Felipe Aljure


Z: A Cidade Perdida
Executive Producer
A incrível história real do explorador britânico Percy Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam), que viaja para a Amazônia no século XX e descobre evidências de uma civilização avançada desconhecida que pode ter habitado a região. Depois de ter sido ridicularizado pelo corpo científico que considera as populações indígenas como "selvagens", Fawcett está determinado a retornar à sua amada selva e provar seu caso.
Tres Escapularios
Tres Escapularios
El Colombian Dream
A story as told by an aborted child who's now 14 years old, involving his mother, three teenagers (two twin brothers and their cousin) that make a love triangle, the twins' father and his new lover, a drug lord and his sidekicks, the drug lord's wife who doesn't know who's the father of her baby, a prostitute with bladder problems, a hit man (really a frustrated poet), and a huge missunderstanding
El Colombian Dream
A story as told by an aborted child who's now 14 years old, involving his mother, three teenagers (two twin brothers and their cousin) that make a love triangle, the twins' father and his new lover, a drug lord and his sidekicks, the drug lord's wife who doesn't know who's the father of her baby, a prostitute with bladder problems, a hit man (really a frustrated poet), and a huge missunderstanding
Rodrigo D. No Future
Assistant Director
Rodrigo is a marginalized and lonely being who prefers to die before being forced to kill. He finds himself trapped in a city that oppresses him, calls him, marginalizes him.
María Cano
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Production Assistant
This suspenseful Italian crime drama is set in a Colombian river town and chronicles the series of events that led up to murder. Based on a novel by distinguished author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the tale begins in the present as a middle-aged doctor returns to the village after a twenty-year absence to investigate the murder that occurred just before he left.