Tiago Correa

Tiago Correa

Nascimento : 1981-08-21, Las Condes, Santiago, Metropolitan Region, Chile


Tiago Correa
Tiago Correa
Tiago Correa
Tiago Correa


Medias hermanas
Victoria and Marita discover that they are half-sisters during their father's wake. Victoria is going through financial problems and decides to sell the beach house that her father left her because she is about to be repossessed. To do so, she must obtain permission from Marita, who she accepts as long as they spend the summer together.
Ernesto has found a peculiar way to meet people and earn a living: provoking car accidents.
A Casa das Flores: O Filme
Os irmãos De La Mora tramam um plano malicioso para invadir sua antiga casa de família para recuperar um tesouro escondido de importância significativa.
Quarteto Amigo
Gustavo López está casado com Dolores há oito anos, tem um amigo de infância chamado Pedro que é casado com Camila e está com dificuldades financeiras. A confusão começa quando Gustavo chama Pedro e Camila para morar com eles por um tempo. Após uma noite regada a álcool, os quatro amigos decidem trocar de parceiros. Esta decisão irá abalar a amizade deles, e para piorar Dolores descobre estar grávida sem saber de fato é o pai de seu filho.
Chile is the only country that has privatized its waters, in favor of large corporations, to the detriment of homes in rural and urban communities. Secos is a short that makes this reality visible, through the dialog between anonymous fighters from the most heavily affected provinces, with renowned actors and actresses in the country. The objective is to activate the topic of water as a human right, to achieve in the future the recovery of this vital element as a common good for all communities and territories.
Mariana is a woman who has dedicated her entire life to equine therapy that goes over the history of how she came to that. In her youth she lived a happy and prosperous life until a particular episode leads her to have to face millionaires debts. This situation can lead to being left homeless and especially without their horses, among which stands out Artax, the only being with which his son Bruno with Asperger's syndrome manages to have a special bond that helps him to cope with his life with harmony. Mariana must fight against wind and tide in this story of struggle and resilience sustained by the love of a mother and her son.
Mirubin, the enigmatic masked, stands up against the inefficient justice. He dares to put up against the government, punishing pedophiles. It is a personal war. Does it make Mirubin a criminal? The journalist Amira is determined to uncover the truth behind the mask. The search leads her to doubt whether she is on the right side or not.
Whispers of the Forest
Two sisters of Mapuche descent, are hired as guides for a northamerican geologist, who works for an enterprise which want to build a dam, through an unexplored wood in Chile's south. Legend says woods are haunted by the spirits of dead Mapuche fighters, 500 years ago.
Santos Male Medic
Santos, a failed comic book artist, lives in a parallel universe where he's a superhero who has to save the world.
As two families celebrate the engagement of their children, one of the lovers unearths a family secret.
Rojo: La película
A Chilean talent show in the mold of "American Idol," "Rojo" became a huge hit the moment it hit the airwaves. This comic series puts a fictional spin on all the backstage drama: the backstabbing, the ruthless competition and the passionate abandon. Further blurring the line between fantasy and reality, several of the show's big stars -- including Monserrat Bustamante, Mario Guerrero and Yamna Lobos -- appear as pseudo versions of themselves.
Chile, 1973. Gonzalo Infante (Matías Quer) é um garoto que estuda no Colégio Saint Patrick, o mais conceituado de Santiago. Gonzalo é de uma família de classe alta, morando em um bairro na área nobre da cidade com seus pais e sua irmã. O padre McEnroe (Ernesto Malbran), o diretor do colégio, inspirado no governo de Salvador Allende decide implementar uma política que faça com que alunos pobres também estudem no Saint Patrick. Um deles é Pedro Machuca (Ariel Mateluna) que, assim como os demais, fica deslocado em meio aos antigos alunos da escola. Provocado, Pedro é seguro por trás e um deles manda que Gonzalo o bata, que se recusa a fazer isto e ainda o ajuda a fugir. A partir de então nasce uma amizade entre os dois garotos, apesar do abismo de classe existente entre eles.