Les Baxter

Les Baxter

Nascimento : 1922-03-14,

Morte : 1996-01-15


Les Baxter


Lightning in a Bottle
Original Music Composer
Charlotte Furber suffers an accident in which a man loses his life. She suffers amnesia and everybody thinks the man was drunk and therefore responsible, even his own wife, Jean.
The Beast Within
Original Music Composer
A young woman gets raped by a mysterious man-creature, and years later her son begins a horrific transformation into a similar beast.
Born Again
Original Music Composer
Having been imprisoned for his part in the Watergate scandal, Charles Colson undergoes a religious conversion.
Faca na Garganta
Original Music Composer
A tough gang of teenage girls are looking for love and fighting for turf on the mean streets of the city! Bad girls to the core, these impossibly outrageous high school hoodlums go where they want ... and create mayhem wherever they go!
Savage Sisters
Original Music Composer
A corrupt General plans on smuggling one million US dollars out of the Banana Republic he dominates. Local revolutionaries plan on stealing the cash but are thwarted when a bandit leader they are working with double crosses them. A tough cop and her boyfriend help two of the female revolutionaries escape from prison hoping that they will lead them to the cash, which they plan on keeping for themselves.
Fuga da Ilha do Diabo
Original Music Composer
In 1916, a group of prisoners plot their escape from the notorious fortress located in French Guiana.
One Minute Before Death
A woman finds herself possessed by the soul of another woman trapped inside a painting. Based on a work by Edgar Allan Poe, aka The Oval Portrait.
Original Music Composer
Jason Crockett is an aging, grumpy, physically disabled millionaire who invites his family to his island estate for his birthday celebration. Pickett Smith is a free-lance photographer who is doing a pollution layout for an ecology magazine. Jason Crockett hates nature, poisoning anything that crawls on his property. On the night of his birthday the frogs and other members of nature begin to pay Crockett back.
Blood Sabbath
Original Music Composer
A young man named David unknowingly ventures into a land controlled by the powerful witch queen, Alotta, and her coven. Every year the local villagers must offer a child to the queen in order to maintain a pact of peace. But David has fallen in love with a river nymph named Yyala and he cannot have a relationship with her as long as he has a soul. So, he offers his soul to Alotta in exchange for the life of a sacrificial child. Now David and Yyala can be together, but if Yyala ever abandons him, his life belongs to the witch...
Dagmar's Hot Pants, Inc.
Original Music Composer
Known to her clients as Dagmar, she's a classy Swedish call girl in Copenhagen. After two years, she's ready quit, and we follow her on what she hopes is her last day in the trade. She wakes at 9 AM, gets her first call and a marriage proposal, checks in with her doctor, pays final visits to various clients, arranges to lease her flat, passes on her black book to a colleague, tries to beg off on an impromptu session with Japanese businessmen, has a quick conversation with her brother, and makes a couple of charitable contributions. All the while, her eyes on the clock, there's the threat of her pimp finding out about her plans. If she pulls it off, what awaits?
O Uivo da Bruxa
In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers have suffered at his hands. But one victim uses her occult powers to curse his family, enlisting unknowing help from one of the household.
O Uivo da Bruxa
Original Music Composer
In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers have suffered at his hands. But one victim uses her occult powers to curse his family, enlisting unknowing help from one of the household.
O Altar do Diabo
Original Music Composer
Dr. Henry Armitage, an expert in the occult, goes to the old Whateley manor in Dunwich looking for Nancy Wagner, a student who went missing the previous night. He is turned away by Wilbur, the family's insidious heir, who has plans for the young girl. But Armitage won't be deterred. Through conversations with the locals, he soon unearths the Whateleys' darkest secret — as well as a great evil.
Uma Noite com Edgar Allan Poe
Especial para a TV produzido em 1972, com quatro contos de Edgar Allan Poe narrados por Vincent Price: "O Coração Delator", "A Esfinge", "O Barril de Amontillado" e "O Poço e o Pêndulo".
Sede de Crime
A Las Vegas go-go dancer moves to Los Angeles to escape the psycho who has killed her partners.
Sede de Crime
A Las Vegas go-go dancer moves to Los Angeles to escape the psycho who has killed her partners.
