Costume Design
Na fossa mais profunda do Oceano Pacífico, a tripulação de um submarino fica presa dentro do local após ser atacada por uma criatura pré-histórica que se achava estar extinta, um tubarão de mais de 20 metros de comprimento, o Megalodon. Para salvá-los, um oceanógrafo chinês contrata Jonas Taylor, um mergulhador especializado em resgates em água profundas que já encontrou com a criatura anteriormente.
Costume Design
Pete é um menino órfão que mora na floresta junto de seu melhor amigo Elliott, um enorme dragão verde. Após uma garotinha e um guarda florestal o encontrarem, Pete vai ganhando a confiança para contar sua história e a de seu leal companheiro.
Production Design
This is a story about fear and fate, explored through the experience of both the victim and the perpetrator. A young woman home alone receives a call from a stranger, a young man asking her to the pictures. She declines but later finds the man with a knife standing in her dining room. He wants to have sex with her and seems confused about whether his intentions are brutal or romantic. Seeing his confusion and fear she talks him into letting her go outside to bring the washing. He holds his knife at her back – she realises she has no chance of escape. As they are walking back across the lawn to the house she is stung by a bee. She collapses. Weeping she tells him she is allergic to bees and convinces him to go inside to get vinegar from the kitchen to stop the swelling. As soon as he is out of sight she is up and running in one fluid movement. The intruder is left standing desolate on the lawn with the vinegar bottle – his fantasy unravelled. We find him at the pictures alone.
Costume Design
Durante a reeleição, uma jornalista suspeita que George W. Bush mentiu sobre a participação norte-americana na Guerra do Vietnã. A denúncia, que vai ao ar pela rede CBS, desencadeia um jogo de intrigas e pressões políticas que abala a credibilidade da emissora e pode mudar a carreira dos envolvidos para sempre.
Costume Designer
A mother tries to end her teenage son’s relationship with an older woman at the risk of losing
him altogether.
Costume Design
O ano é 1984 e Michael Jackson é rei até em Waihau Bay, Nova Zelândia. Aqui encontramos Boy, um garoto de 11 anos, que vive numa fazenda com sua Avó, uma cabra e seu irmão mais novo, Rocky, que acha que tem poderes mágicos. Pouco depois de sua Avó sair por uma semana, o Pai de Boy, Alamein, aparece do nada. Tendo imaginado uma versão heroica de seu Pai durante sua ausência, Boy fica cara a cara com a versão real de um bandido incompetente que voltou para encontrar um pacote de dinheiro que havia enterrado anos atrás. É aí onde entra a cabra.
A comedy-drama which follows the collapse of two marriages.
Costume Designer
A comedy-drama which follows the collapse of two marriages.
Costume Design
A young solo mother loves her son and his needs are formost, but she still has room in her heart for her very broken brother, even as her fundamentalist mother rejects her. But when the brother is responsible for a woman's broken neck, during his burglary of her house, families are changed as crisis amplifies and at times the young mother seems to be the only adult.
Costume Design
A 13 year old girl is raped and murdered in a small country town. Ten years later, the murderer is up for parole and the victim's father has vowed personal vengence if the killer is released. Sometime journalist, Lisa, is haunted by the crime and in confronting the killer she starts a chain of events that puts her own life in danger.
Costume Designer
This dark comedy is set in Dunedin, New Zealand. A university student finds an old "abandoned" house and proceeds to invite other students to share. It even has running electricity. But what is the catch?