
Dura (2022)

Hither We Go, Into The Unknown

Жанр : ужасы, драма

Время выполнения : 32М

Директор : Josh C. Bauer

Краткое содержание

A struggling author writes a disturbing novel. A stranded woman and her girlfriend share a mystical connection. Stories converge on one fateful night in the wastelands of Dura.


Caleb Russell Brown
Caleb Russell Brown
Benvolio Pericolo
Esther Pielstick
Esther Pielstick
Riley Elsker
Miranda Maynard
Miranda Maynard
Ophelia Pericolo
Cameron Wright
Cameron Wright
Floyd Kennedy
Bob Bauer
Bob Bauer
Mr. Cartwright
Seven Harrison
Seven Harrison
Josh C. Bauer
Josh C. Bauer
Elijahwan Butler
Elijahwan Butler
The Infection


Josh C. Bauer
Josh C. Bauer
Josh C. Bauer
Josh C. Bauer
Josh C. Bauer
Josh C. Bauer
Maximillian Wright
Maximillian Wright
Maximillian Wright
Maximillian Wright
Tanner Liddiard
Tanner Liddiard
Amity Fulmer
Amity Fulmer
Josh C. Bauer
Josh C. Bauer
Miranda Maynard
Miranda Maynard
Pillow Talk
Pillow Talk
Abi Nielsen
Abi Nielsen
Makeup Designer
Em Nulton
Em Nulton
Makeup & Hair
Noah Richmond
Noah Richmond
Rachel Leishman
Rachel Leishman
Josh Fish
Josh Fish
Kaiya Dibb
Kaiya Dibb
J. Kowalczyk
J. Kowalczyk
J. Kowalczyk
J. Kowalczyk
VFX Artist


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