Target: Harry
Pilot Harry Black is hired to fly a man named Carlyle to Istanbul, where he's murdered. Now, mysterious Diane Reed and a local gangster, Rashi, are after Harry believing that he has the priceless plates Carlyle used to counterfeit money.
Bora Bora
A Frenchman finds his runaway wife on an island in the Pacific.
Terror in the Jungle
Original Music Composer
Little boy Henry Clayton Jr. survives a plane crash in the untamed Amazon jungle. However, he's discovered by a tribe of vicious savages who plan on sacrificing him. Meanwhile, Henry's father ventures into the jungle to find the missing lad before it's too late.
Wild in the Streets
Striking a zeitgeist nerve, Wild in the Streets stars Christopher Jones (Ryan's Daughter) as Max Frost, rock singer and poster boy for the counterculture revolution of the '60s. While performing with his band, The Troopers, at a political rally for Senate candidate Johnny Fergus (Hal Holbrook, Into the Wild), Max seizes the opportunity to spout his own political philosophies which include, among other things, that the voting age should be lowered to 14. And thus begins the tale of Max's meteoric rise. But as he moves further and further into uncharted waters, first as a voice for the youth movement (or is he just a mouthpiece for opportunist politicians?) and then as a nominee for President of the United States, Max will not bend to the will of the old guard. Instead he begins implementing his own ideas of what would make a better world, including re-education camps for those over the age of 35 along with a liberal dosing of LSD.
A turma de minissaia
Original Music Composer
Diane McBain, no papel do durão motociclista Shayne, cujo ego cromado leva uma surra quando o namorado, Jeff Logan (Ross Hagen) muda de marcha para se casar com a simples Jane da cidade. A garota má rejeitada inicia um reinado acelerado de vingança contra o casal recém-casado.
Original Music Composer
Shockumentary about torture and cruelty and exotic practices from around the world.
Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs
Original Music Composer
The scheming mad scientist Dr. Goldfoot (Vincent Price) plots another mad scheme to take over the world by killing off the major military leaders of every country; to that end, he creates in his secret lab a bevy of bodacious girl bombs; full-length, life-size robots that explode when embraced.
Bola de Fogo 500
Original Music Composer
Stock car racer Dave Owens plays into the hands of whiskey runners by agreeing to drive in a cross-country road race.
Fantasma de Biquíni
Original Music Composer
A corpse has 24 hours to mastermind a good deed without leaving his crypt, to go "up there" and have his youth restored.
The Wild Weird World of Dr. Goldfoot
Music Director
Dr. Goldfoot schemes to use his Bikini Machine to kidnap a young man with infinite information stored in his head by the government.
Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine
Original Music Composer
In this campy spy movie spoof Dr. Goldfoot (Vincent Price) has invented an army of bikini-clad robots who are programmed to seek out wealthy men and charm them into signing over their assets. Secret agent Craig Gamble (Frankie Avalon) and millionaire Todd Armstrong set out to foil his fiendish plot.
The Mighty Jungle
A South American expedition is in search of fortune thought to be hidden in an Lost Aztec city. While trudging through the jungles the main character in the story becomes detached from the group. He develops a fever and in a desperate attempt to cool his fever, he gorges himself on some jungle fruit.
Quanto Mais Músculos Melhor
A garotada de praia local descobre que a sua praia foi tomado por um homem de negócios de treinamento que montou um ginásio para a formação Garotões Sarados. Julie, uma condessa milionária com seu administrador S.Z. Matts, quer para si mesma o garotão sarado Flex Martin, treinado por Jack Fanny, até que ela conhece Frankie. Dee Dee, a namorada de Frankie, fica ciumenta com razão e planeja se vingar da condessa pelo roubo do Frankie. Mr. Strangdour aparece brevemente como o rei dos Garotões Sarados.
Quanto Mais Músculos Melhor
Original Music Composer
A garotada de praia local descobre que a sua praia foi tomado por um homem de negócios de treinamento que montou um ginásio para a formação Garotões Sarados. Julie, uma condessa milionária com seu administrador S.Z. Matts, quer para si mesma o garotão sarado Flex Martin, treinado por Jack Fanny, até que ela conhece Frankie. Dee Dee, a namorada de Frankie, fica ciumenta com razão e planeja se vingar da condessa pelo roubo do Frankie. Mr. Strangdour aparece brevemente como o rei dos Garotões Sarados.
