Self (archive footage)
A short documentary about the filming of Alfred Hitchcock's 'Rope'. Interviews with screenwriter Arthur Laurents delve into the troubles of secretly making a movie about gay murderers in the 1940s.
Mr. James - Jo's father
The Pumpkin Eater é um filme britânico de 1964, do gênero drama, dirigido por Jack Clayton e estrelado por Anne Bancroft e Peter Finch.
After two women poison to death the blackmailer who has been tormenting them, they wind up at the house of a blind man whose eccentric guest believes he has built a working time machine. Soon, the blackmailer is back to torment them all.
Assinada por Irwin Allen, o mestre das aventuras e fantasias, esta é uma arejada comédia baseada na popular história de Jules Verne. Uma tripulação totalmente heterogênea, incluindo um explorador do Séc. XIX (Sir Cedric Hardwicke), seu assistente (Fabian), um repórter criador de encrencas (Red Buttons), um professor desligado (Richard Haydn) e uma professora moderna (Barbara Eden), parte num balão em expedição rumo a um território africano que não consta dos mapas. Na esperança de fincarem uma bandeira para o Império Britânico, esse estranho grupo precisa enfrentar fortes tempestades, hostis mercadores de escravos, sultões que espirram e o pior de tudo: aguentar um ao outro! Com um elenco de primeira, um romance amalucado e maravilhosas paisagens, Cinco Semanas num Balão é diversão para toda a família da decolagem à aterrissagem!
Doc Saunders (as Sir Cedric Hardwicke)
Famed Depression-era gangster “Baby Face Nelson” (Mickey Rooney) robs and kills while accompanied by his beautiful moll (Carolyn Jones).
High Judge
The devil and the spirit of mankind argue as to whether or not humanity is ultimately good or evil.
Francis Cromarty
Em 1872, o nobre inglês Phileas Fogg (David Niven) aposta vinte mil libras com seus colegas do Clube Reformatório de Londres de que ele consegue dar a volta no planeta em exatamente oitenta dias. Ao lado do engenhoso Valet Passepartout (Mario Moreno), ele busca cumprir o seu objetivo com aventuras em todos os continentes, acaba conhecendo e se encantando pela bela viúva Aouda (Shirley MacLaine), ao mesmo tempo que, em uma conspiração, é acusado de ter roubado o dinheiro que investiu na aposta.
A épica vida de Moisés, desde recém-nascido, quando foi colocado nas águas em um cesto e acabou sendo adotado por uma princesa egípcia, até quando descobre sua real condição e decide liderar seu povo que, escravizado pelos egípcios, anseia pela liberdade.
Mr. Carew
An ambitious executive jeopardizes his career to marry a European refugee.
Louis XI of France drafts Paris's popular "king" of criminals as Provost Marshal in his fight against usurper Charles of Burgundy and the traitorous nobles who rally around him.
Mr. Edgar Carrington
A ballerina resorts to prostitution when her fiance is reported killed in World War II.
Há mais de 3 mil anos, Tróia era próspera, cuja localização a permitiu dominar o Helesponto (hoje conhecido como estreito de Dardanelos). Esta era a única rota marítima que ia e vinha do oriente, o que gerava muitas riquezas para Tróia, que se tornou um troféu de guerra tentador para as nações gregas. Os troianos se lembravam de quando os gregos, liderados por Esparta, saquearam e queimaram a cidade dos ancestrais. Em razão disto os troianos haviam preparado fortes defesas, para a possibilidade de futuros ataques. Guardada por grandes muralhas, a nova Tróia era um abrigo impenetrável para um povo feliz.
Asked by Francis I to tutor his son, Diane de Poitiers becomes the future King Henry II's mistress in 1500s France.
King Edward IV of England
Having helped his brother King Edward IV take the throne of England, the jealous hunchback Richard, Duke of York, plots to seize power for himself. Masterfully deceiving and plotting against nearly everyone in the royal court, including his eventual wife, Lady Anne, and his brother George, Duke of Clarence, Richard orchestrates a bloody rise to power before finding all his gains jeopardized by those he betrayed.
Prologue Speaker
A man looking for his fortune in a mine decides to tempt his partner with his much younger wife. The goal? To catch them "in the act" and kill him without consequence.
