
Animating Aeroplane Jelly (2020)

An episode in the life of pioneering Australian animator Eric Porter

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 19М

Директор : Michael Kraaz

Краткое содержание

A documentary about Australian animation pioneer Eric Porter’s work on the iconic Aeroplane Jelly animated promos of the 1940s and 1950s.


Eric Porter
Eric Porter
Self (archive audio) (archive footage)
Gaby Porter
Gaby Porter
Cam Ford
Cam Ford
Self (archive footage)
Ray Edmondson
Ray Edmondson
Leroy De Costa
Leroy De Costa
Anais De Costa
Anais De Costa
Barbara De Costa
Barbara De Costa
Andrew Pike
Andrew Pike


Michael Kraaz
Michael Kraaz
Michael Kraaz
Michael Kraaz
Andrew Pike
Andrew Pike
James Lane
James Lane
Scott Wombey
Scott Wombey
Sound Mixer
Michael Kenneally
Michael Kenneally
Dan Sanguineti
Dan Sanguineti
Zhenshi Van Der Klooster
Zhenshi Van Der Klooster
Brad Schafli
Brad Schafli
Michael Arnold
Michael Arnold
Music Arranger
David Green
David Green
Music Arranger
Konrad Lenz
Konrad Lenz


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Animating Aeroplane Jelly
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Чудаки 3D
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Жизнь после карьеры в порно 2
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