Arndt Stüwe


Christmas on the Runway
Christmas Eve. Airport Santa Thorsten has his hands full: An accident and bad weather lock everyone in as they are trying to make it home last minute! Small dramas play out under the eyes of Thorsten’s tyrannical boss, the airport manager: Secret lovers Martin and Eva are in a tight spot, when Martin’s family shows up. A retired couple can’t spend Christmas with their loved ones. Waitress Anja’s boyfriend suddenly falls for her old school mate. Helicopter mom Jette keeps fighting with her husband, when her son runs away. In the middle of it all is Thorsten, and it’s his job to keep them all happy. But that’s what Santa's are made for!
Im Abgrund
Echte Bauern singen besser
Heiraten ist nichts für Feiglinge
Actually, Kathi should be happy: her best friend Caro marries and wishes on top of Kathi as a maid of honor. Would not it be the unspeakable coincidence that the wedding is also Kathi's ex-boyfriend Markus and his new super-girlfriend Maria invited. For Kathi it is clear: She has to find a companion for Caro's wedding. Easier said than done: All conceivable men in their circle of acquaintances are already taken. So Kathis way leads to the brokerage "Datelink". Already at the first meetings she receives illustrious, colorful and absurd insights into a generation of men in search of the woman for life.
Mordkommission Berlin 1
A crime movie directed by Marvin Kren.
Uma Secretária Enrascada
Quando a garota de programa Lizzy testemunha o assassinato de um contador por um cafetão, ela sabe que tem de sair de cena para evitar retaliações. Lizzie então encontra um emprego como secretária no escritório de polícia, onde começa um flerte com seu chefe. Ao acompanhar a investigação do caso, ela acaba querendo testemunhar contra o assassino, mesmo que assim coloque em perigo a relação com seu chefe e sua própria vida.
Leo und Marie – Eine Weihnachtsliebe