Farsa Trágica
Original Music Composer
An undertaker who hasn't had any 'customers' in a long time is forced to pay one year's back-rent. To get money he starts to kill people, which brings absurd results.
Demência 13
Quando seu marido, John, sofre um ataque cardíaco em um barco a remo no lago, Louise Haloran joga seu corpo ao mar e depois diz à família que ele partiu em uma viagem de negócios urgente. Sua principal preocupação é que ela só pode herdar uma parte da fortuna da família se o marido estiver vivo. Os haloranos são uma família estranha, ainda sofrendo com a morte da filha mais nova Kathleen, que se afogou em um lago quando era criança. Eles realizam uma cerimônia anual de lembrança todos os anos no aniversário de sua morte. Este ano, no entanto, alguém está usando um machado com intenção de matar.
A Praia dos Amores
Original Music Composer
O primeiro dos cinco filmes oficiais American-International "Beach Party". O professor de antropologia Robert Orwell Sutwell e sua secretária Marianne estão estudando os hábitos sexuais dos adolescentes. Os adolescentes do surf lideradas por Frankie e Dee Dee não praticam muito sexo, mas eles cantam, combatem os ratos e camundongos da motocicleta liderados por Eric Von Zipper e dançam para Dick Dale e The Del Tones. Procure o camafeo surpresa do Big Daddy.
O Homem dos Olhos de Raio-X
Original Music Composer
Dr. Xavier trabalha em um colírio destinado a aumentar o alcance da visão humana, permitindo ver para além do "espectro visível". Acreditando que os testes em animais e voluntários irão produzir observações subjetivas e sem valor, ele começa a testar a fórmula nos seus próprios olhos. O resultado será intrigante.
Sombras do Terror
A young officer in Napoleon's army pursues a mysterious woman to the castle of an elderly Baron.
O Corvo
Original Music Composer
O poderoso feiticeiro Dr. Erasmus Craven (Vincent Price) vive recluso em seu castelo, de luto pela morte de sua esposa Lenore (Hazel Court) há dois anos, para tristeza da filha dele, Estelle (Olive Sturgess). Em uma noite, entra pela janela um corvo que se revela como o feiticeiro Dr. Bedlo (Peter Lorre), transformado na ave após um duelo de magia com o maligno Dr. Scarabus (Boris Karloff). Craven o ajuda a voltar ao normal e Bedlo quer retornar ao castelo de Scarabus para a revanche. Craven vai junto, pois Bedlo lhe contara que vira o fantasma de Lenore no lugar. Acompanha a dupla de feiticeiros Estelle e Rexford (Jack Nicholson), filho de Bedlo. No castelo de Scarabus, ocorre o novo duelo de magia dele com Bedlo e, depois, a luta final com Craven.
The Young Racers
A film constructed around footage shot of actual Grand Prix races in Europe.
Panic in Year Zero!
Original Music Composer
While on a fishing trip, Harry Baldwin (Ray Milland) and his family hear an explosion and realize that Los Angeles has been leveled by a nuclear attack. Looters and killers are everywhere. Escaping to the hills with his family, he sets about the business of surviving in a world where, he knows, the old ideals of humanity will be first casualties.
Muralhas do Pavor
Original Music Composer
Três histórias aterrorizantes adaptadas das obra de Edgar Allan Poe: "Morella", "O Gato Preto" e "A Verdade Sobre o Caso do Sr. Waldemar". A primeira é sobre um homem atormentado com o passado e com sua falecida esposa. Em "O Gato Preto", um indivíduo tem fantasias mortais com a mulher de seu rival. Na terceira, um hipnotizador realiza um experimento, hipnotizando o Sr. Waldemar na hora de sua morte.
Lost Battalion
Original Music Composer
In the Philippines during World War II, a girl is rescued from bandits by a guerrilla fighter.