Commentary (voice) (as Sir Cedric Hardwicke)
Os cientistas Clayton Forrester e Sylvia Van Buren são os primeiros a chegar no local onde caiu um meteorito. Logo depois, uma máquina alienígena aparece e começa uma matança aleatória. Fuzileiros navais são enviados para o local, porém as forças de ataque deles não está a altura da força de ataque dos alienígenas.
Tiberius Caesar
No reinado do imperador Tibério, o profeta galileu João Batista prega contra o rei Herodes e a rainha Herodíades. Esta última quer João morto, mas Herodes teme prejudicá-lo devido a uma profecia. Então entra em cena a bela princesa Salomé, a enteada há muito ausente de Herodes. Herodias vê o desejo crescente do rei por Salomé como seu meio de dobrar o rei à sua vontade. Mas Salomé e seu amante Cláudio estão (ao contrário das Escrituras) se aproximando da conversão à nova religião. E a famosa dança climática acabou tendo implicações inesperadas ...
Gov. Phillip
Based on the story of Australia's colonization, this atmospheric drama stars Alan Ladd as Hugh Tallant, an American medical student falsely convicted of robbery and sent on a torturous voyage with other prisoners to the penal colony at Botany Bay. Because of his attempt to escape, evil Captain Gilbert decides to return him to England on charges of mutiny.
Captain Francis Barclay
Francis Barclay, a former member of the British Admiralty, who was captured in the early 1700s, and sold into slavery, by Andrew McAllister, and forced into piracy, enlists the aid of Dick Lindsay, to help him invade MacAllister's fortified island. The latter falls in love with MacAllister's daughter,Christine.
Father Goron
In World War II France, American soldier Michael Blake captures, then loses Nazi-collaborator art thief Paul Rona, who leaves behind a gem studded gauntlet (a stolen religious relic). Years later, financial reverses lead Mike to return in search of the object. In Paris, he must dodge mysterious followers and a corpse that's hard to explain; so he and attractive tour guide Christine decamp on a cross-country pursuit that becomes love on the run...then takes yet another turn.
Dr. Karl Strolin
O marechal Rommel, especialista de Hitler em táticas militares na Segunda Guerra Mundial, era conhecido como a Raposa do Deserto. Respeitado por seguidores e adversários, ao ver que Hitler estava levando a Alemanha à destruição, uniu-se a conspiradores para depor o Fürher.
A pretty singer/dancer is becoming an actress whereas the playboy crown prince is becoming a monarch. The both will have their clandestine romance interfered with by their changing circumstances.
Nicholas Radcliffe
Mountain climbers in the Swiss Alps mull over past problems while trying to conquer a perilous peak.
A humane prison governor deals with a variety of different prisoners, including a charming murderer.
King Arthur
A bump on the head sends Hank Martin, 1912 mechanic, to Arthurian Britain, 528 A.D., where he is befriended by Sir Sagramore le Desirous and gains power by judicious use of technology. He and Alisande, the King's niece, fall in love at first sight, which draws unwelcome attention from her fiancée Sir Lancelot; but worse trouble befalls when Hank meddles in the kingdom's politics.
Arthur Winslow
In pre-WW1 England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, but his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.
Mr. Henry Kentley
Dois amigos (Farley Granger e John Dall) caçadores de aventura estrangulam seu colega de classe e organizam uma festa para a família e amigos da vítima, servindo refeições em uma mesa que na verdade é um baú que guarda o cadáver dele. Quando a conversa do jantar gira em torno do assassinato perfeito, o ex-professor (James Stewart) fica cada vez mais desconfiado que seus alunos converteram suas teorias intelectuais em uma realidade brutal.
Mr. Hyde
Norwegian immigrant Marta Hanson keeps a firm but loving hand on her household of four children, a devoted husband and a highly-educated lodger who reads great literature to the family every evening. Through financial crises, illnesses and the small triumphs of everyday life, Marta maintains her optimism and sense of humor, traits she passes on to her aspiring-author daughter, Katrin.
Dr. James Libbard
A cheating husband is charged in the poisoning death of his invalid wife, in spite of other women and suicide also being suspected.
Grand Duke
The portrait of Russian composer Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky focuses on his failed love affair.
Frederick Alexander (as Sir Cedric Hardwicke)v
O competente e correto engenheiro Johnny Munroe (John Wayne) é contratado para construir uma perigosa estrada de ferro numa montanha dos Andes.
