Chick Vennera
Nascimento : 1947-03-27, Herkimer, New York, USA
Morte : 2021-07-07
Francis "Chick" Vennera was an American actor and voice artist. He often served as a voice double for Joe Pesci.
Curtis Blake, é um ex-ladrão de carros sob condicional. Ao tornar-se faxineiro acredita que seu primeiro dia de trabalho será fácil. O Waldman Building é um prédio um tanto vazio em finais de semana no centro de Los Angeles, exceto por alguns poucos executivos correndo atrás do trabalho atrasado. Porém Curtis encontra o corpo dilacerado do segurança do edifício – ele sabia que este não seria um sábado qualquer.
The Russian space station Avma is disintegrating, and an international team of scientists is sent to the dying station to salvage valuable technology left on board. But fate has other plans, and when a rogue meteor collides with the station, leaving them with all communications lost, and life-giving oxygen bleeding into space, one man has only hours to save all the lives on board.
When a Marine Colonel orders his men to massacre a village they were sent to rescue some hostages but when they found them dead they decide to get some payback. Upon returning to the States the Colonel would be court-martialed and made a plea agreement wherein all the blame is on him and his men would be discharged and receive any benefits they're entitled. But the General presiding over his trial chooses not to agree to the agreement and throws the book at the Colonel and has his men dishonorably discharged thus eliminating all their benefits.
Stan Alton
An underground city is built to save a cross-section of humanity as a comet hurtles toward Earth.
This is the story of a modern day pirate mad man and his crew of eight, searching for fortune on a cruise ship but a small group of passengers fight back.
Quando vários acontecimentos desencadeiam um teste nuclear uma onda maciça se forma no oceano e atinge o navio do Capitão Hal Josephson (James Coburn). Emborcado o navio, os sobreviventes lutam por suas vidas nos estreitos e alagados corredores, infestados agora por mortais tubarões. Alguns precisam fugir das águas, outros de um grupo de terroristas. O plano seqüestrar a filha do importante empresário, passageira do navio.
Pesto (voice)
Animaniacs foi uma série de desenhos animados distribuída pela Warner Bros., produzido por Amblin Entertainment e inspirado no filme Uma Cilada para Roger Rabbit. As primeiras apresentações foram na ABC entre 1993 e 1994. As demais foram no Kids WB! entre 1994 e 1998. No Brasil, o desenho foi exibido pela Rede Globo (1994 - 1998) nos extintos Xou da Xuxa, Sessão Aventura, Angel Mix, TV Colosso e Xuxa Park; , no SBT, no Sessão Desenho (1999 - 2008),no Cartoon Network de 1996 até 2005, voltou por um breve período em 2008 e atualmente a série está nos canal Tooncast. Em Portugal, a série foi transmitida na RTP 1 e RTP 2. A comédia de Animaniacs foi uma ampla mistura de humor à moda antiga, abordagens palhaças, referências à cultura pop. O show contou com um número de comédias com segmentos educacionais que cobriam assuntos como história, geografia, matemática, astronomia, ciência e estudos sociais, muitas vezes em forma de música.
Jimmy Morabito
Um engenheiro de uma empresa de tecnologia começa a perder a maior parte de sua memória e descobre que foi programado para cometer delitos, aparentemente por seus próprios chefes.
After Captain Murphy lost some of his men on his last mission to Mexico to bring back a US Senator, he has been plagued with unhappiness and bad dreams. When Murphy is given orders to go back to Mexico to help Mexican people slaving for Salvatore, a rich drug dealer, he must use a new technology plane to get there. The plane is technically advanced with a new protection luxury called 'Active Stealth'. Murphy and his men get aboard the 'Active Stealth', piloted by Hollywood who dreams of being an actor and embark to Mexico. The action never stops from then on when Salvatore sends his men in to block them from getting through.
Thirteen-year-old Desi has two big problems: her cartoonist father is being duped by a sexy, money-hungry agent, and she needs to find a date for a friend's birthday party. An apprentice angel is sent to Earth to help Desi deal with the situation.
Martial arts star Don "The Dragon" Wilson stars in this action/suspense story. A child is recruited to take part in a secret government experiment which results in him being able to see into the future. Years later, the child is an adult and is working for the government; his latest assignment is to find the other people who were part of the same project. Before long, he discovers the other test subjects usually pop up murdered shortly before he can talk to them, and he realizes he may well be the next target.
