
Blue-Stars Hotel (1985)

Comedy Family adventure

Жанр : комедия, приключения, семейный

Время выполнения : 2Ч 46М

Директор : Abdallah El Sheikh

Краткое содержание

A famous producer agrees to contract with director Imran and author Fathi for a movie, on the condition that they finish writing it within two weeks, so the director and author decide to go to one of the deserted places to write the movie. On their way to Fayoum, they were caught by a hotel called "Locanda Blue Stars", and the director was impressed by the name, and decided that they should stay in it. To find mystery and excitement surrounding the guests, while they find themselves involved in a murder.


Samir Ghanem
Samir Ghanem
Omran Omran
Hassan Hosny
Hassan Hosny
Fathy Ezzat
Ahmad Bedir
Ahmad Bedir
Deeb (Hotel Manager)
Nabila Karam
Nabila Karam
Samah Anwar
Samah Anwar
Amin Antar
Amin Antar
Medhat Morsi
Medhat Morsi
Amr Abdullah
Vivian Salah Eldin
Vivian Salah Eldin
Nasr Saif
Nasr Saif
Mohey ElDein Abdel Mohsen
Mohey ElDein Abdel Mohsen


Abdallah El Sheikh
Abdallah El Sheikh
Faisal Nada
Faisal Nada


A Noble Intention
1888: a luthier, Vedder, has to step aside when his home, opposite the recently completed Central Station in Amsterdam, must yield for the planned Victoria Hotel. His cousin Anijs, pharmacist in the Northern provinces of the Netherlands, has gotten into a fix after illegal medical practices, and is looking for a way out. For himself and his wife Martha, but also for a colony of poor peat cutters whom he promises a future in the United States. Committed - or is it pride? - the two of them think up a scheme from which they all will fully benefit. With tragic consequences.
At Hostar
Due to poor business performance, a small hotel is being sold to an international buyer. Employees do not want to lose their jobs, so they take things into their own hands and try to sabotage the sale of the hotel.
The Ghost That Walks Alone
Honeymooners find a dead radio producer in their suite.
A young wife hopes to convince her husband to change his short-tempered attitude toward life, but an incident on a remote highway may finally decide the matter.
Always at The Carlyle
The iconic Carlyle hotel has been an international destination for a particular jet set as well as a favorite haunt of the most discernible New Yorkers.
Sr. Barrientos, fuera de juego
In a stormy night of football, Mr Barrientos receives an unexpected visit from an enigmatic character, who breaks the calm of his scruffy hotel. Misfortune will follow to Mr Barrientos through our history, carrying him to the most unexpected end.
Случай в отеле «Нил Хилтон»
В высококлассном отеле совершается убийство, свидетелем которого стала горничная, и полицейский принимается за поиски убийцы. Но вскоре становится ясно, что некие важные люди не хотят, чтобы преступление было раскрыто.
Hotel Haywire
Parkhouse plays a practical joke on a poker-playing buddy by sending him home with a lady's chemise stuffed in his coat pocket. The gag backfires, whereupon Parkhouse finds himself in hot water with his own wife. Threatened with divorce, Parkhouse is advised by a zany astrologer to frame Mrs. P. in a compromising situation at the Hotel Haywire, enlisting amateur detectives Bert and Genevieve Sterns in his scheme.
Семья Тима переезжает из большого города на побережье, где родители решили начать свой бизнес, купив заброшенную гостиницу. В тайном отделении подвала Тим обнаруживает криогенную камеру, а в ней замороженного человека. Когда тот приходит в себя, оказывается, что это супершпион по имени Симон, который расследовал сложное дело в 1974-м году. Симон с трудом приспосабливается к новой действительности, но он должен завершить свое расследование. Тим решает ему помочь.
Edwige lives alone in a house in Normandy and works as a maid. Her only companion is her loneliness. One day she meets a man in one of the rooms of the small hotel...
Social media influencer, 'DropTheMike', seeks thrills and stardom in the most horrific places. When he’s offered the possibility of a lucrative sponsorship, he takes his online channel to one of the most haunted hotels in America. What begins as a fun challenge accompanied by friends descends into a personal hell, begging the timely question: how far would you go to pursue internet fame?