Julian Wilde
Um serial killer em Londres está assassinando jovens mulheres, que encontra através das colunas pessoais de jornais; ele anuncia cada um de seus crimes à polícia, enviando-lhes um poema enigmático. Depois de uma dançarina desaparecer, a polícia convoca uma amiga americana dela, Sandra Carpenter, para responder aos anúncios nas colunas pessoais e assim atrair o assassino.
Inspector Orpington
When Ivy, an Edwardian belle, begins to like Miles, a wealthy gentleman, she is unsure of what to do with her husband, Jervis, and her lover, Dr. Roger. She then hatches a plan to get rid of them both.
Ralph Nickleby
A fatherless boy tries to make his fortune despite interference from his rich uncle.
Lord Belmont
A British peer's romance with a ballerina courts scandal in 1890s London.
Dr. Albert Condor
A paraplegic mistakes a man's pity for love.
Dr. Jim Miller
An actress becomes taken with Hitty, a young orphan prone to dreaming. Julie soon finds out that she is ill and has only a short time to live. She decides to adopt the child so that her husband Bill will not be alone when she dies. Unfortunately, Bill is not charmed by Hitty.
Monsignor at Tweedside
Um jovem sacerdote, padre Chisholm é enviado à China para estabelecer uma paróquia católica entre chineses não cristãos. Enquanto seu amigo de infância, também sacerdote, prospera em seu chamado como um sacerdote em uma área mais cristã do mundo, padre Chisholm luta muito. Ele encontra hostilidade, isolamento, doenças, pobreza e uma variedade de contratempos que o humilham, mas que o tornam mais determinado do que nunca em ter sucesso. Durante um período de muitos anos ele ganha a aceitação e uma crescente congregação entre os chineses, por sua calma determinação, compreensão e paciência.
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge
The political career of Woodrow Wilson is chronicled, beginning with his decision to leave his post at Princeton to run for Governor of New Jersey, and his subsequent ascent to the Presidency of the United States. During his terms in office, Wilson must deal with the death of his first wife, the onslaught of German hostilities leading to American involvement in the Great War, and his own country's reticence to join the League of Nations.
Robert Bonting
In Victorian era London, the inhabitants of a family home with rented rooms upstairs fear the new lodger is Jack the Ripper.
Um porta-aviões é enviado em uma missão de engodo pelo Pacífico, com ordens de evitar o combate, mantendo, assim, o estado de alerta japonês antes da batalha de Midway. Todos os homens têm os seus problemas e preocupações individuais, mas tornam-se cada vez mais frustrados com a sua proibição de combate, por razões desconhecidas para eles. Mas no final, todos vão ter a sua chance de lutar.
Father Sebastian
French soldiers (Jean-Pierre Aumont, Gene Kelly) surrender to lying Nazis and are herded into a barbaric prison camp.
Col. Lanser
The story of a small town in Norway that resists German occupation during World War II. Based on a John Steinbeck novel.
Mr. Dabb
In World War II, American Gates Trimble Pomfret is in London during the Blitz to sell the ancestral family house. The current tenant, Leslie Trimble, tries to dissuade him from selling by telling him the 140-year history of the place and the connections between the Trimble and Pomfret families.
In World War II, American Gates Trimble Pomfret is in London during the Blitz to sell the ancestral family house. The current tenant, Leslie Trimble, tries to dissuade him from selling by telling him the 140-year history of the place and the connections between the Trimble and Pomfret families.
Admiral Bowen
A gentle widower, enraged at Nazi atrocities against his peaceful Norwegian fishing village, escapes to Britain and returns leading a commando force against the oppressors.
Conrad Stauffer
Os alemães desejam comprar a fórmula da invisibilidade com o filho do Dr. Frank Griffin. Este por sua vez, não vende a fórmula, e os Estados Unidos no período da Segunda Guerra Mundial, também desejam o produto. Mas Frank Raymond resolve dar a fórmula com a condição de que ele mesmo a tome e se infiltre nos quartéis generais dos nazistas, a fim de pegar um caderno com o nome de todos agentes duplos infiltrados nos Estados Unidos e também evitar um grande ataque em massa à Nova York que planejaram. Com a ajuda na Alemanha de Maria Soreson (Ilona Massey), o agente invisível poderá auxiliar na Guerra mais do que mil espiões juntos.
