides to marry him!
Who Is Afraid Of Dracula?
Fracchia is desperate: he has to sell a house with at least five bathrooms within three days or his boss will fire him. Incredibly, he and his pal Filini manage to find the perfect house, a castle in Transylvania owned by some count Vlad... things get even worse when they meet the Count and his sister, who has a crush on Fracchia and decides to marry him!
The Repenter
A judge on crusade to take down the Italian Mafia uses a gangster turned state's witness (a so-called "repenter") and a New York banker to do it. But things aren't quite what they seem.
A me mi piace
Arturo is a Tv content autor scared by the love. Mike is an old american friend that come to visit him because his girlfriend has broken with him. Everyone wants somebody to love.
A me mi piace
Arturo is a Tv content autor scared by the love. Mike is an old american friend that come to visit him because his girlfriend has broken with him. Everyone wants somebody to love.
In the barracks of the "Settecamini" fire brigade in Rome, the shabby Squadra 17 tackles missions with resounding failures, waiting in vain for a chance for redemption.
The Sicilian Connection
Mario (Placido), an Italian American who manages a pizzeria in NYC, is charged with an assassination of a judge in Palermo. He leaves the States, comes back to Sicily and recruit Michele, his younger brother, for some help. Michele is a good guy not involved with the Mafia, that is trying to build his life on honesty and hard-working. Michele needs some money to give freedom to a prostitute he is in love, and Mario promise his help in change of an hands to set up his trap for the judge. Anyway Michele isn't made with the same "pasta" of Mario, he couldn't never be a real Mafioso and this causes many between the two brother and the Mafia. There is only a way for Mario to save his brother. A way that Mafia could like.
Magic Touch
Andrea, a forty-year old engineer, suddenly becomes unemployed while his wife France gets a promotion. He is very down hearted and since he does not want to be a burden to his family he takes the place of the house maid.
Two of a Kind
Italian comedy in two episodes starring a house painter who emigrated to Switzerland who pretends to be a millionaire and an employee on holiday in Kenya, the victim of catastrophic misadventures.
Two of a Kind
Italian comedy in two episodes starring a house painter who emigrated to Switzerland who pretends to be a millionaire and an employee on holiday in Kenya, the victim of catastrophic misadventures.
Bingo Bongo
The ape-man, found somewhere in the jungles of Congo, transferred to Milan and named Bingo Bongo. The only one who believes in the human qualities of him is Laura, a woman anthropologist , so their affection for each other even grows to love.
The Yellow Panther
Pasquale Bellachioma, the unfortunate Police Commissioner, creates a "master stroke" that can finally put it to light before their superiors, but the results is continuous failure.
The Yellow Panther
Pasquale Bellachioma, the unfortunate Police Commissioner, creates a "master stroke" that can finally put it to light before their superiors, but the results is continuous failure.
Forbidden Dreams
Paolo Coniglio is a naive and clumsy employee in a comics publishing house, bullied by his manager and his terrible future mother-in-law. To escape his dreary daily routine, he finds himself living vivid daydreams with "Dalia", the beautiful heroine of the books that he's translating. One day, though, while shopping, Paolo meets a charming blonde that looks like Dalia, and finds himself trapped in a shady intrigue.
Fidelidade à Três
Um filme com duas histórias diferentes: Na primeira um par de divorciados (atriz ex esposa e diretor ex marido) rememora sua velha paixão. Na segunda, uma mulher dentista bem-sucedida é atacada por sua família pequeno-burguesa quando escreve um romance sexual. e 16 Anos.
The Paramedic
At work, Mario Millio is the only male nurse not on strike. At home, his wife is more interested in calling the hot-line of a local TV-doctor. When Mario wins 15 million Lire in the lottery, he buys himself a new car and starts to live out his dreams in secret. All goes well until a criminal steals the car and Mario is blamed for the car thief's crimes
Bollenti spiriti
Giovanni is a rich Italian aristocrat. He inherit a castle occupied by the ghost of an ancestor. Part of the inheritance is of a young beautiful blonde tourist, far relative of Giovanni. The two have to pay a ticket to the ghost to be free to own the castle. Guess what?
Spaghetti at Midnight
Savino La Gastra discovers his wife Celeste has a liaison with an architect: Andrea. Even if also Savino has a story with Elvira, a judge's wife, he decides anyway to ask to a mobster to kill his wife. In the mean time Celeste is organizing a surprise party for Savino's birthday, and that day things start to get complicated. First Savino kills accidentally the mafia killer in charge to kill Celeste; second his lover Elvira arrives to the party with the judge... not to mention the police and the mafia Don...
Teste di quoio
My Wife is a Witch
A witch being condemned to burn to death by the Holy Inquisition makes a contract with the devil to be reborn in our times...
My Wife is a Witch
A witch being condemned to burn to death by the Holy Inquisition makes a contract with the devil to be reborn in our times...
Lend Me Your Wife
Alex Fortini, a transplant to Milan, lives behind his lover who owns an advertising agency. When his wife, who had left five years ago, reappears, fearing that she will want to ask him for a divorce and alimony, he unwittingly gets into a lot of trouble.
I Hate Blondes
There are two problems with Emilio and his career as a pulp writer. Emilio is a bumbling fellow who has absolutely nothing in common with the heroes he writes about. Second, Emilio can't seem to publish anything under his own name.
Lobster for Breakfast
O Expresso Blindado da S.S. Nazista
Em 1944, na França, um grupo de prisioneiros militares americanos fugitivos a caminho da Suíça se voluntaria para roubar uma ogiva de foguete V2 nazista para os Aliados.
O Expresso Blindado da S.S. Nazista
Em 1944, na França, um grupo de prisioneiros militares americanos fugitivos a caminho da Suíça se voluntaria para roubar uma ogiva de foguete V2 nazista para os Aliados.
A Esposa do Juiz
Intransigent magistrate Viola Orlando is targeted by her rivals who set her twin sister Rosa — a high-class prostitute and pornographic photo-novel star — up to impersonate Viola and demolish her reputation. To complicate things even further, Viola is torn between enforcing the law or giving up her seat on the bench to marry her childhood friend.
A Esposa do Juiz
Intransigent magistrate Viola Orlando is targeted by her rivals who set her twin sister Rosa — a high-class prostitute and pornographic photo-novel star — up to impersonate Viola and demolish her reputation. To complicate things even further, Viola is torn between enforcing the law or giving up her seat on the bench to marry her childhood friend.
O Medalhão Ensanguentado
Após ganhar de seu pai um medalhão que era de sua falecida mãe e começar a usá-lo, Emily é possuída por um espírito de uma criança que foi assassinada.