
The Obsessive Tutor: The Ogasawara Family Book (2013)

Жанр : мелодрама

Время выполнения : 57М

Директор : Hideo Jōjō
Писатель : Hideo Jōjō

Краткое содержание

A family that broke up because of the visit of an overly beautiful tutor. However, in the interrogation room about the incident, the tutor and three family members give different testimony. Erotic version of "Rashomon" starring Nana Nanaumi.


Nana Nanaumi
Nana Nanaumi
Mayuko Sasaki
Mayuko Sasaki
Ryôichi Inaba
Ryôichi Inaba
Banshô Shinra
Banshô Shinra


Hideo Jōjō
Hideo Jōjō
Hideo Jōjō
Hideo Jōjō
Takehiko Tamiya
Takehiko Tamiya


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