Alex Stein
Successful psychologist, Dr. Angela Cross, puts in a new burglar alarm system into her home due to threats she received. Steve Caldwell and Will Griffith install her system and after Will gets shot during a burglary attempt. Jeff and Angela have a hot relationship going until another break-in at her house. Angela has some secrets from her past that could be exposed if the tapes stolen are viewed.
Freddie Summers
TV producer Clair Archer, charged with the murder of her co-producer, hires attorney Simon Mitchell to defend her. Though happily married, Simon falls for Clair's seductive wiles and then, in the middle of the trial and the torrid affair, discovers that Clair is guilty. Simon's associate, Lane, finds incriminating evidence against Clair. Simon tries to end the affair. But Clair cleverly sets up Lane so that when Clair kills Simon, Simon's wife suspects Lane -- and shoots her. Clair Archer is judged "not guilty" and walks away free.
Raul Solo
A young man falls in love with a co-worker's mail order bride from Latin America.
Freddie Summers
Movie producer Alan Clay wants to make a movie about Dr. Claire Archer and her amazing life story. Claire falls for Alan, and Alan cannot resist temptation, so now he's hiding an affair from wife Beth. When the movie writer's investigations uncover new facts in the killings, Claire senses the danger, and responds.
Stephen Ross
A former movie star, Monica Scott, returns to the big screen along with younger boyfriend, Eric Cline, after a long absence. Monica is very jealous of the attention Eric gives to her body double - Lisa. The plot becomes difficult to follow as it changes between real life and the movie they are making. The jealousy inevitably leads to murder attempts and denials
Frank de la Grana
A woman's husband leaves her and their three daughters. Years later she sets out to find him and get him to pay back child support.
Roberto Santos
Santos attempts to lead a people's revolt in Colombia to overthrow the Presidente. When his revolt fails and he is killed, his sister Christina goes to New York to find McBain, a lieutenant Santos rescued during the Vietnam War. McBain agrees to help, recruits his old war buddies, raises some cash by killing a few drug dealers, then leads an attack to topple the Colombian government.
In a world gone mad, the last human colony struggles to survive underground, beneath a land of nightmarish mutants who seek to destroy them. But when the mutant breaks inside humanity's final stronghold, the battle for survival pits the human colonists against their deadly invaders miles below the earth's surface.
A Beverly Hills home-security guard is seduced by a rock star's wife he monitors by video.
Coach Pingatore
The story of Mary Thomas, the mother of basketball star Isiah Thomas, and how she fought to keep her family together and her sons out of trouble despite the surroundings of poverty, drugs, crime and violence of their ghetto neighborhood.
Padre protege mulher que está sendo perseguida pela máfia e acaba se apaixonando por ela. Dividido entre a igreja e o amor que sente, ele se envolve numa trama que mistura crime e traição.
Tony Leonard
A sister is kidnapped on her 16th Birthday.
Joe Mondragon
Na pequena cidade de Milagro, Novo México, onde a água local é um recurso escasso, o obscuro desenvolvedor Ladd Devine planejou construir um resort que acabará por sugar toda a água dos campos vizinhos. Quando o fazendeiro e agricultor Joe Mondragon acidentalmente quebra uma válvula de água reservada para grandes empresas, ele inadvertidamente desencadeia uma guerra de direitos da água em pequena escala entre os agricultores e os desenvolvedores. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Edgar Ness
A group of teenagers borrow a car, unaware that gangsters have stashed mob money in it. The gangsters are determined to get the money back.
Uma dramatização da investigação secreta de Gloria Steinem sobre as condições de trabalho que as Coelhinhas enfrentavam nos Clubes da Playboy.
Four American friends, badly needing money, decide to make a commando-like raid into a South American drug lord's compound.
Danny Ruffelo
During WWII, the United States set up army bases in Great Britain as part of the war effort. Against their proper sensibilities, many of the Brits don't much like the brash Yanks, especially when it comes to the G.I.s making advances on the lonely British girls. One relationship that develops is between married John, an Army Captain, and the aristocratic Helen, whose naval husband is away at war. Helen loves her husband, but Helen and John are looking for some comfort during the difficult times.
Marv Gomez
O filme conta as aventuras e desventuras de frequentadores de uma discoteca na cidade de Los Angeles, dentre estes uma cantora iniciante (Donna Summer) em busca do sucesso.
A young ghetto kid despairs of ever getting out of that environment and making something of himself, until one day he gets a job as an assistant in a veterinarian's office, and working with all the animals begins to affect his outlook on life.