
The Assassination of JFK (1992)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 18М

Директор : Denis Mueller

Краткое содержание

A variety of experts, authors, and reporters discuss the murder of JFK. If one were to select the ten most significant events in American history, there would be no doubt that the death of President John F. Kennedy would be among the list. This is not only because of the fact that one of America’s most visionary presidents was cut down in the prime of his life, but because for almost 60 years later after the fact, his assassination continues to be shrouded with mystery and controversy. This documentary presents the facts surrounding the events before, and after that horrific moment in Dallas, and includes interviews of those who were on the scene not only at the tragic sight of the murder of JFK but also a number of individuals who possess firsthand knowledge of everything from the politics of the day to the actual autopsy performed on the president.


Warren Leming
Warren Leming
Alan Bickley
Alan Bickley
John Davis
John Davis
Robert J. Groden
Robert J. Groden
Penn Jones Jr.
Penn Jones Jr.
Mark North
Mark North
Carl Oglesby
Carl Oglesby
Cyril H. Wecht
Cyril H. Wecht


Denis Mueller
Denis Mueller
Cal Davidson
Cal Davidson
Warren Leming
Warren Leming


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The Assassination of JFK
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