Michael Kagan

Michael Kagan


Michael Kagan


Boa Sorte, Charlie! Viagem Fora de Série
Teddy, PJ, Gabe, Bob e Amy iam passar as férias juntos em Palm Springs, mas acabaram se separando acidentalmente. Agora, nessa divertida aventura, os Duncan vão precisar correr contra o relógio para se reencontrar a tempo do natal.
Searching for Sonny
Mr. Mercer
Reunited friends find themselves the chief suspects of a murder mystery that seems eerily similar to a play they performed in high school.
Citizen Jane
Judge Wilson
Jane Alexander's idyllic life in San Francisco is shattered when her beloved, elderly aunt is brutally murdered. But when her fiancé, Tom O'Donnell, becomes the main suspect, Jane must put aside her grief to aid the police before the chance at justice is lost forever.
Golpe de Gênio
Matt (Dallas Roberts) e Sam (Jeremy Renner) são dois amigos que creem no enriquecimento, graças a uma brilhante invenção. Mesmo já tendo perdido todas as suas economias, a dupla continua investindo em seus inventos. Até que um certo dia, sua nova criação pode se tornar um grande sucesso e transformar a vida de ambos.
Mobsters and Mormons
Angello Marcello
A mafia family from New Jersey is placed in the witness relocation program to an all-Mormon community in Utah.
Procurando Por Lola
Max Greenbaum
Looking for Lola is a comical look at the world of relationships and highlights just how far we will go to impress that special someone... Mike (Mark Kassen) has moved to L.A. with dreams of being a writer. In order to keep his parents satisfied, he lies to them, telling of his instant success and wealth as an author. Lola (Ara Celi) has dreams of being a dancer; however her illegal status in the country has left her looking after her sleazy boss' mansion. the hilarity begins after the two meet. Both weave an intricate set of lies, painting a picture of success and wealth, in an attempt to woo the other. However, when their parents decide to visit them in California, it becomes extremely challenging to keep the comical facade alive!
Bella Mafia
Victor Muzetti
Don Roberto Luciano turns informer for the biggest Mafia trial in history, but his family pays a terrible price.
Cherokee Kid: Promessa de Vingança
El Paso Sheriff
Ainda criança, Isaiah viu seus pais serem mortos cruelmente e jurou vingança ao homem que comandou a chacina. Anos mais tarde, ele fica sabendo do paradeiro do assassino e treina para enfrentá-lo num desafio, ao mesmo tempo em que precisa fugir de um pistoleiro que foi contratado para acabar com sua vida.