Robert Sidell


Rhinestone: Um Brilho na Noite
Makeup Artist
Jake Farris (Dolly Parton) é cantora country vinda do Tennessee que faz sucesso em uma boate decadente comandada por Freddie (Ron Leibman). Ela deseja sair do lugar o quanto antes, mas Freddie não quer liberá-la do compromisso por ter um contrato em vigor. Após muita insistência, eles fazem uma aposta: Caso Jake consiga fazer com que um zé-ninguém consiga se tornar uma estrela da música country, ela está liberada do contrato. Já se fracassar, ela terá de renovar o compromisso por mais cinco anos. O problema é que Freddie elege como alvo o taxista Nick Martinelli (Sylvester Stallone), que, além de não ter o menor talento musical, ainda por cima detesta música country.
Makeup Artist
A former child show host misses the good old days. He and his sidekick from the show are doing a gig when the place gets robbed and the sidekick murdered. The host is the only one who saw the robber well so the robber goes after him.
O Casal Osterman
Makeup Artist
The host of an investigative news show is convinced by the CIA that the friends he has invited to a weekend in the country are engaged in a conspiracy that threatens national security.
McQuade: O Lobo Solitário
Makeup Artist
O lendário Ranger do Texas renegado J.J. McQuade é terrível com a arma - mas letal com o seu cinturão negro! Quando a vida da sua filha adolescente é ameaçada por ladrões de estrada na tentativa de roubarem um camião cheio de armas e munições, o serviço torna-se pessoal para McQuade. Pondo a descoberto uma operação de tráfico e venda ilegal de armas a terroristas um pouco por todo o mundo, McQuade fica frente a frente com o rei desta rede gigantesca, Rawley - um nome afamado mundialmente nas artes marciais, por nunca ter perdido um combate! Terá o Ranger o que é necessário para salvar a filha e a honra - ou será que finalmente encontrou um adversário à altura, e consequentemente... a sua própria derrota?
E.T.: O Extraterrestre
Makeup Artist
Um garoto faz amizade com um ser de outro planeta, que ficou sozinho na Terra, protegendo-o de todas as formas para evitar que ele seja capturado e transformado em cobaia. Gradativamente, surge entre os dois uma forte amizade.
Corpos Ardentes
Makeup Artist
Em uma pequena cidade da Flórida, durante um tórrido verão, Ned Racine (William Hurt), um advogado sem talento, se envolve com Matty Walker (Kathleen Turner), uma bela e sensual socialite casada, que é dotada de vários atributos físicos mas desprovida de qualquer escrúpulo. Ned é tomado por uma paixão avassaladora e Matty o convence a assassinar Edmund (Richard Crenna), seu marido. Assim Ned se vê dentro de uma intrincada trama recheada de ameaças e incertezas, onde os dois planejam matar o marido dela para ficar com sua fortuna.
Something for Joey
Makeup Artist
This is based on the true story about the relationship between Penn State football player John Cappelletti and his younger brother Joey, who has leukemia. John and Joey's bond is a strong one. Joey hangs out with John in the Penn State locker room, and inspires him to be the top college football player in the country. Their bond knows no boundaries and goes beyond making touchdowns and winning awards.
The President's Plane Is Missing
Makeup Artist
When the President's plane mysteriously disappears with him on board, it is left to the seemingly weak Vice President to try to avert a nuclear exchange with the Chinese.
Getting Away from It All
Makeup Artist
Two city couples decide to leave the hectic urban life and retreat to the country, but find that rural living isn't quite what they thought it would be.
The Homecoming: A Christmas Story
Makeup Artist
The Walton family is preparing for Christmas in the early 1930s. It's Christmas Eve, and they are waiting for Daddy Walton to come home from his job in the city some 50 miles away. Since he is late, everyone is worried and over the radio the mother and grandparents hear about an overturned bus and hurt travelers but keep this news from the rest of the family. The story is really a coming of age story about the oldest son John-Boy who must cut down the tree with his grandfather since his father isn't home and is eventually told about his missing father and sets out to find him. An all round heartwarming story, especially if you are a fan of The Waltons. A simple story about a simple family in simple times. Great family entertainment!
But I Don't Want to Get Married!
Makeup Artist
An accountant is widowed after 18 years of marriage. He is dumbfounded to have a herd of marriage-minded women descend upon him.
Carter's Army
Makeup Artist
A racist officer is put in charge of an all-black squad of troops charged with the mission of blowing up an important hydro-dam in Nazi Germany. Their failure would delay the Allies' advance into Germany, thus prolonging the war. These African-Americans have little military training, but Captain Beau Carter has no choice. He leads the rag-tag and they turn out to be heroic.
Makeup Artist
Black militants building up an arsenal of weapons in preparation for a race war are betrayed by one of their own.