
Dicks That I Like (2022)

A hands-on approach to healing trauma yields beautiful results

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 14М

Директор : Johanna Gustin

Краткое содержание

Visual artist Daniela Torres creates colorful ceramic dick sculptures inspired by the men who have been dicks to her. In this intimate artist portrait, Daniela shares her struggles, anger and catharsis as she creates a sculpture modelled after a series of unsolicited dick pics. She also shares her process with a diverse group of women who come together in one of her popular Berlin-based dick sculpting workshops. It's a hands-on approach to healing trauma that yields beautiful results.



Jonathan Gustin
Jonathan Gustin
Director of Photography
Johanna Gustin
Johanna Gustin
Fionn George
Fionn George
Luisa Nawka
Luisa Nawka
Sound Mixer
Max van Dusen
Max van Dusen
Johanna Gustin
Johanna Gustin


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