A Sporting Chance
John Stonehouse (William Russell) checks into a hotel, intending to commit suicide. But instead he winds up helping a girl, Gilberte Bonheur (Fritzi Brunette), out of a jam. He finds her bending over a man who she has apparently killed, and since he's about to kill himself anyway, he offers to assume the blame. Throw a valuable emerald into the works, and the fact that the dead man suddenly comes back to life, and Stonehouse -- not to mention the audience -- becomes thoroughly befuddled by it all. Everything clears up, however, when Gilberte gives him a theater ticket -- it turns out that everything he went through was the plot to a stage play, enacted in real life by the actors. The critics roasted the play, saying it wasn't true to life, and this was their proof that the situations really could happen. Gilberte retires from acting when Stonehouse proposes.
The Calicoon
Two teenage girls discover the terrible secret lying within the walls of the decaying, once-magnificent vacation destination, The Hotel Calicoon -- a deadly secret that has been concealed for nearly four decades.
Is Someone in There
A tired man walk's into a hotel to spend the night. Once he encounters the strangely energetic Night Porter, the man starts to show interest in the door numbered 909. As the man continues his stay he starts to realize that something very strange is going on in the hotel, or is it the person staying in room 909.
Secrets in the Hot Spring
Xiaogin transferred to the third school during his fifth year at high school. During the winter vacation, his grandparents tricked him into returning to the hotel which was founded by his parents. Xiaogin’s classmates Little Princess and Lu Qun tagged along uninvited to escape being bullied at school. While the three boys were temporarily staying at Xiaogin’s family hotel, they quickly found out that the hotel was in terrible shape and was also haunted. Xiaogin and his friends have developed an extremely close friendship while they are trying to step closer to the truth. Will they find out the secret that hides underneath the steaming hot springs?
Отель у Реки
В гостинице у замерзшей реки Хан, всего два постояльца: поэт в думах о смерти и девушка с разбитым сердцем... Стареющий поэт Юнгхван, бесплатно живущий в отеле, вызывает к себе своих сыновей, так как чувствует, что его смерть близка. С сыновьями Юнгхван давно перестал общаться и никогда ни о чём не говорил с ними. После предательства любовника в поисках поддержки девушка вызывает подругу. Поэт проводит день с сыновьями и пытается закончить незавершенные дела. А потом он видит девушку и ее подругу после неожиданного и невероятно сильного снегопада... Прозрачный воздушный черно-белый фильм переплетает различные драмы своих героев на фоне белоснежной зимы.
Ночной портье
Ночной клерк Барт Бромли — парень с аутическим расстройством личности. Это сказывается на его вербальных и социальных навыках, поэтому он каждую рабочую смену наблюдает за постояльцами отеля через скрытые камеры, установленные им в номерах. Он тщательно копирует мимику и запоминает шаблонные фразы, чтобы затем использовать их в общении с клиентами. Когда в отеле происходит убийство девушки, Барта берет в оборот жесткий полицейский, пытающийся выбить из него признание вины.
Rich Boy, Rich Girl
Andy is a front desk clerk with a little ambition until he finds his muse. Hayley is a beautiful shampoo girl chasing big dreams in NYC. When their worlds collide in a hapless run-in, the starstruck lovers assume false identities and follow the script of life from the same self-improvement book which lead to potentially bigger problems than they could have ever dreamed.
Nick and Nora
Retired detective Nick Charles and his wife set out to solve a murder mystery after a corpse wearing white gloves is found in a hotel pool.
The Wrong Bed: Naked Pursuit
A woman mysteriously wakes up in a hotel handcuffed to a firefighter to find messages they left themselves the night before revealing that their lives are in danger.