Obsessão Macabra
Additional Music
Emily Gault chega à mansão Carrell determinada a reacender um antigo relacionamento com Guy Carrell, apesar da desaprovação de sua irmã, Kate. Guy supera seu medo intenso de ser enterrado vivo por tempo suficiente para se casar com Emily, mas logo fica obcecado novamente, construindo uma cripta projetada para garantir que ele não será vítima de seu pesadelo mais temido. Tentando provar que foi curado de sua fobia, ele abre a tumba de seu pai e fica em estado de choque em um estado catatônico. Seus piores medos se concretizam quando ele é baixado à sepultura e coberto, aparentemente para nunca saber que a traição de alguém muito querido foi a responsável direta por sua situação.
White Slave Ship
Original Music Composer
The Albatross travels from England to the New World in 1675, with a number of passengers, a couple of political prisoners along with a dozen other women convicts, these to be sold into slavery on arrival. The woman activist frees the dozen of low-cast women, and they take over the ship. After a storm, the captain takes back control of his ship. Since mutiny is punishable by death in the New World, the mutineers try to reroute the course, tossing Desny and Purdom in the brig. A practical male mutineer wants to throw the women overboard to save rations, but the women free Purdom and the captain to battle the mutineers. A British warship comes to the rescue, and the captain pardons Angeli and Purdom for having saved his life.
O Poço e o Pêndulo
Original Music Composer
Francis Barnard goes to Spain, when he hears his sister Elizabeth has died. Her husband Nicholas Medina, the son of the most brutal torturer of the Spanish Inquisition, tells him she has died of a blood disease, but Francis finds this hard to believe. After some investigating he finds out that it was extreme fear that was fatal to his sister and that she may have been buried alive!
Robur, O Conquistador do Mundo
A mad genius tries to bomb the world into peace.
Original Music Composer
Copenhagen é aterrorizada por uma fera pré-histórica que se regenerou a partir de uma parte da cauda recentemente descoberta.
Alakazam no Reino Mágico
A monkey king who learns the secrets of magic goes on a spree and causes no end of aggravation for the gods, who finally imprison him. In order to make up for all the trouble he's caused, he is sent on a mission to accompany a prince who is the son of the gods on a journey through a land filled with dangers, monsters, cannibals and demons.
Goliath and the Dragon
Original Music Composer
A warrior returning home to his country must battle giant bats, three-headed dogs and a vicious dragon to save his wife, and his people, from the machinations of an evil ruler.
O Solar Maldito
Original Music Composer
Baseado em uma história de Edgar Allan Poe, o filme narra a história de Philip Winthrop, que chega à mansão Usher com o intuito de levar sua amada, Madeline, para a sua cidade. Chegando lá ele confronta-se com o irmão dela, Roderick, que vai revelando, um a um, os aterrorizantes segredos de sua família.
Original Music Composer
After his wife and her blind sister have died under his care, a doctor's small daughter is kidnapped and reported as buried alive, and he is given just five hours to find and rescue her.
The Bride and the Beast
Original Music Composer
When Laura and Dan get married, she's more interested in Dan's gorilla. It's revealed through hypnosis that she was Queen of the Gorillas in a previous incarnation.
O Cavaleiro Solitário e a Cidade de Ouro Perdida
O Cavaleiro Mascarado e seu fiel escudeiro, o índio Tonto, descobrem que um vilão está matando pessoas que possuem medalhões de prata. De acordo com uma lenda, quando cinco destes medalhões são reunidos eles revelam a localização da Cidade de Ouro Perdida, repleta de riquezas. Três donos desses medalhões são assassinados e as vidas dos outros dois dependem da proteção do Cavaleiro Solitário e Tonto. Último filme com o personagem 'Lone Ranger' no cinema. No Brasil, o personagem ganhou o nome de outro herói, "Zorro", apenas como chamariz.
The Invisible Boy
Original Music Composer
A Super Computer plans world domination with the help of Robbie the robot and a 10 year old boy who is the son the computer's inventor.
Hell Bound
Original Music Composer
After WW2, a Los Angeles crime ring uses a complex scheme, involving a freight ship, a junkie, and a corrupt health officer, to smuggle drugs into the USA.