Dr. Ludwig Frankenstein / Dr. Henry Frankenstein (ghostly image)
Ygor ressuscita o monstro de Frankenstein e leva-o até o filho do médico original, Ludwig, em busca de ajuda.
Lord Warrick (as Sir Cedric Hardwicke)
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
General McLaidlaw
Rapaz leva vida de playboy tomando dinheiro emprestado dos amigos. Um dia conhece uma tímida garota, com quem acaba se casando. Mas a jovem com o tempo passa a desconfiar que ele é na verdade um assassino e ela correr o risco de ser a próxima vítima.
l'évêque Coombes
Englishmen fighting Nazis in Africa discover an exotic mystery woman living among the natives and enlist her aid in overcoming the Germans.
Mr. Jones
A hermit's idyllic life on an island is disturbed by the arrival of a bunch of cutthroats.
Fleetwood Peyton
Beautiful young Virginian Jane steps down from her proper aristocratic upbringing when she marries down-to-earth surveyor Matt Howard. Matt joins the Colonial forces in their fight for freedom against England. Matt will meet Jane's father in the battlefield.
Dr. Thomas Arnold
When private tutor Thomas Arnold (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) becomes headmaster at Rugby, a boy's preparatory school in England, he puts into place a policy of strict punishment for unruliness and bulying. Arnold finds an ally in Tom Brown (Jimmy Lydon), a new student who is subjected to hazing and abuse by a group of older boys and is pressured by his friends to keep quiet about it. Fed up, he leads his fellow classmates in an underground rebellion against their tormentors. But certain unspoken rules still apply at the school and Brown loses his hero status when he is accussed of breaking the Rugby code of silence.
Richard Cobb
Preso sob a acusação de ter matado seu irmão, Geoffrey Radcliffe aguarda sua sentenção - morrer na forca. Mas, logo depois de receber a visita de seu amigo Dr. Frank Griffin, Geoffrey simplesmente desaparece. O inspetor policial Sampson começa a investigar e acredita que Griffin é na verdade o irmão do Homem Invisível original (do primeiro filme) e deu a Geoffrey a fórmula da invisibilidade. Continuação do clássico de 1933.
Esta produção estrelada por Charles Laughton, que estava no auge de sua carreira quando personificou Quasímodo (o Corcunda), recebeu duas indicações ao Oscar, em 1939. É provavelmente, a melhor interpretação dada ao triste personagem, morador da Catedral de Notre Dame, que perambula pelos impressionantes cenários de Paris, criados especialmente para o filme, em Hollywood. Maureen O'Hara está perfeita como a linda cigana Esmeralda, pela qual Quasímodo se apaixona desesperadamente, a ponto de romper a paz da imponente e secular Catedral, aterrorizando a população.
Dr. David Livingstone
When American newspaperman and adventurer Henry M. Stanley comes back from the western Indian wars, his editor James Gordon Bennett sends him to Africa to find Dr. David Livingstone, the missing Scottish missionary. Stanley finds Livingstone ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume.") blissfully doling out medicine and religion to the happy natives. His story is at first disbelieved.
Mr. Brink
Young Pud is orphaned and left in the care of his aged grandparents. The boy and his grandfather are inseparable. Gramps is concerned for Pud's future and wary of a scheming relative who seeks custody of the child. One day Mr. Brink, an agent of Death, arrives to take Gramps "to the land where the woodbine twineth." Through a bit of trickery, Gramps confines Mr. Brink, and thus Death, to the branches of a large apple tree, giving Gramps extra time to resolve issues about Pud's future.
Allan Quatermain
Adventurer Allan Quartermain leads an expedition into uncharted African territory in an attempt to locate an explorer who went missing during his search for the fabled diamond mines of King Solomon.
Dean Harcourt (as Sir Cedric Hardwicke)
A brilliant young surgeon takes the blame for a colleague when a botched surgery causes a patient's death and buries himself at a wilderness research facility.
Mr. Baxley
To rid himself of his sponging relatives a man tells them he is really a forger which causes them to leave. His wife believes he is joking, but he has in fact allowed the truth to slip out and now he is danger of being arrested.
Earl of Warwick
The tragic story of Lady Jane Grey, the young queen who reigned in England for nine days before she was executed.
Baseado na obra de H.G. Wells, narra cem anos de história da humanidade, de 1930 até o século XXI. Esse período é atravessado por guerras que duram décadas, uma peste que aniquila metade da população e a reconstrução da civilização em busca do espaço sideral.
