George Dawson


Barun Rai and the House on the Cliff
Harmesh and Soumili move into their dream home, unbeknownst to the spate of mysterious suicides plaguing the area and local police force. Perplexed and alarmed by the high rate of unexplained deaths, the pair seek answers from Detective Barun Rai, a specialist investigator famed for unravelling paranormal crimes.
Uma Razão para Viver
Polio Patient (uncredited)
A história real de Robin, um homem brilhante e aventureiro que fica paralisado por conta da poliomelite. Contra todos os conselhos, ele e sua amada Diana se recusam a ser aprisionados pelo sofrimento e vivem uma intensa história de amor, com cada respiração como se fosse a última.
The Entertainer
He used to be the host of a silly, but popular television quiz, but these days one of his side jobs is to be a Bar Mitzvah host, doing work that gives people no joy, that no one even needs, and that only stands in the way of people entertaining themselves at a dignified ceremony. He faces the eternal challenge of all actors - how can you bring joy to other people when you yourself have none? Played by Toby Jones, one of Britain’s best character actors (he played and voiced Dobby in Harry Potter films, starred in Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, as wells as on television drama Sherlock), this sad character becomes a hero of a story that resembles an ancient tragedy about being not needed at the feast of life of other people.
Ninfomaniaca: Volume 1
H's Boy 2
Bastante machucada e largada em um beco, Joe é encontrada por um homem mais velho, Seligman, que lhe oferece ajuda. Ele a leva para sua casa, onde possa descansar e se recuperar. Ao despertar, Joe começa a contar detalhes de sua vida para Seligman. Assumindo ser uma ninfomaníaca e que não é, de forma alguma, uma pessoa boa, ela narra algumas das aventuras sexuais que vivenciou para justificar o porquê de sua auto avaliação.
Samuel Lount
Alderman Powell
Back in 1837 in the Northwoods of Canada and beyond, a movement was started among the colonialists to demand the right to own property in the New World. This interesting docudrama follows the tragic outcome of that movement for one of its leaders, the pacifist and nearly beatific Samuel Lount (also the great-great-great uncle of producer Elvira Lount). The orator and journalist William Lyon Mackenzie stoked up the fire among the property-deprived, and a march on Toronto was begun. Lount was convinced to join the rebellion much against his better judgment -- he belonged to the Children of Peace religious sect. Lount's own pacifism meant nothing to the authorities; they executed Lount for treason after crushing the rebellion. R.H. Thomson plays the title role in this low-budget but high-energy effort.
A Raposa Cinzenta
Old West highwayman Bill Miner, known to Pinkertons as "The Gentleman Bandit," is released in 1901 after 33 years in prison, a genial and charming old man. Entering a world unfamiliar to him, he returns to the only thing that gives him purpose — robbery.
Big Meat Eater
Bob Sanderson
After killing the crooked mayor a homicidal janitor named Abdullah goes to work for a butcher who has invented a new language for the town's planned futuristic theme park. In the butcher shop is a septic tank where scraps of meat are dumped which has produced "balonium" a radioactive fuel source sought after by space aliens. The aliens revive the mayor, who's body is hanging in the meat locker of the butcher shop, in an attempt to gain access to the balonium.