Alain Blazquez

Alain Blazquez

Nascimento : 1955-09-01, France


Alain Blazquez


C'est magnifique !
Mr Sennac
When Pierre learns that his parents are not his parents, he wants to find out who he is and where he comes from. Raised in nature, Pierre has never been confronted with society. He does not know the codes. He will team up with Anna who will help him in his quest and cross a whole gallery of characters as funny as tender. But during his investigation, Pierre will lose his colors – like a photo that fades.
King - Meu Melhor Amigo
O que você faria se um filhote de leão aparecesse em seu quarto? Os irmãos Inés e Alex, enfrentam esse dilema quando encontram King, um filhote traficado que foge de um aeroporto e encontra refúgio em sua casa.
The Other Side
The Ideal Palace
Jean-Louis Revol
Follows Joseph Ferdinand Chavel a French postman who built a palace in the French countryside over 33 years.
Monsieur Samasa
Jean Merlin Bassinger
The only journey is the one within. Mandorla explores a man's search for a meaningful life despite conflicts between his inner and outer worlds. Ernesto is a visual artist and seeker stuck in a corporate job, who is drawn by dark magical visions to a medieval French city. There he seeks an elusive banker to help him unlock an obscure dream that threatens his job, family, and sanity.
Un si joli mensonge
Bruno, simpático quarentão, apaixona-se por Christine, uma bonita dermatologista de 42 anos. Desta relação apaixonada, ele quer um filho, logo. Mas Christine mentiu: tirando partido de sua beleza quase intacta, ela lhe disse ter 42 anos, mas ela já chegou aos cinquenta...
À la maison pour Noël
Il était une fois... peut-être pas
Le patron du garage
Bruno and Maryline move into a small town of the French Apls, chasing their dream for a better life. But their primary enthusiasm becomes disappointment, anger and jealousy.
L'Âme du mal
My Sweetheart
Laurie loves Romain and thinks they should have sex with each other. It is not allowed on their group accommodation, but Laurie has a plan for the weekend.
Charlotte Corday
Le prêtre Lothringer
Set in July 1793 during the outbreak of the French Revolution and the unleashing of the Reign of Terror, a young girl from Caen named Charlotte Corday plots to assassinate Jacobin newspaper editor Jean-Paul Marat.
Uma Garota Dividida em Dois
Uma bela jovem de 25 anos vive cercada por livros com sua mãe em Lyon, onde trabalha como a Garota do Tempo em um canal de TV a cabo. Certo dia, em um evento, ela conhece um grande escritor que é casado e trinta anos mais velho, e que acaba seduzindo a garota. Logo o homem se apaixona por ela, mas então descobre que terá de disputar o seu amor com um jovem milionário e desequilibrado. Assim, a garota se vê dividida, no meio de dois homens completamente diferentes, numa disputa pelo seu amor.
A Matter of Taste
Garde de la prison
Nicolas, a handsome, young waiter, is befriended by Frédéric Delamont, a wealthy middle-aged businessman. Delamont, a man of power, influence and strictly refined tastes, is immediately smitten by Nicolas' charm. Lonely and phobic, Delamont offers Nicolas a lucrative job as his personal food taster. In spite of their differences, a close friendship begins to emerge between the two men. However, their bond of trust and admiration soon spirals downward into a dangerous game of deceit and obsession for which neither is prepared.