
We are Sending You a Big Tits Monster Slut who Suddenly gives You Titty Fuck and Blowjob Karen Yuzuriha - Karen Yuzuriha (2022)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 2Ч 41М

Краткое содержание

Karen Yuzuriha is sent to the house of some amateur fans to make their dreams come true. These otaku fans are not used to showering or having girlfriends, but best Karen is seeking glory and goes the extra mile with them. No condoms were required either.


Karen Yuzuriha
Karen Yuzuriha



Hookers at the Point
From the sultry streets of Hunts Point in the South Bronx, comes the rawest, realest and truest documentation of the world's oldest profession ever captured on video. From Brent Owens, the director of Pimps Up, Ho's Down, comes the first two in a series of five films. Hookers At The Point focuses on the business of sex and the people involved in it. As a special bonus we have included Hookers At The Point: Going Out Again, where we follow up on the personalities from the first film and see where "The Life" has led them.
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Сало, или 120 дней Содома
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Американский пирог 3: Свадьба
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Девушка с татуировкой дракона
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Подчеркнуто гипер-реалистичная история о жизни Мартина, мужчины за сорок, отчаянно одинокого и ищущего, через секс, компанию, чтобы провести время, от которого ничего не ждешь. Под гнетом постоянного одиночества, каждую ночь он находит мгновенные удовольствия в кокаине, алкоголе и оргиях.
Girls Gone Grabblin'
The 90-minute DVD includes 30 different grappling scenes, also included a segment on the video year called Grabblin' 101. It's for anyone who wants to start grabblin' and needs some tips. We go to the lake in the winter months and show video footage of good catfish holes and different types of manmade setups. We also show demonstrations on how to pull the catfish from his hole and the types of poles that we use when the catfish are too far back in the hole to reach with your hand -- the same mentality and lack of class that put Donald Trump in the White House!
We all have secrets. We all have family. We all search for happiness. What if we share our secrets and search for happiness together?
Playboy: Playmate Playoffs
This 'educational documentary' features 10 gorgeous playmates competing against each other in various athletic activities, all of which involve either skimpy, very revealing bikinis or wet t-shirts. There's watersliding, pie relays, hose downs, rodeo riding and of course an impromptu mud wrestling display at the end. Chuck Woolery does a decent job of hosting it and it's actually quite entertaining aside from the awesome chicks. I'm surpised they didn't make any more of these. Probably has something to do with the fact that two of the girls get injured during the contests. The gals seem a bit of a throwback to the days of the "all-natural" beauty. And seeing the well endowed Roberta Vasquez bouncing in the relay race is a thing of beauty. If you're into hot 80's chicks, I suggest you check this out. IMDB lists this as a documentary.
Billy's Blowjobs
A man seeks the numbing comfort of anonymous sex, until a chance encounter which may change his outlook on life. Inspired in part by Andy Warhol's film "Blow Job," this new film brings the arthouse tradition to the gritty streets of contemporary Los Angeles.
College Dormitory
Story about a girl who, tired of her step-mother and her step-mothers gigolo, goes to a boarding-school and falls in love with the woman who runs it. Fanette, the woman who runs the boarding school is strict and Juliette finds she loves the strictness. She loves to be spanked..
Dangerous Stripper
Approximately half a year after the strip debut that shook Japan, the original strip movie realized in collaboration with SOD and Asakusa Rockza is completely recorded. In addition to the bewitching stage at Rockza, a passionate strip image in the sun will be unveiled for the first time! There is no doubt that it will be the biggest shocking work in 2010! [* This work is an image video] [* Bonus footage, bonus images, etc. are not included]
The Kiss
Bob is a car nut who's oblivious to his wife Sue's need for some amorous action and Barry's (his gay neighbor) unrequited affections. When Sue mistakes the legs sticking out under her hubby's car for Bob's and decides to take action, who can tell where events will lead?
Shy G cup Sakura Momo
A supernova appears with a miracle bust called G Cup even though it is slim! Momo Sakura, 20 years old, who has a cute friendly smile, showed off her huge breasts that couldn't fit in her swimsuit even though she was a little shy. From a virtual space that makes you feel like you are at your own house, to an exquisite image that shows off your proud breasts. Furthermore, the erotic meal video that is irresistible for chewing fetish is super recommended!
Miruki purun! Yuki ran
"Ran Yuki" makes her shocking debut with a fresh smile and a G-cup milky pie! The soft milk of pull-up that sticks to your fingers seems to be irresistible (?) To jump out of the swimsuit, and in contrast to the baby face that seems to be an adult, it shakes and pops and the swimsuit shifts. It was a mass of service spirit! When I carefully massage G-Cup to relieve the tension of the first shooting, I feel embarrassed and my chest is clear! The chest and butt are amazing, and you should fully enjoy the plump body of Ran-chan, who has grown so crazy!