David Garrick
a biopic of eighteenth-century Irish actress Peg Woffington. It was based on the play Masks and Faces.
Marquis of Steyne
Becky Sharp (Miriam Hopkins) e Amelia Sedley (Frances Dee) são colegas de escola, mas Becky, órfã vinda de uma família de artistas, é de classe social bastante baixa. Ambiciosa, ela sonha em conseguir se casar com um homem rico, para então pertencer à alta sociedade.
Aos poucos, Becky consegue adentrar a família de Amelia, e começa a demonstrar interesse por Joseph (Nigel Bruce), irmão de sua amiga. Mas como ele, apesar de interessado na moça, resolve não propor casamento à uma pobretona, Becky abandona a casa dos Sedley.
Ela começa então a traçar um novo plano para alcançar seus objetivos: armada de charme, beleza, e um particular talento para a farsa, Becky consegue, aos poucos, escalar o seu caminho para classes cada vez mais altas. Mas uma falta de cálculo pode custar à moça mais do que ela pode imaginar...
Bishop Bienvenue (as Sir Cedric Hardwicke)
In 19th century France, Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for stealing bread, must flee a relentless policeman named Javert. The pursuit consumes both men's lives, and soon Valjean finds himself in the midst of the student revolutions in France.
Dr. Meyer Isaacson
That old theatrical war-horse Bella Donna (previously filmed in America by Alla Nazimova) was resurrected by Britain's Twickenham Studios in 1934. Conrad Veidt stars as sinister Egyptian Mahmoud Baroundi, who even before the film gets under way has left a long trail of ruined women behind him. His latest victim is American girl Mona Chepstow (Mary Ellis), whom Baroundi treats like dirt and makes her like it. The plot centers around a murder by poison, as evidenced by the film's deliberately exotic title. Critics in 1934 praised newcomer Mary Ellis for underplaying her role, but many film fans preferred Nazimova's arm-waving histrionics in the earlier version.
Rabbi Gabriel
A historical satire critical of the rising tide of Anti-Semitism in Germany. Based on the novel by Lionel Feuchtwanger, Jew Süss is the story of life in the 18th century Jewish ghetto of Württemberg. Süss (Veidt) works himself out of the ghetto and into a position of power himself with the help of an evil Duke.
Gustav Dupont
In this comedy-mystery, a private detective helps three businessmen get even with the man who misused their investments. The detective plans to kidnap the man's wife so he can get her signature and reclaim the money. The detective didn't plan on falling in love with the wife, but he does, and mayhem ensues.
Charles II
King Charles II first meets Nell Gwyn after seeing her do a turn at Drury Lane. They soon become close, the King preferring her feisty irreverent company to that of the aristocratic French Duchess of Portsmouth. Nell becomes his most loyal subject, while ever-ready to take the Duchess down a peg. But the actress can never hope to be fully accepted by the King's circle despite his constant attentions.
O egiptólogo britânico Professor Morlant encontra uma joia mágica no túmulo de um ídolo oriental. Este talismã deve conceder a imortalidade àqueles que estão enterrados com ela. Então, Morlant organiza-se para colocá-lo no seu túmulo após a sua morte. E o infortúnio daqueles que cruzarem o seu caminho, pois o espírito de Morlant surgirá para se vingar de seus traidores ...
A brash American movie producer arrives at an army base in England wanting to shoot a movie and use the soldiers as extras. The base commander doesn't want any part of it, but the producer and his secretary cook up a scheme to trick the officer into letting him use the base and its men. Their plan succeeds, but things don't turn out quite the way they were expecting.
Alistair McBane
The theft of a famous painting leads to murder and many suspects on a plush train speeding from Paris to Rome.
Captain Alfred Dreyfus
In 1894, French officer Alfred Dreyfus is wrongly convicted for the treasonous acts of another man, Major Esterhazy. When investigations begin into the dubious evidence used in the trial, an institutional coverup begins, aided by fears of army disgrace and anti-Semitic paranoia against Dreyfus. But a determined group, headed by prominent author Émile Zola, leads a mounting public call to reopen the Dreyfus case.
Horatio Nelson
Recounts some highlights in the career of Admiral Nelson, including his battles with the French fleet under Napoleon, and his dalliances with Lady Hamilton.