Médiums d'un monde à l'autre (2011)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Denise Gilliand
Писатель : Denise Gilliand

Краткое содержание



Denise Gilliand
Denise Gilliand
Denise Gilliand
Denise Gilliand
Pierre-André Thiébaud
Pierre-André Thiébaud
Séverine Barde
Séverine Barde
Director of Photography
Denis Séchaud
Denis Séchaud
Recording Supervision
Marc von Stürler
Marc von Stürler
Sound Mixer


Генезис 2.0
На далеких островах северных широт, в условиях вечной мерзлоты охотники за трофеями заняты поисками бесценных сокровищ «черного» рынка – бивней доисторических мамонтов. Одна из таких экспедиций обнаруживает прекрасно сохранившиеся останки древнего зверя. Поразительная находка вызвала интерес в биотехнологическом мире. Фрагменты животного с живыми клетками доставляют в лабораторию по клонированию в Южной Корее. Ее честолюбивый глава Хван У Сок берется возродить мамонтов к жизни и совершить революцию в науке и судьбах человечества…
Великое безмолвие
Документальная картина о монашеском ордене, члены которого хранят обет молчания. Действие фильма происходит в картезианском монастыре Гранд Шартрез, затерянном во французских Альпах. На всем протяжении этой ленты зрители почти не слышат человеческой речи; тишину прерывает только звон колоколов. Фильм отображает каждодневную жизнь монахов, живущих в полумраке: кельи монастыря освещаются лишь свечами. Спят они на лавках, застеленных соломой, а свои жилища обогревают лишь небольшими жестяными печками. Покрытые снегом альпийские горы служат величественным фоном их духовным поискам. По ночам монахи собираются в каменной часовне, где царит пронизывающий холод, садятся на пол и поют грегорианские песнопения.
Dark Star: H. R. Giger's World
An account of the life and work of Swiss painter, sculptor, architect and designer H. R. Giger (1940-2014), tormented father of creatures as fearsome as they are fascinating, inhabitants of nightmarish biomechanical worlds.
Парижская опера
Ироничный, вдохновляющий, а порой и жестокий фильм о музыке и балете показывает жизнь и страсти, царящие за кулисами одного из самых престижных храмов культуры в мире.
David Wants to Fly
A documentary. David Sieveking takes the advice of his idol, David Lynch and tries out Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's transcendental meditation technique.
Winter Nomads
Pascal, 53, and Carole, 28, are shepherds. In the month of November 2010, they embark on their long winter transhumance: four months during which they will have to cover 600 km in the Swiss-French region, accompanied by three donkeys, four dogs and eight hundred sheep. An exceptional adventure is about to begin: they brave the cold and the bad weather day in day out, with a canvas cover and animal skins as their only shelter at night. This saga reveals a tough and exacting profession, requiring constant improvisation and unflinching attention to nature, the animals and the cosmos. An eventful journey with surprise encounters, moving reunions with farmer friends, nostalgic figures of country life that is shrinking away fast. Αn adventure film, a contemporary road movie, a reflection of our current world, which takes us back to our roots and our inner questions.
Азартные игры, боги и ЛСД
Filmmaker Peter Mettler embarks on a mission that takes him around the world. He is determined to record the diverse modes of transcendence that people in different cultures adopt in order to live life to the fullest. As he traverses civilization and wilderness and encounters a range of lifestyles and ideas, the filmmaker's mind-expanding trip around the world grows into a poem of images and sounds, reflecting the fragmented but alluring worlds it attempts to capture.
In the course of living long months with a group of Iranian illegals in Athens, the director examines this radical choice of pursuing a better life through the most perilous of possibilities: clandestinity.
Die Demokratie ist los!
An analysis of the current state of democracy in Switzerland
The Laundry Room
The key to the communal laundry room in the block of flats on the Rue de Genève 85 in Lausanne serves a much greater function than merely unlocking the door. This encounter between a symbol of typical Swiss mentality with a penchant for order and the tenants who have been housed here by the city’s social services department is not something to be taken for granted. Although the laundry room is normally located in the cellar, the tenants in this building share a tiny laundry room off the entrance hall because the cellar is reserved for prostitution. To maintain order and cleanliness, the landlord hires Claudina, a new “laundry woman”.
At the far end of the Alaskan peninsula, for filmmaker Roman Droux a childhood dream comes true. He discovers together with the bear researcher David Bittner the universe of wild grizzlies. The two adventurists face bears at smelling-distance, experience the struggle for survival of a bear family and witness dramatic fighting scenes. Driven by a desire to explore the unknown the film tells a personal story of wilderness, framed in breathtaking pictures of unique creatures.
Endlich Chef
Oil Rocks: City Above the Sea
Offshore: Elmer und das Bankgeheimnis
While managers of Swiss banks in the USA ruefully apologize for their tax evasions practices and customer data is disclosed to the American authorities, Rudolf Elmer, former auditor at bank Julius Bär, is indicted for violating the Swiss banking secrecy law on the Cayman Islands. Rudolf Elmer: from insider to critic.
The Gangbé Brass Band, a musical group from Benin, sets out to conquer Lagos, capital of Nigeria.
Jean Ziegler: The Optimism of Willpower
In 1964, Che Guevara asked the young Jean Ziegler to stay in Switzerland to fight in the "Monster brain" capitalist. Since then, Jean Ziegler nerve stops fighting against injustices as a public writer, a speaker and as a Kofi Annan collaborator. During a trip to Cuba, his ideas are challenged by what he discover on the island.
Iraqi Odyssey
Tracing the emigrations of his family over more than half a century, this riveting documentary epic from acclaimed expatriate Iraqi filmmaker Samir pays moving homage to the frustrated democratic dreams of a people successively plagued by the horrors of dictatorship, war and foreign occupation of Iraq.
The story of three Turkish men. They all grew up in Switzerland and all got deported after various criminal offenses.
The Shelter
It is winter at an emergency shelter for the homeless in Lausanne. Every night at the door of this little-known basement facility the same entry ritual takes place, resulting in confrontations which can sometimes turn violent. Those on duty at the shelter have the difficult task of “triaging the poor”: the women and children first, then the men. Although the total capacity at the shelter is 100, only 50 “chosen ones” will be admitted inside and granted a warm meal and a bed. The others know it will be a long night.
Max Bill: The Master's Vision
The film about Max Bill (1908-1994) moves between the dynamic fields of art, aesthetics and politics. Max Bill was probably the most important swiss artist of the 20th century and the most famous student to come out of the legendary Bauhaus in Dessau. He was an ardent anti-fascist and all his avant-garde work as an artist, sculptor, architect and typographer showed a social responsibility and environmental awareness right through his life. His views have become incredibly topical.