Veronica Fury

Veronica Fury


Veronica Fury


A League of Her Own
Follow the 2021 Queensland State of Origin Women's team as they strive to achieve the extraordinary in one of the most physically demanding professional sports in Australia.
Peter Tatchell do Ódio ao Amor
Este documentário conta a história do ativista de direitos LGBTQ+ Peter Tatchell e sua luta por justiça em meio a controvérsias e comoções políticas. Assista o quanto quiser. Ian McKellen narra este documentário com produção executiva de Elton John e David Furnish.
Luzes, Câmera, Kung Fu
A fantástica história de como uma antiga arte marcial, o kung fu chinês, conquistou o mundo através das centenas de filmes que foram produzidos em Hong Kong ao longo das décadas, transformou o cinema de ação ocidental e inspirou o nascimento de vários movimentos culturais.
Herod the Great: The Child Murderer of Bethlehem
An account of the reign of Herod the Great, king of Judea under the rule of the Roman Empire, remembered for having ordered, according to the Gospel of Matthew, the murder of all male infants born in Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Jesus, an unproven event that is not mentioned by Titus Flavius Josephus, the main historian of that period.
The Jewish-Roman Wars
In the first century, after the death of Herod the Great, Judea goes through a long period of turbulence due to the actions of the corrupt Roman governors and the internal struggles, both religious and political, between Jewish factions, events that soon lead to the uprising of the population and a cruel war that lasts several years and causes thousands of deaths, a catastrophe described in detail by the Romanized Jewish historian Titus Flavius Josephus.
Fera Selvagem
Executive Producer
No áspero e belo interior australiano vive uma fera de tamanho impressionante, com uma necessidade implacável de sangue e destruição. O animal defende seu território com força brutal e mata com uma selvageria crua diferente de qualquer outra já vista antes.
O Reino dos Cangurus
O interior escaldante de um dos continentes mais antigos é a casa do canguru mais resistente do planeta, o poderoso canguru-vermelho. Nesta terra inóspita e ainda assim de tirar o fôlego, o canguru-vermelho enfrenta os maiores desafios de sua vida.
Electric Boogaloo: A Selvagem História Não Contada da Cannon Films
O documentário narra a trajetória dos primos israelenses Menahem Golan e Yoram Globus, cinéfilos e donos da Cannon Films, que durante os anos 1980 foi a mais poderosa companhia independente de Hollywood e responsável por alguns dos maiores absurdos cinematográficos já cometidos durante aquele período, além de mostrar a sua ascensão e queda.
Mysteries of the Human Voice
The Curse of the Gothic Symphony
A group of brave and committed musicians take on an 80 year curse in an attempt to stage one of the longest, largest and most technically difficult symphonies ever composed.
The Curse of the Gothic Symphony
A group of brave and committed musicians take on an 80 year curse in an attempt to stage one of the longest, largest and most technically difficult symphonies ever composed.
Machete Maidens Unleashed!
In the final decades of the 20th century, the Philippines was a country where low-budget exploitation-film producers were free to make nearly any kind of movie they wanted, any way they pleased. It was a country with extremely lax labor regulations and a very permissive attitude towards cultural expression. As a result, it became a hotbed for the production of cheapie movies. Their history and the genre itself are detailed in this breezy, nostalgic documentary.