Pieces (1969)

This is the one that puts it to you!

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 6М

Краткое содержание

US-Erotica starring Yolanda Signorelli.


Yolanda Signorelli
Yolanda Signorelli


Chelly Wilson
Chelly Wilson
Chelly Wilson
Chelly Wilson


The Art of Love
Young student Claudine has a dream in which the Roman student Cornelius, fascinated by the beautiful wife of the commander, attends lectures on the art of love of great Ovid. Ancient tragedy repeats itself in a few centuries ...
The Dicktator
Virile men are hard to come by when an experimental male birth-control pill leaves the male population sterile, bringing the birth rate down to zero.
Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun
16-year-old Maria is forced into Serra D'Aires convent, secretly run by Satanists.
Много шума из ничего
В фильме рассказывается о двух влюбленных парах, совершенно не похожих друг на друга. С одной стороны — Бенедикт и Беатриче, которые изначально не слишком-то ладили, с другой — граф Клаудио, взаимно влюбленный в красавицу Геро. Коварный дон Хуан решает расстроить свадьбу последних и обманом заставляет всех поверить, что Геро изменяет своему жениху, после чего и начинаются форменные шекспировские страсти.
Tierra: Infierno
A short film inspired by Austin Osman Spare’s first book released on DVD by Fulgur Limited. The film was produced in Argentina by Mor Navon and Julian Moguillansky. Contains nudity and moderate sex references
Totally Nude Aerobics
Seven beautiful women engage in simple aerobics exercises, first wearing normal leotards, then repeating the same exercises completely nude.
Швейцарская мисс
Stan and Ollie are mousetrap salesmen hoping for better business in Switzerland, with Stan's theory that because there is more cheese in Switzerland, there should be more mice.
Седьмое небо
События разворачиваются в Париже накануне Первой мировой войны. Молодая девушка Diane терпит побои от своей старшей сестры, которая обвиняет её во всех неудачах. В очередной момент насилия над Diane ей на помощь приходит молодой красавец Chiko — работник городской канализации. Путём хитрой авантюры дабы запутать полицию, Diane попадает в дом Chiko, где и рождается между ними светлое чувство. Влюблённые готовы пожениться, но начинается война, добавляя драматизма в и без того нелёгкую жизнь бедных парижан.
Able Edwards
The story of the clone of a famous entertainment mogul created to revive the glory days of his deceased predecessor's corporation. In the process of restoring reality entertainment to a synthetic, virtual world, the clone relizes he has yet to live as his own man.
Man-Made Monster
Mad scientist turns a man into an electrically-controlled monster to do his bidding.
The Brute Man
A facially disfigured and mentally unhinged man wreaks his revenge on those he blames for his condition.
The Virgin and the Gypsy
Film adaptation from the novel by D.H. Lawrence, discovered after the celebrated author's death in 1930, a romantic love story tells of a prim young English girl who is sexually attracted to a seductively virile gypsy. The climatic dam burst is linked with the consummation of her desire.
A surrealistic film in which a strangely assorted group of people come together in the Russian Arctic at the height of the revolution and World War One.
House of Horrors
An unsuccessful sculptor saves a madman named "The Creeper" from drowning. Seeing an opportunity for revenge, he tricks the psycho into murdering his critics.
Q: Загадка женщины
Когда судьба приводит людей на грань отчаяния, единственным способом вновь ощутить вкус жизни может стать нежданный аттракцион грандиозных чувственных наслаждений, которые способна дарить каждому новому знакомому очаровательная Сесиль. Попадая к юной красотке в сладкий плен удовольствий, любой теряет голову; все прочее перестает иметь для него значение, кроме одного — секс, секс, секс…
The main plotline concerns retired Mr Ueno, who since a child has been cared for by his late parents’ robot maid ‘Maria’ – a lifelike humanoid in a maid’s outfit! Over the years, Ueno has developed an unconsummated love for Maria, but although she has not ‘aged’ as such, she is now classed as an obsolete model and Ueno is finding it difficult replacing her fading battery… The secondary plotline involves Detective Yuri Akagi, who is investigating a series of rapes, which she believes may be being committed by a rogue droid.
MAID-DROID 2: Maidroid vs. Hostroids
Maria has been gifted to a college student, Akiba, by his academic mentor Yoshiyuki, who has died under suspicious circumstances. Little does Akiba known that Maria has been reprogrammed by Yoshiyuki to do battle against the evil Host-Droids – male robots designed by a rival robotics company to take revenge on the female species.
Stop the Bitch Campaign Version 2.0
Confusingly, this is actually the first “Stop the…” movie of what (to date) has been a trilogy. Kuni (Kenichi Endo) runs a Phone Sex service, where middle-aged men talk too, and arrange to meet, schoolgirls for “Compensated Dating” (enjo kosai) – the men provide gifts in return for “dating” the schoolgirl (although no money changes hands, this is effectively teenage prostitution). Kuni discovers that one group of schoolgirls are using his service to ambush (and then blackmail) his clients and decides to embark on a moral crusade against them (hence the title, Stop the Bitch…). Unfortunately, this crusade takes the form of arranging to meet the schoolgirls, having (kinky and degrading) sex with them and then running off without paying. The logic goes that if these girls are not making money from their “dating”, they will give it up, making the world a safer place for everyone. Unfortunately for Kuni, these schoolgirls decide to fight back….
Running Time
Carl, a career criminal, receives an early release from prison and immediately begins preparations for his next big heist.
Первая картина Лорела и Харди. Именно на этих съемках состоялось их знакомство, давшее начало комическому дуэту. Лорел играет неудачника, которого выбросили на улицу за неуплату квартирной ренты. А толстяк Харди — неуклюжего грабителя, который улучшает материальное состояние Стэнли, даже не подозревая об этом.