"Proof of Us" is an original animation created to motivate all exam candidates in Japan.
Short film whose main idea revolves around violence against women, represented in a symbolic way, where anyone who perpetuates violence has nothing more than a hollow space inside; as the same cavity.
Sound progression of two opposite landscapes.
Two cops bumble their way through the ups and downs of justice.
When a Hitman Goes To Take Out A Target He Ends Up Encountering Someone He Doesn't Expect
Mari is a 17-year-old girl who meets the love of her life at the bus stop, what she doesn't know is that this boy hides too many secrets.
Exposition of two different processes of forensic identification in exhumed bodies with features of violence.
A young criminal plans his first murder which will be carried out before an old man, his plan does not go as expected and takes a 180 degree turn.