NARC. Mini-Doc - Magic Hat Cafe: Building A Sustainable Community

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 8М

Директор : Evie Lake

Краткое содержание

Evie Lake introduces The Magic Hat Cafe, an anti-food waste cafe in Newcastle. In today’s climate, it’s hard not to worry about waste. Not just our own, but that of supermarkets and suppliers. Is every carrot, potato and piece of meat going to be used? What happens if they’re not? Magic Hat acts on these worries and turns would-be-wasted produce into meals and experiences for people to enjoy. Magic Hat is an innovative and progressive organisation in the way that it puts people first. Instead of purchasing your coffee and food, there’s an option to pay it back by working for them for a few hours. They also let people volunteer to learn new skills, to make themselves more employable and, in addition to being an environmentally conscious operation which eradicates waste in their supply chain, their sustainability also feeds directly into the community through food bank donations, education and delicious food.


Izaak Gledhill
Izaak Gledhill


Evie Lake
Evie Lake
Evie Lake
Evie Lake
Steven Bardgett
Steven Bardgett
Steven Bardgett
Steven Bardgett
Claire Dupree
Claire Dupree


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Заключенный, приговоренный к смерти за жестокое убийство, избирает своей духовной наставницей монахиню. Сначала она пытается помочь ему избежать высшей меры наказания, но, не добившись этого, старается облегчить последние часы его жизни, пробудить в нем человечность и убедить покаяться.
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