Pier Angeli
Nascimento : 1932-06-19, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Morte : 1971-09-10
Susan Lowry
Um Grupo de cientistas que pesquisa a poluição da água em uma cidadezinha na fronteira EUA-México descobre que produtos químicos despejados na água deram origem a uma monstruosa criatura mutante, o Octaman - mistura de homem e polvo.
Falesse / Ester Gardere (as Anna Maria Pierangeli)
Pascal Gorriot, an escaped criminal, accidentally witnesses Lucille disposing of her second husband Andre's body at sea. Thirteen years later, Andre's cousin turns up at Lucille's villa with his Alastian dog. It's not long before creepy Colin, Andre's son, strangles the unfortunate hound and Falaise, Andre's daughter, stabs their unwelcome family member to death. Another unwanted visitor friend arrives and rapidly seduces Falais. Colin is jealous and warns the Don Juan about the dangers of being a male praying mantis and it's not long before Falaise decapitates him. Pascal, the ex-convict who witnessed the murder of Andre is the next intruder. He takes the family hostage and demands blackmail money, prompting them to do away with him in an acid bath. The police investigate and a chain of deception and murder is revealed...
Two brothers reunite in this story of gangland Chicago during the era of prohibition. Their syndicate becomes successful but can they survive the competition?
An American reporter and his girl-friend are visiting Israel to get a "sense of the people", in the process he meets many Israelis and some Arabs as well, particularly becoming friends with an Israeli Army reserve officer as well as an idealistic young man who is a pacifist.
James Daly is an American special soldier who goes behind enemy territory during WWII. His Objective: to steal top secret SS document that can change the course of the war.
Ann Peterson
A British colonial policeman in Africa, circa 1900, pursues a band of escaped killers across territory so wild, it lies just "one step to hell."
Betty Benson
Hud's parents were murdered, their land stolen and now Hud will dish out justice to the guilty - the three Clark brothers know they are in danger but they don't know from where the blow will come.
Hélène Blanchard
A secret agent works with a scientist to recover documents outlining a new formula to make fuel.
No final da Segunda Guerra, em dezembro de 1944, o comando das Forças Aliadas já comemora o triunfo sobre as combalidas forças nazistas por toda a Europa. Quando remanescentes do quase derrotado exército nazista planejam um ataque surpresa às forças aliadas, que já não contavam mais com nenhuma reação, um experiente oficial americano alerta seus superiores sobre a possibilidade de uma última ofensiva em massa do inimigo. Esse soldado, experiente, porém desacreditado por seus companheiros, tenta convencer seus superiores a tomarem medidas para impedir a ação. Mas não é ouvido com seriedade. Comandados por um coronel obstinado, os alemães provam que ainda têm poder de fogo e são capazes de dar muito trabalho aos aliados.
Paula Krauss
A secret agent is assigned ot rescue the daughter of a deceased East German scienist, who discovered a valuable formula.
A secret agent sets out to stop an evil scientist who is about to unleash on the world a virulent biological strain he has developed during experiments on rats.
Baseado na bíblica história de Sodoma e Gomorra, cidades dominadas pelas tentações e pelo pecado, o filme conta a saga de Lot (Stewart Granger).
Lot, homem justo e sobrinho de Abraão, retira o povo hebreu do deserto e conduz a duas cidades, Sodoma e Gomorra. Lá o povo hebreu, com excessão de Lot, é, aos poucos, dominados pelos prazeres e pelo pecado, corrompendo a carne e o espírito.
Tais corrupções despertarão a ira de Deus, e Lot, como líder do povo, irá tentar salvar seu povo do maior castigo divino sobre a terra.
Consuelo / Gracia
Three pirates are saved from a shipwreck and seize a galleon bound for Maracaibo, where they will save the governor from a conspiracy. Italian adventure movie directed by Steno.
The Albatross travels from England to the New World in 1675, with a number of passengers, a couple of political prisoners along with a dozen other women convicts, these to be sold into slavery on arrival. The woman activist frees the dozen of low-cast women, and they take over the ship. After a storm, the captain takes back control of his ship. Since mutiny is punishable by death in the New World, the mutineers try to reroute the course, tossing Desny and Purdom in the brig. A practical male mutineer wants to throw the women overboard to save rations, but the women free Purdom and the captain to battle the mutineers. A British warship comes to the rescue, and the captain pardons Angeli and Purdom for having saved his life.
Anna Curtis
A young factory worker stands alone against a proposed strike.
A flying boat has to ditch off an island in the Pacific. Along with the injured owner-pilot the passengers include a policeman and his smuggler prisoner, a slimey limey witness against him, a physicist, and a globe-hopping good-time girl. On the island they find a fleet of derelict ships, farm animals tethered, and cameras in a lead-lined bunker and a stark realisation soon dawns.
Selena Gallini
When eccentric English teacher Andrew Larabee needs a raise in order for his fiancée to marry him, his interest in archaeology leads him to an ancient statue's burial site. But when he finds a traveling circus directly above the statue's location, he accidentally becomes part of the act. With a newfound passion for performance and an attraction to the beautiful acrobat Selena, Andrew must decide what is truly important to him.
A young Italian fugitive and his older protective brother hide among the grape pickers at a vineyard in Provence.
Norma Graziano
The story of boxer Rocky Graziano's rise from juvenile delinquent to world champ.
An army veteran with a shattered leg returns to his home in Port Afrique after war only to find his wife has been murdered. He's determined to find the killer, even if it means uncovering family secrets he never knew about.
Pier Angeli (uncredited)
Chuck Rodwell is a gambling cowboy who discovers that he's lucky at the roulette wheel if he holds hands with dancer Marie. However, Marie doesn't like to hold hands with him, at least not in the beginning...
A Greek artisan is commissioned to cast the cup of Christ in silver and sculpt around its rim the faces of the disciples and Jesus himself. He travels to Jerusalem and eventually to Rome to complete the task. Meanwhile, a nefarious interloper is trying to convince the crowds that he is the new Messiah by using nothing more than cheap parlor tricks.
American woman in Europe romanced by local gigolo; problems ensue.
Denise de Flavigny / Nitouche
Celestin works as an organist at a girl's school. By day, Celestin is the meek and mild target of the girls' incessant practical jokes. By night, however, he is the celebrated composer of popular operas -- and the romantic vis-à-vis of a celebrated stage star. When schoolgirl Denise stumbles onto Celestin's secret, she threatens to tell all -- but only if Celestin refuses to escort her to the opening night of his latest opera. As a result, Denise falls in love with a handsome young soldier, while Celestin is accidentally shipped off to an army camp. A series of silly coincidences brings happiness to all concerned by fade-out time.
Eufemia Calderon
Mexican love stories follow a dying man, a bullfighter's sister and lovers from feuding villages.
Nina Burkhardt
Passengers on an ocean liner recall their greatest loves.
Willie Lehrt
Jeff Elliot is an American GI investigating a black market gang in Munich.
Short subject anti-communist 'documentary' in which foreign-born movie stars such as Leslie Caron and Ricardo Montalban urge the audience (in their native tongues, subtitled) to write letters home speaking of how wonderful life in the United States is.
Anna Vasarri
An art thief tries to double cross his gangster boss.
Teresa Russo
An Italian war bride has problems dealing with her husband's possessive mother.
A doctor saves a woman who was planning to commit suicide and takes her with him during his night shift.
Progressive schoolteachers Landi and Anna have a profound influence on two of their young students, Mirella and Franco. The two kids are enamored with one another and decide to experiment with some of the knowledge they've gleaned in the classroom.