Nic Sampson

Nic Sampson

Nascimento : 1986-11-18, New Zealand


Nic Sampson (born 18 November 1986) is a New Zealand actor.


Nic Sampson


De Repente Mãe
Preggophile Brian
Zoe (Rose Matafeo) é surpreendida pela notícia de que está grávida do namorado Tim (Matthew Lewis). Enquanto ele se encanta pela situação, ela tem um surto e decide fazer uma série de coisas ousadas que acredita que se tornarão impossíveis no futuro. É quando a relação do casal fica fragilizada, fazendo com que a mamãe de primeira viagem precise buscar mais confiança em si própria.
A man and his date go out to a nice restraint.
Até que a Gente te Separe
Jeff Wald
Mel (Madeleine Sami) e Jen (Jackie van Beek), duas amigas desiludidas e desacreditadas no amor decidem criar a Breaker Upperes, uma pequena empresa que separa casais por dinheiro. Mas a amizade e o negócio entram em conflito quando Jen descobre que Mel está transando com um cliente.
Lt. Red
Inspirado em fatos reais, “Emperor” é uma épica história de amor passada no meio das tensões e incertezas dos dias seguintes à rendição japonesa, no final da Segunda Guerra Mundial. No meio do staff do general Douglas MacArthur – o governante de facto do Japão, na condição de Comandante Supremo das forças invasoras – um especialista nos assuntos japoneses, o general Bonner Fellers é encarregado de uma decisão de importância histórica: deverá o Imperador Hirohito ser julgado e enforcado como um criminoso de guerra?
When a series of incidents involving peeping tom accusations and bad debts come to a head, Jeffery is left without a job and a home and starts living out of his car.
O Caminho do Guerreiro
Na trama, um assassino oriental é forçado a fugir de seu país em direção à América, onde se esconde no oeste dos Estados Unidos. Mas as forças que o perseguiam não tardam a surgir no novo continente.
Spies and Lies
Constable Egan
A true story. 1942. New Zealand is at war. Times are desperate. The Japanese invasion seems imminent. At this perilous moment, confidence trickster Syd Ross completes his sentence and is released from Waikeria Prison. He makes a phone call and finds himself in front of Prime Minister Fraser. Syd tells a tale of sabotage and assassination, of a Nazi plot to take over New Zealand.
Choice Night
Fifteen year-old James has everything before him. The catch? He has to choose between the two things he wants the most: love or mates.
Something Special
Miles (Voice)
A young war veteran explores the magnificent wilds of New Zealand to fulfill the last wish of a close friend who died in combat. This is a powerful film about friendship, loss, and healing.
Milk Boy 1
A Samoan brother and sister live in fear of their over-protective widowed father who rules with a military regime in order to protect his children from a bleak future. The children learn that only together can they show him that he is their biggest obstacle.
Power Rangers Mystic Force: Dark Wish
Chip Thorn / Yellow Ranger
The Power Rangers heroic crusade is put to the test when a wicked army drains all color and hope from Earth.
Power Rangers Mystic Force: Legendary Catastros
Chip Thorn
The Rangers learn the story of Koragg's magical horse - Catastros and how he was thought to be untamable. In a battle with Koragg, Nick gets lost in another dimension. Can he find a way to heal an injured Catastros and can his friends find a way to save him?
Power Rangers Mystic Force: Broken Spell
Chip Thorn
After an age-old curse is broken, followers of dark magic -- now freed from their underground world -- threaten Earth. An ancient legend foretells five mystic warriors will master magic to combat the looming darkness. The new recruits -- thrilled to be superheroes with magical powers -- team up to battle dangerous witches, wizards, trolls, and beasts . . . but not until one reluctant candidate embraces the Red Ranger role and saves the day. A lesson is learned that real heroes are born in the fight for freedom and the Mystic Force is destined to keep the peaceful planet out of evil hands!