Cliff Culley


Silhouettes: The James Bond Titles
Documentary exploring the famous title sequences used in the Bond movies. Narrated by Patrick Macnee. Included on the 'You Only Live Twice' Bluray disc
The Men Behind the Mayhem: The Special Effects of James Bond
Documentary looking at the special effects from the bond movies and the men who created them. Narrated by Marie Clairu.
Inside 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"
Inside 'From Russia with Love'
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "From Russia with Love".
Behind the Scenes with 'Goldfinger'
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "Goldfinger".
An Ungentlemanly Act
Visual Effects
Based on actual accounts, this film portrays the days and hours before and during the invasion of the Falkland Islands by Argentina, which eventually lead to the Falklands War. As the Argentine forces land on the main island and make their way towards Government House, the handful of British defenders batten down the hatches and prepare to defend the Governor Rex Hunt, his family and their fellow islanders from the invaders.
Raça das Trevas
Matte Painter
Aaron Boone é um jovem atormentado por pesadelos terríveis sobre um mundo habitado por monstros em um lugar chamado Midian. Certo dia seu psiquiatra, acusa-o de ser o autor de uma série de assassinatos terríveis que casam com as descrições de seus sonhos, acontece que Midian é real, e ele acaba descobrindo o lugar e seus monstros.
A Espada do Valente
Visual Effects
Gawain was a squire in King Arthur's court when the Green Knight burst in and offered to play a game with a brave knight. Gawain journeys across the land, learning about life, saving damsels, and solving the Green Knight's riddle.
O Corcunda de Notre Dame
Visual Effects
O filme é uma adaptação do clássico de Victor Hugo e conta a história do deformado Quasimodo, que se apaixona pela cigana Esmeralda. Infelizmente, o pai rigoroso de Quasimodo, Dom Claude Frollo, também se encanta com Esmeralda, resultando em um conflito. Porém a presença do belo soldado Phoebus, complica a situação.
Penda's Fen
Special Effects
Através de uma série de encontros reais e imaginários com anjos, demônios e o passado pagão da Inglaterra, o filho de um pastor começa a questionar sua religião e política, e chega a um acordo com sua sexualidade.
The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins
Special Effects
The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins is a 1971 British comedy film directed and produced by Graham Stark. Its title is a conflation of The Magnificent Seven and the seven deadly sins. It comprises a sequence of seven sketches, each representing a sin and written by an array of British comedy-writing talent. The sketches are linked by animation sequences. The music score is by British jazz musician Roy Budd, cinematography by Harvey Harrison and editing by Rod Nelson-Keys and Roy Piper. It was produced by Tigon Pictures and distributed in the U.K. by Tigon Film Distributors Ltd..
Additional Camera
The outbreak of World War I places Scots officer Geoffrey Richter-Douglas in an uncomfortable position. Although his allegiance is to Britain, his mother was from an aristocratic Bavarian family, and he spent his summers in Germany as a child. When Geoffrey is approached by a German spy who offers him a chance to defect, he reports the incident to his superiors, but instead of arresting the spy they suggest that he accept her offer--and become an Allied agent. In Germany, among old friends, Geoffrey discovers that loyalty is more complicated than he expected, especially when he finds himself aboard the maiden voyage of a powerful new prototype Zeppelin, headed for Scotland on a secret mission that could decide the outcome of the war.
The Firechasers
Special Effects
Insurance investigator must find out who is setting fires. Along the way he meets and works with a beautiful newspaper reporter and falls in love.
Special Effects
Depois que o exército egípcio, comandada por oficiais britânicos, é destruído em uma batalha no Sudão em 1880, o governo britânico está em um dilema. Ele não querem enviar uma força militar britânica para uma guerra estrangeira, mas eles têm o compromisso de proteger os egípcios em Cartum. Eles decidem pedir o general Charles "Chinês" Gordon, que era uma espécie de herói popular no Sudão por ter acabado com o comércio de escravos na área, para providenciar a evacuação. Gordon concorda, mas também decide defender a cidade contra as forças do Mahdi - O Esperado - e tenta forçar os britânicos a enviar tropas.