
Banana (2009)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 25М

Директор : Meqdad Al-Kout

Краткое содержание

Engineer Ahmed is looking for an alternative relationship away from his dead marriage, which he finds in Mut'ah marriage (temporary marriage).


Nezar Al-Qandi
Nezar Al-Qandi
Emma Shah
Emma Shah
Ahmed Walid Al-Shammeri
Ahmed Walid Al-Shammeri
Mousaed Khaled
Mousaed Khaled
Dawood Al-Shuail
Dawood Al-Shuail
Omar Al-Enizy
Omar Al-Enizy


Meqdad Al-Kout
Meqdad Al-Kout
Meqdad Al-Kout
Meqdad Al-Kout
Meqdad Al-Kout
Meqdad Al-Kout
Mousaed Khaled
Mousaed Khaled
Dawood Al-Shuail
Dawood Al-Shuail
Mousaed Khaled
Mousaed Khaled
Assistant Director
Dawood Al-Shuail
Dawood Al-Shuail
Boom Operator


When the Mist Clears
Isabella is a disconnected and angry young woman. Her life was shattered at 13 when her Italian mother died of cancer. Her successful British father Frank, who harbors a painful secret, chose to lose himself with work and outsource Isabella’s care and upbringing to nanny’s, tutors and eventually therapists. Many years later Frank had remarried to a wonderful Italian woman, Claudia, who manages to convince Frank that they all need to get away from work, from the city, from internet and spend a month close to nature on a remote Italian country estate and hopefully reconnect to each other.
Опасные связи
Отличницу Селен переводят в школу в Биаррице. Она влюбляется в плохиша Тристана, не подозревая о жестоком пари, которое он заключил с королевой соцсетей Ванессой.
Flow Calle
An urban music singer from a poor neighborhood goes through love and pain on her way to success.
The gorgeous astrakhan fur, that looks so soft, shiny and warm, actually comes from fetal or newborn or even unborn karakul lambs. While the white lamb is the Christian symbol of purity and innocence, the astrakhan evokes the early sacrifice by society of the black lamb, equally innocent, slaughtered before or right after birth.
Glamour Girls
Their life as luxury escorts offered these women glamour, money and a chance to reinvent themselves…until a murder and a robbery ruined everything.
Violet reconnects with her biological mother and her half-sister, Samantha. The sisters find their common ground as both of their worlds revolve around drugs and sexual abuse.
Vanina, a 39-year old flight attendant, works on a domestic route onboard a Boeing 737. She complains about her recently attached braces, in a late attempt for a perfect smile. What she really must do is confront her, since forever, absent mother, whose body lies in the cargo hold of the plane.
Tales of the Purple House
Снайпер. Белый ворон
До начала военных действий на Донбассе жизнь Николая была умеренной и спокойной. Вместе с женой он отказался от благ цивилизации и жил один на один с природой. Но с приходом войны привычное жизненное устройство меняется кардинально — война не жалеет ни сильных, ни слабых. После потери любимой и нерожденного первенца Николай поступает в добробрат, где проходит обучение и присоединяется к рядам снайперов. Так рождается Белый Ворон.
4 Tage bis zur Ewigkeit
Based on the mysterious legend of Idilia Dubb. Germany, 19th century, Middle Rhein Valley. The dreamy Idilia (Lea van Acken) awakes injured in the midst of a gloomy castle ruin and can't remember anything that happened before. When she discovers in horror that there is no escaping the towering castle walls, she begins a grueling fight for survival. Only her nebulous diary can help her decipher the past, which exposes a secret romance with Abyssinian actor Caven (Eric Kabongo), a performer in a human zoo exhibition run by her fiancee Franz Hagerberg (André M. Hennicke). Idilia's written record, however, blurs the lines between reality and fiction.
Счастливого пути
Два бывших сослуживца капитан Салих и лейтенант Керим пускаются на машине в путь на другой конец страны, чтобы спасти Элиф от нежеланного брака. Керим и Элиф влюблены друг в друга, но отец хочет выдать ее замуж за своего знакомого. Узнав об этом, Салих сбегает из больницы, где лечится после ранения, и отправляется в дорогу вместе с другом. Этот путь на многое откроет ему глаза...
Héctor returns to his town in the Guatemalan highlands after a difficult migration of many years to the north. That trip has left him wounded. With a possessive mother, a young wife who despises him since her abandonment and a young son who does not know him, Héctor will try to adapt, proposing to live as before, repairing lost time, but he runs into a community that has already discarded him. His violent reaction breaks the fabric of his environment, and he discovers that since he left everything has changed, neither Héctor nor his community will be the same.
Аданис: Священная битва
«Преданные» — это группа, организованная для защиты важной тайны, которую турки завоевали после завоевания Стамбула. Преданные ведут жесткую борьбу с темными силами, стремящимися завладеть этой тайной.
Dancing Colors
To please his parents, Dika hides his true self by dancing it out.
I Have Electric Dreams
Eva can't stand the fact that her mother wants to renovate the house and get rid of the cat, which, disoriented since the divorce, pees everywhere. Eva wants to go and live with her father, who, disoriented like the cat, is experiencing a second adolescence. And Eva follows him while he tries to reconnect with his desire to become an artist and find love again. But like someone who crosses an ocean of adults without knowing how to swim, Eva will also discover the rage that gnaws at him, and that without knowing it, she has inherited from him.
Sister, What Grows Where Land Is Sick?
In a small town in northern Norway, Eira tries to follow in the shadow of her brilliant and rebellious older sister Vera. Lately however, something is happening to Vera. In a bid to understand, Eira starts reading her diary. She enters Vera’s universe of intense light, glitter, mythology and hopes for a more beautiful world. Yet her diary reveals a darkness that leaves Eira confused. I was 13 when my sister became ill. Ten years later I see an individual’s mental health in a wider view of our society. What is sane in times of crisis? How can we create a more beautiful world? – Franciska Eliassen
Camino a la libertad
1820. A group of patriots forge the independence of Guayaquil and Ecuador.
В течение одного судьбоносного дня коррумпированный бизнесмен и его светская жена спешат спасти свою дочь от печально известного криминального авторитета.
Big Bang
In Uberlândia in Brazil, Chico earns his living by repairing ovens, in which he enters easily thanks to his small size. Faced with the contempt of a system that relegates him to the ranks of the marginalized, he gradually enters into resistance.
To Kill the Mother
In Madrid, Spain, during a rainy day, Dorita, an elegant and magnetic mature woman, meets Noa, an attractive young man.