
As the World Sets (2023)

Жанр : мультфильм, фантастика, драма, мелодрама, фэнтези

Время выполнения : 11М

Директор : Caleb Cook

Краткое содержание

Alone on the moon, a dying astronaut faces his past regrets and lost love as the earth sets over the horizon.


J. Everett Reed
J. Everett Reed
Espen Brante
Espen Brante
Steve Aaron
Steve Aaron
Older Jonah
Margaret Thayer
Margaret Thayer
Cassidy Millhouse
Cassidy Millhouse
Jonah's Daughter
Tommy Adzema
Tommy Adzema
Jonah's Son 1
Tanner Hirten
Tanner Hirten
Jonah's Son 2


Caleb Cook
Caleb Cook
Max Losson
Max Losson
Director of Photography
Caleb Cook
Caleb Cook
Max Losson
Max Losson
Keith Cohen
Keith Cohen
Production Design
Jay Rayno
Jay Rayno
Cassidy Millhouse
Cassidy Millhouse
Key Grip Production Assistant
Michiko Nishimoto-Rivera
Michiko Nishimoto-Rivera
Assistant Director
Caleb Cook
Caleb Cook
Caleb Cook
Caleb Cook


Giorgio, a young soldier, is in love with the married Clara and becomes her lover. But they are separated when Giorgio is posted far away, where he meets the unhappy, unhealthy, and unattractive Fosca, who develops a passionate love for Giorgio and tries to make him love her. This rendition of Stephen Sondheim's Tony Award-winning musical was recorded on the stage with it's original all-star Broadway cast. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season thirteen, episode six).
Wedding Bell Blues
Micki, Tanya and Jasmine have 24 hours to get divorced. There's just one problem...They're still single. When Jasmine, Tanya and Micki decide they'd rather be divorced than unmarried, they take off to Las Vegas in search of the perfect ex. In the tangled web that follows, Micki lassos a cowboy, Tanya acquires a rich businessman, and Jasmine finds true love in the arms of a regular guy. The result is an outrageous comedy of love, marriage and misadventure. As intelligent as it is absurd, Wedding Bell Blues pokes great fun at the twists and turns of modern love, with outstanding performances from a talented young cast, including Illeana Douglas, Paulina Porizkova and Julie Warner, it is without a doubt one of the year's most hilarious movies.
Любовные письма
Во время военных действий в Италии Аллен Куинтон от имени своего малограмотного сослуживца Роджера пишет любовные письма его невесте Виктории. После возвращения с войны Аллен узнал, что Роджер и Виктория поженились, но их совместная жизнь продлилась недолго из-за внезапной смерти Роджера. Когда Аллен приезжает к своей тёте в Эссексе, он решает навестить Викторию, которая живёт по соседству. Но ему сообщают, что молодая вдова, которую подозревали в убийстве мужа, умерла. Вернувшись домой в Лондон он знакомится с таинственной Синглтон – молодой женщиной, страдающей амнезией...
Я, ты, он, она
A woman suffers a subdued psychological breakdown in the wake of a devastating breakup.
Тайбэйская история
Раньше Лун играл в национальной юношеской лиге, а теперь держит старомодный магазинчик тканей и не может избавиться от ностальгии по славному прошлому. Его подруга, наоборот, устремлена в будущее. Чжэнь — современная успешная женщина. Она мечтает открыть своё дело и настроена на иммиграцию в США. Они любили друг друга с самого детства, они давно вместе, но, кажется, жизнь начинает их постепенно разводить.
Tom and Chérie
Mousketeer Jerry has a love letter to deliver to darling Lilli. He gives it to his young pupil, who has a hard time getting past Tom to deliver it, but he does. They send a few more letters back and forth, at great pain to the youngster.
Exit Strategy
Evicted from his apartment, James has to move in with his girlfriend of 3 months. He quickly discovers that she's everything he never wanted in a woman. His only option is to get her to break up with him -- but still let him sleep on the couch.
Важная дата
Две сестры стремятся выйти замуж любой ценой, как можно быстрее и как можно удачнее.
Стокгольмская восточная
Трогательная история непреодолимой любви между двумя незнакомцами, связанных между собой одной трагедией, которая сказывается на их жизнях и отношениях. Когда Йохан и Анна встречаются на вокзале, связывающим столицу Стокгольм с идиллическим пригородом, где они и живут, они отправляются в опасное путешествие из страсти и лжи…
Rid of Me
A scathing black comedy of embarrassment that charts the emotional breakdown and rebirth of a woman ripe for self-discovery.
The Iceman Tapes: Conversations with a Killer
