Guds Kalla Händer (2023)
Жанр : драма
Время выполнения : 0М
Директор : Jonas Eriksson
Краткое содержание
Dimwitted but sweet high school girl of easy virtue and the most popular boy in the school share an improbable romance.
Mayhem starts when a gang of bikers is accused of a sadistic rape in a small town.
Когда Папи с сопровождающей его компанией перебираются в роскошный отель, то его самый юный щенок по кличке Роза чувствует себя заброшенным, и Папи должен сделать все, чтобы доказать, что этот щенок очень важен для него.
Главный герой Джон Шарп отсидел 8 лет за убийство убийцы своей жены. Теперь он вышел на свободу и решает уйти из мира людей и поселиться в домике в лесу среди дикой природы. Но и там ему не дают покоя: местные отморозки начинают задираться к нему и, в конце концов, убивают его дочь и её друзей. Тогда отставной полицейский решается на кровавую месть и в одиночку расправляется с целой бандой…
A small town in Italy is about to celebrate their patron saint. The city is full of people with different problems. A Communist in existentialist crisis that also must take care of his mentally ill wife. A woman who is tired of her husband's inability to show emotions and therefore more and more often slips into the world of dreams. A perverse butcher engaged in sex with the meat he sells when he's not peeping on young girls. A girl who became pregnant after having sex with her father. In this town a mysterious stranger show up and who turns on several of the inhabitants lives.
The United States of America is the richest, freest nation the world has ever seen. But nowadays all signs point to the reality of a sickness in the soul of our country, and history tells us that we're headed for disaster if we don't change our course now. Follow Kirk Cameron across Europe and the U.S. as he seeks to discover the people, places and principles that made America the freest, most prosperous and generous nation the world has ever known.
Ruled by a tough grandma, the Garcías are three charro cousins who fall in love with young American-born Lupita and fight for her love until grandma quiets them.
A troubled boy becomes addicted to heroin, and his mother and foster father help him fight it.
To find the truth a man must sacrifice one thing...his life. Based on the short story by renowned author Max Lucado, Resurrection is set in Israel at the time of Christ. Claudius, a Roman guard, finds himself in the midst of a cover-up regarding the tumultuous events after Christ's execution. As his digs for the truth, he discovers that the religious leaders, the Roman government and even his closest friends are attempting to hide something from him and the world. His relentless pursuit of the answers to his growing questions threatens his reputation-even his life. Resurrection is the story of one man's quest for the truth and the discovery that leads to his renewal.
From the late 1950s through the '70s, more than 90,000 of the ethnic Koreans in Japan emigrated to North Korea, a country that promised them affluence, justice, and an end to discrimination. KAZOKU NO KUNI tells the story of one of their number, who returns for just a short period. For the first time in 25 years, Sonho is reunited with his family in Tokyo after being allowed to undergo an operation there. Sonho’s younger sister Rie is at the centre of the film, and is not hard to recognise as the director’s alter-ego. In her documentaries DEAR PYONGYANG and SONA, THE OTHER MYSELF, Yang Yonghi told the story of her own life, and how, at age six, she experienced the departure of her three older brothers, who left their family for Pyongyang.
A man with a troubled past tries to settle down in a small town, finds love and then ends up being the target of a witch hunt.
A small-town star helps a young apprentice land the girl of his dreams.
Residents of the small town of Peyton Place aren't pleased when they realize they're the characters in local writer Allison MacKenzie's controversial first novel. A sequel to the hit 1957 film.
Жизнь Кэй протекает в провинциальном городке скучно и размеренно. Возможно, хуже всего, ее совсем неромантичный, с далеко идущими планами, то ли друг, то ли ухажер — Элмер. Единственное развлечение, когда стекаются толпы любителей игры в футбол и тогда в городке не протолкнуться. Однажды в такой же суматошный день, Кэй вечером выходит из дома, чтобы хотя бы подышать атмосферой толчеи и судьба ставит на ее пути молодого и обворожительного Боба Дакена, который просит ее указать дорогу к местной таверне.
Он слегка навеселе и просит проехаться с ним, так как он не может «понять» ее объяснений. Так жизнь расставила хитроумную ловушку обоим. В ресторане они весело отмечают свадьбу знакомых Боба, и совсем захмелевший спутник везет Кэй в соседний городок к судье, который в любое время суток готов зарегистрировать брак…
Lizette, a waitress in a donut shop in small town has a milestone birthday coming up that she's not happy about. The only thing that could make it better is if her husband Terry buys her tickets to a Dan Hill concert in Toronto she wants to see. The problem is he will only go if his friend Simon goes and only if Simon has a date. The only person Lizette can find is Cheryl-Ann, a permanently happy, innocent waitress at the same donut shop, whom Lizette can't stand. When the night finally comes, things don't go as planned.
Константин I Великий - римский Император, создатель Второго Рима, прекративший кровавые гонения на христиан и установивший свободу исповедования христианской религии. История его любви, пути к власти и борьбы за новый справедливый мир, мир без тирании, угнетения и религиозной нетерпимости.
As the new millenium approaches, Karl & Ulf ('Karl & Co') begin planning a big party, reuniting Karl with some old friends he thought he'd seen the last of.
Эддисон и Лайза в бегах после неудачного ограбления казино. Бывший боксер Джей направляется домой, чтобы провести День Благодарения в кругу семьи. Судьба неумолимо сводит этих людей, чтобы они встретили Зло и вступили в схватку с ним.
Marina, a woman with a glass eye, has the bad luck to be the victim of an assault witnessed by Rafael, a goodhearted butcher, who rescues her from her attacker, a man named Daniel. Rafael has physical problems of his own, but the two stay together as a couple. A baby not Rafael's, for he lost his testicles in an accident is born. Rafael looks forward to raising the child as his own if Marina will consent.