The Girl in Black Stockings
Original Music Composer
Residents at a posh Utah hotel become suspects when a girl is found murdered during a pool party. Local sheriff Jess Holmes takes charge of the investigation and must discover who among the terrified guests and staff -- including bodacious vixen Harriet Ames, the hotel's bitter, crippled proprietor, visiting lawyer David Hewson and his secretary, Beth -- is the culprit, even as murders continue to take place.
War Drums
Original Music Composer
The friendship between a white man & an Apache chief is tested when they fall in love with the same woman
Mocidade Indomável
Original Music Composer
Sisters Jane and Penny are arrested for hitchhiking on their way to Los Angeles when they stop for a quick skinny dip in a rural town. Local agricultural magnate Tropp is a sponsor for a local prison work program and the women get put in the fields to work off their sentence. Tropp is dating the widowed judge in order to ensure a stable supply of cheap labor in order to undercut his competition. The prisoners suffer ill treatment, but the judge's son has signed on as a hired hand and begins to figure out the scam as he begins falling in love with Jane, and Penny dreams of making it big in showbiz.
The Storm Rider
In this fast-paced Western, smaler ranchers hire a former gunman Bart Jones (Scott Brady) in the middle of a range war when he's called on to protect a group of small-time ranchers against cattle baron Maj.
Sinistra Emboscada
Na Guerra Civil americana, a disputa se acirra, e o grupamento sulista é obrigado a deixar o forte. Só que eles não contavam com um ataque dos índios Sioux, que acaba colocando a cavalaria em apuros. Quando um mensageiro regressa solicitando ajuda ao major do Norte, ocorrerá um grande dilema.
A Ilha do Terror
Music Director
A wealthy industrialist hires the renowned hoax-buster Phillip Knight to prove that an island he plans to develop isn't voodoo cursed. However, arriving on the island, Knight soon realizes that voodoo does exist when he discovers man-eating plants and a tribe of natives with bizarre powers.
Pharaoh's Curse
Archaeologists in Egypt find one of their crew has been turned into a blood sucking mummy after they have unleashed a three thousand year curse.
A Ilha do Terror
Original Music Composer
A wealthy industrialist hires the renowned hoax-buster Phillip Knight to prove that an island he plans to develop isn't voodoo cursed. However, arriving on the island, Knight soon realizes that voodoo does exist when he discovers man-eating plants and a tribe of natives with bizarre powers.
A Woman's Devotion
An artist suffering from mental problems from his experiences during the war goes to Acapulco on his honeymoon. Soon young women are turning up dead in the area, and the ex-GI comes to believe he might be responsible, as he has long stretches where he can't remember anything.
Rebel in Town
Ex-Confederate Bedloe Mason and his four sons ride into a small Western town with robbery in mind. Hearing a suspicious "click," Wes Mason whirls and shoots dead a boy playing with a cap pistol. The Mason clan then flees but Gray Mason, feeling remorse, decides to return to the town. He winds up at the home of John and Nora Willoughby who, unknown to him, are parents of the dead boy. Nora recognizes him as one of the Confederates but keeps quiet, wishing to avoid more violence. However, when John learns of Gray's true identity, he determines to avenge his son's death
A Torre dos Monstros
Original Music Composer
In 19th century England, a noted brain surgeon rescues a former student from being hanged on a false conviction for murder, and spirits him away to an ancient, repurposed abbey far in the countryside. There, he connives his pupil into assisting him in mapping the functions of the various parts of the human brain, using living subjects who are under a terrible animation-suspending drug called "black sleep". Subsequently, the student, along with the daughter of one of the subjects, discover that most of these subjects have survived but are being kept in a dungeon-like cellar, in various stages of physical and mental derangement...
Hot Blood
Stephen Torino (Wilde), who is tricked by his brother Marco (Adler) into an arranged marriage with tempestuous Annie Caldash (Russell). Annie is willing to give the union a go, but Torino wants none of it.
Hot Cars
Story of a salesman lured into the "hot car" racket.
A Life at Stake
Original Music Composer
An out-of-work architect meets a married woman who has a business proposition for him. The architect begins to suspect the woman's interest in him is not just financial and may actually be deadly.
It's Everybody's Business
Animated propaganda advocating for the importance of unregulated capitalism to the American way of life.