
A Stylish Married Hairdresser Working At Jingu Gaien, 33 Years Old, An Obscene Slender God Body! (2020)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 2Ч 0М

Директор : Samantha ☆ Tabata

Краткое содержание

Natsuki Takeuchi, 33 years old, works at a beauty salon in Jingu Gaien. In revenge for her cheating on her husband in her fifth year of marriage, she decided to appear in an AV. Her wife challenges her first shoot, and when she demands masturbation in front of her camera, she shyly puts the rotor on her and lets out a small sigh and shakes her body. Her pubic area, which is moist and wet from her masturbation, is licked greedily and violently disturbed with her fingers. Her wife, who seemed to be quiet at the beginning, begged, "I want a dick... insert it in your pussy...". She violently raped her vagina with her hardened cock, and obscene sounds echoed in the room. A beautiful lady with her sensitive body tastes her pleasure many times that she has never felt before, and exposes her obscene nature.


Natsuki Takeuchi
Natsuki Takeuchi
Akira Ono
Akira Ono
Masato Ichijou
Masato Ichijou


Samantha ☆ Tabata
Samantha ☆ Tabata


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