Richard Kuklinski was a devoted husband, loving father--and ruthless killer of over 100 people. You'll meet him in this powerful documentary that features one of the most vivid and disturbing interviews ever recorded--taped behind the walls of the prison where Kuklinski is serving two consecutive life sentences for multiple homicide.
Flower Buds
Flower Buds tells the story of the gradual breakdown of a family living in a small town. Each character lives according to his or her own ideals. Agata wants a happy life far from home, fully aware that her only hope is to escape and therefore betray those close to her. Honza believes in the purity and power of love, regardless of the circumstances under which it is born. Kamila looks confidently to the future and does not intend to accept the misery of the present. The only Jarda knows that he will not change the world or himself. Aware of his weakness, he does not even try. In his mind, of course, his addiction to slot machines, which has led to a nearly impossible situation, is as certain as most gamblers' belief of an imminent win. The real and convincing attempt to rescue his family comes when it is too late. It is just a futile gesture, a desperate last ditch effort.
Thattathin Marayathu
The film is about a Hindu Nair boy, Vinod, and a Muslim girl, Aisha, and the conflict arising out of this inter-faith relationship.
Torn Apart
The story of a love relationship between a brother and sister and an eventual breakup that will forever change their lives.
The Subject Was Roses
When Timmy Cleary, comes home from soldiering, he's greeted by the open but strained arms of his two parents, John and Nettie. Once considered sickly and weak, he has now distinguished himself in the service and is ready to begin a new life. His parents, however, are still trapped in the bygone days of early and unresolved marital strife and begin emotionally deteriorating through several drama packed encounters. Now mature, the young Tim Cleary finally understands the family dynamics that has played all throughout his boyhood. By the simple act of bringing his mother roses on behalf of his father, Tim realizes he may have destroyed his family, but is helpless to obtain resolution which must come from both his parents.
Моя любовь
Купеческая Москва XIX века… Главный герой — гимназист Антон, ему шестнадцать. Мечты уносят его в другую реальность, а повседневная жизнь возвращает в отнюдь не идеальный мир, но и здесь он пытается найти что-то светлое, чистое, божественное и ту единственную, которой он отдаст свое самое первое чувство.
What's Wrong with This Picture?
A snapshot of the state of the Danish nation: in one of the stories, a woman enters a pole-sitting contest in a desperate bid to reinvent herself. Another is about Erik, whose wife has been lobbying a Better Homes and Gardens type magazine to do a spread on their perfect home. When the editors finally relent, she makes Erik sip his red wine in the laundry room lest he stain their cream-colored couches. Svend, the last remaining Marxist in Copenhagen, is the impassioned organizer of a political mass meeting where no one shows up. Finally, Jens, a pizza and porno connoisseur, connives his way to some booty by convincing Gry the model that he lives with his mentally challenged brother. Over the course of a week, their paths cross and nothing, and nobody, is ever quite the same again.
Where Are My Children?
Walton, the District Attorney, yearns to have children. Soon after defending an author on trial for publishing indecent literature, Walton discovers a secret his wife and her socialite friends have been hiding from him.
Клик: С пультом по жизни
Архитектору-трудоголику попадает в руки пульт дистанционного управления, с помощью которого можно прокручивать жизненные ситуации вперед или назад. Но техника есть техника - у нее всегда сюрприз в запасе. Накопив собственную память, пульт сам начинает управлять скоростью перемотки и выбором момента жизни. Только теперь герой понимает, как неверно он использовал своё время и чем он за него поплатился.
Акулы пера
Бен — ведущий критик в суперпопулярном музыкальном журнале. Музыканты готовы пойти на все, чтобы он тиснул благожелательную заметку об их творчестве… даже позволить своим подружкам его соблазнить. И не знающий ни в чем отказа Бен решает не ходить на день рождения к любимой девушке Катарине. Она может и подождать. Но Катарина думает иначе. Осознав, что потерял ее, Бен целыми днями заливает в себя алкоголь и изо всех сил старается вернуть Катарину.