Farben im Schnee

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Juliane Tutein

Краткое содержание



Juliane Tutein
Juliane Tutein
Siarhei Kavaliou
Siarhei Kavaliou
Juliane Tutein
Juliane Tutein
Feline Gerhardt
Feline Gerhardt
Martin Lehnert
Martin Lehnert
Juliane Tutein
Juliane Tutein
Jochen-Carl Müller
Jochen-Carl Müller
Julian Erhardt
Julian Erhardt
Siarhei Kavaliou
Siarhei Kavaliou
Cécilia Marchat
Cécilia Marchat
Juliane Tutein
Juliane Tutein
Paul Powaljaew
Paul Powaljaew
Sound Mixer
Feline Gerhardt
Feline Gerhardt
Color Grading
Juliane Tutein
Juliane Tutein


Группа студентов оказалась в опасном экспериментальном пространстве. Им приходится решать: можно ли здесь оставаться? И откуда ждать угрозы? И что будет, если попробовать сбежать?..
Vostrau Belarus
Victor Asliuk's contrast of rural and urban life in Belarus examines the tangible differences between the young in the city and the elderly in the village and between modernity and tradition, interspersing modern images with archive material depicting the countryside as it used to be.
New World
Three stories of immigrants trying to start new lives in Poland: an Afghan traumatised by the war, a Ukrainian lost in her own body, and a Belarusian running away from painful love. The Afghan, Azzam, works as a translator for the Polish army. In his homeland he is treated like a traitor. Having been evacuated to Poland, he is unable to shake off the war experiences. The Ukrainian, Wiera, escapes to Poland to undergo sex reassignment surgery in secret from her family. An unexpected visit from her father and little son will make her face the question of her own identity once more. Żanna, the Belarusian, leaves her husband, a dissident, and lives together with her daughter at her sister’s in Warsaw. She wants to move out as soon as possible and make a normal home. Things get complicated when her husband gets arrested again.
The Same Snowy Ground
A journey through a place of an eternal past; where the grandson of a Jewish partisan sets out to experience the dramatic events and places that shaped his grandfather's war years
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Tanjuska and the 7 Devils
A documentary about Tanjuska who is a 12-year-old White-Russian schoolgirl, with a face like an icon. Two years ago she stopped eating, then talking and finally she stopped growing. The village priest in Estonia has explained to the family that seven devils have made a home inside Tanjuska. These devils are giving her orders and only a daily ceremony can force the devils to leave the girl.
Across the Rails
2021 was a turning point for Belarus and 6 Belarusian students - as well as for the city of Łódź, Poland, in which they found themselves. Across the rails of change and transformation, documenting a time that has not been before and will not repeat again. Heroes of the film have very different fates and experiences, but they are all connected by the place they found themselves in - the post-industrial and post-apocalyptic city, which becomes a part of their story and a hero of its own. Students, transport, quaters, youth, revolution, local apocalypse, changes and turns - they all mix in a documentary kaleidoscope 'Across the Rails'.
Viva Belarus!
В фильме рассказывается история 23-летнего белорусского рокера Мирона Захарки. На одном из концертов его группа исполняет композицию с политическим подтекстом, после чего коллектив попадает в список запрещенных музыкантов, а самого Мирона, несмотря на медицинские противопоказания, призывают в армию. Вооруженные силы встречают его жесткой дедовщиной, дискриминацией и насилием, истории о которых герой анонимно публикует в своем интернет-блоге. Тайное закулисье войск, приоткрытое призванным на службу «опальным» рок-музыкантом, досаждает командованию части и представителям государственной власти, автор блога оказывается в центре противостояния с действующим политическим режимом.
Стриптиз и война
Небольшая семья, состоящая из дедушки, который возглавляет ветеранскую организацию и пишет патриотические статьи, и его внука, который бросил свою карьеру инженера, чтобы стать стриптизером и мечтать о своем собственном эротическом театре. Это не просто история об отношениях, а скорее отражение разрыва между поколениями и всей постсоветской Беларуси.
Улица без конца
Immediately after the prom, Olya Rusanova arrives in the city where her father worked and tragically died. Many years ago he dreamed of building a city, and now she is walking along the street bearing his name, a street without end. Having met her father’s friends, Olya learns him anew. They tell the girl how her father wanted to see large houses and wide streets on the site of the tent city. How he knew how to be friends and to love, and how longed for Olya when he broke up with his wife, who didn't agree to go with him.
the lane of time
This is a story of the lane which becomes a witness of civilization development with final understanding of historic recurrence.
Belarus: An Ordinary Dictatorship
It’s the last dictatorship of Europe, caught in a Soviet time-warp, where the secret police is still called the KGB and the president rules by fear. Disappearances, political assassinations, waves of repression and mass arrests are all regular occurances. But while half of Belarus moves closer to Russia, the other half is trying to resist…
Flaming Memory: Woman from the Killed Village
One of the five-part documentary series by Belarusian writer and director Viktor Dashuk, which recounts the horrors experienced by the Belarusian people during World War II, through firsthand accounts of survivors and newsreel footage.
Children of Future Sleep
This is a story about the mysterious world of anti-utopian future where each human-being's fallen asleep and replaced himself by robots. Unusual robot is destined to find output - he is seeking answers to his disturbing dreams...
Criminals kidnap the seven years old daughter of a large Azerbaijani businessman Rustam Ibragimov. The purpose of the kidnappers - the father's refusing of the high post in the government. The girl being taken through Belarus to smuggle to Europe. However, the girl manages to escape from his pursuers. Polina - a simple village woman finds the terrified child.
the violator is constantly straying
jany robiać z hary piramidu
a visualization of a poem telling a story of making a piramid out of a mountain
Brutto Nostra
Более 500 концертов за 5 лет и тысячи зрителей на концертах, 3 полноценных альбома и 22 официальных видеоклипа, триумфальное возвращение Сергея Михалка и BRUTTO в Беларусь, запуск проектов «ЛЯПИС 98» и «DREZDEN» — и еще много-много всего, что зрители и поклонники теперь могут увидеть в документальном фильме «BRUTTO NOSTRA»!
sometimes you can go way too far in search of inspiration
Минск, август 2020 г. Паша и Юлия, молодая супружеская пара, выходят ночью из дома и оказываются в эпицентре мирных протестов. Повседневная прогулка превращается в настоящий ад, в котором ни в чем не повинные люди становятся жертвами полицейского произвола.