Lúcia is a lawyer that works to help women whose the father of the relationship deny the paternity. A job she is very keen about since she doesn't know who her father is.
This documentary shows a peculiar vision about theatre in general and O Bando in particular, on the bases of João Brites' directing the showcase of “ENSAIO SOBRE A CEGUEIRA” (essay on blindness), written by José Saramago.
How would you react if you couldn't see? In rehearsing the theatrical adaptation of "Blindness", by Nobel Prize winner José Saramago, the company "O Bando" made the experience. The actors lived 24 hours blindfolded in an abandoned hospital. How would you react if you could see again?
Vicente goes to Egypt to cover some news for his newspaper, but then he decides to take the investigation further, along the Tropic of Cancer, further and further away (in time and space) from home, and his difficult love life. Therefore he revisits the lands explored 500 years before by the seafarers from his own people: Egypt, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, Laos, China... Eventually he must come back.
A cidade de Coimbra, a mais complexa das personagens, conta a história. Eu não sou só uma cidade. Eu sou uma estufa, uma reserva natural para estudantes onde eles vivem em plena liberdade. Uma certa manhã de Janeiro chegou um homem. Apaixonou-se por mim e pelas minhas mulheres. Tolo, não percebeu que EU não sou para quem quer, mas para quem pode. E que o amor não abre as minhas velhas portas.