Le Nouveau monde (2017)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Vincent Sorrel
Писатель : Vincent Sorrel

Краткое содержание



Vincent Sorrel
Vincent Sorrel
Vincent Sorrel
Vincent Sorrel
Vincent Sorrel
Vincent Sorrel
Camera Operator
Benoît Chabert d’Hieres
Benoît Chabert d’Hieres
Agnès Bruckert
Agnès Bruckert
Young Son Noh
Young Son Noh


When Bubbles Burst
It is becoming increasingly difficult to protect ourselves from extreme financial volatility. This feature documentary will examine the mechanics behind bubbles and crashes, and discuss trends and visions for the future.
An adaptation of Margaret Atwood's book examining the metaphor of indebtedness.
We’re Not Broke
An exposé on how the government has allow U.S. corporations to avoid paying taxes and the growing wave of discontent that it has fostered.
Сделано в Америке
Фильм отсылает ко временам, когда соблюдался баланс между производимой и потребляемой продукцией.
Poor Us: An Animated History of Poverty
The poor may always have been with us, but attitudes towards them have changed. Beginning in the Neolithic Age, Ben Lewis's film takes us through the changing world of poverty. You go to sleep, you dream, you become poor through the ages. And when you awake, what can you say about poverty now? There are still very poor people, to be sure, but the new poverty has more to do with inequality...
The Pit
Documentary directed by Johanna Lee's that explores the emotionally charged, cutthroat world of commodities trading. They try to make a living trading coffee on the New York Board of Trade before electronic trading threatens to make their way of life obsolete.
Broke: The New American Dream
A vivid, honest, often humorous and always insightful look at our struggle with investments and retirement. Michael Covel traveled 75,000 miles over the course of 2007 and 2008 to visit with hundreds of people from America to Europe to Asia from London to Tokyo to Macau to Singapore to New York City - Covel went everywhere. He interviews single moms facing foreclosure, Nobel Prize winners, professional poker players and US Congressmen. How did we dig such a big hole when it comes to our retirement, money and investments? We all want to retire, we all want to provide for our families, but Covel's film paints a picture that trusting the government, TV shows, big brokerage firms and mutual funds is not the way to go. There are ways for all of us to break away from the fear and confusion so many of us feel about our money, but the world has changed and it is time for straight talk.
The Flaw
The story of the credit bubble that caused the financial crash. Through interviews with some of the world's leading economists, including housing expert Robert Shiller, Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, and economic historian Louis Hyman, as well as Wall Street insiders and victims of the crash including Ed Andrews - a former economics correspondent for The New York Times who found himself facing foreclosure - and Andrew Luan, once a bond trader at Deutsche Bank now running his own Wall Street tour guide business, the film presents an original and compelling account of the toxic combination of forces that nearly destroyed the world economy.
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? reveals how American corporations orchestrated the dismantling of middle-class prosperity through rampant deregulation, the outsourcing of jobs, and tax policies favoring businesses and the wealthy. The collapse of the U.S. economy is the result of conscious choices made over thirty five years by a small group: leaders of corporations and their elected allies, and the biggest lobbying interest in Washington, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. To these individuals, the collapse is not a catastrophe, but rather the planned outcome of their long, patient work. For the rest of the country, it is merely the biggest heist in American history.
Four Horsemen
Documentary about the modern apocalypse caused by a rapacious banking system. 23 leading thinkers – frustrated at the failure of their respective disciplines – break their silence to explain how the world really works.
Cleveland Versus Wall Street
On 11th January 2008, hired by the City of Cleveland, lawyer Josh Cohen and his team filed a lawsuit against 21 banks, which they held accountable for the wave of foreclosures that had left their city in ruins. Since then, the bankers on Wall Street have been fighting by with all available means to avoid going to court. This film is the story of that trial. A film about a trial that may never be held but in which the facts, the participants and their testimonies are all real: the judge, lawyers, witnesses, even the members of the jury - asked to give their verdict - play their own roles. Step by step, one witness after another, the film takes apart, from a plain, human perspective, the mechanisms of subprime mortgage loans, a system that sent the world economy reeling. A trial for the sake of example, a universal fable about capitalism
Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks
A detailed look at the gradual decline of Shenyang’s industrial Tiexi district, an area that was once a vibrant example of China’s socialist economy. But industry is changing, and the factories of Tiexi are closing. Director Wang Bing introduces us to some of the workers affected by the closures, and to their families.
Debtocracy seeks the causes of the Greek debt crisis and proposes solutions sidelined by the government and the dominant media. It follows countries like Ecuador that created debt Audit Commissions and tracks this process in Greece.
Coxless Pair
The film tells the story of the friendship between Johann and Ludwig as they strive for the ultimate “buddy” relationship. Going beyond, well beyond, what would be considered good and healthy, the pair attempt to become the ideal twins, driving their relationship based on their partnership in competitive rowing (coxless pairs) to the ultimate, to perfect harmony in mind, word, thought and deed. But their symbiotic relationship is thrown out of balance: Ludwig strives to tighten the bonds ever closer, but Johann discovers happiness in the form of love for Ludwig’s sister, Vera. But because Ludwig hates her, the couple keep their relationship secret. But secrets have a way of coming out and Ludwig is wounded to the core. As the finals of the rowing competition draw closer, Ludwig has already set his sights on a greater goal: to preserve their friendship forever, no longer in life but in death.
История расцвета Детройта в XX веке всем известна — в 50-е годы он стал главным центром машиностроения в США, богатейшим городом страны, в котором были сосредоточены заводы Ford, General Motors, Chrysler. Но после экономического кризиса 2008 года Детройт движется к упадку и разорению так же стремительно, как в начале прошлого века шел к процветанию. Жители покидают мегаполис, количество рабочих мест сократилось вполовину. Фильм рассказывает о тех, кто пока отказывается уезжать из пустеющего города и упорно надеется на возрождение былого величия.
Конец цивилизации
Фильм иллюстрирует жестокость цивилизации, зависимой от систематического насилия и разрушения окружающей среды, и героизм всех тех, кто противостоит этому лицом к лицу. Быстрая графика, интервью, военные съемки и сатира высмеивают излишества глобальной экономической системы, даже в то время, как она рушится вокруг нас.
Overdraft is an award-winning film featuring leading thinkers and policymakers from across the aisle exploring major topics such as entitlement programs, defense spending, tax reform and the choices that America’s debt forces on individuals and businesses. Independently produced, Overdraft was launched in August 2012, and made available for broadcast on public television for two years through the National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA).
Capitalism Hits the Fan
With breathtaking clarity, renowned University of Massachusetts Economics Professor Richard Wolff breaks down the root causes of today's economic crisis, showing how it was decades in the making and in fact reflects seismic failures within the structures of American-style capitalism itself. Wolff traces the source of the economic crisis to the 1970s, when wages began to stagnate and American workers were forced into a dysfunctional spiral of borrowing and debt that ultimately exploded in the mortgage meltdown. By placing the crisis within this larger historical and systemic frame, Wolff argues convincingly that the proposed government "bailouts," stimulus packages, and calls for increased market regulation will not be enough to address the real causes of the crisis, in the end suggesting that far more fundamental change will be necessary to avoid future catastrophes.
The Price We Pay
A documentary on the history and present-day reality of big-business tax avoidance, which has seen multinationals depriving governments of trillions of dollars in tax revenues by harboring profits in offshore havens.
Langhe Doc
Three characters, three stories of "heretics", three food producers who think in a different way to describe the transformation of our Country in what in “Langhe Doc” Giorgio Bocca calls the Italy of warehouses. We're in Langhe, a unique territory, universally recognized as one of the most beautiful places in Italy, fresh candidate for Unesco World Heritage but afflicted by uncontrolled economic development, urbanization, overbuilding, abandonment of the less profitable areas. Those of Maria Theresa, Silvio and Mauro are stories of people who have insight into a future they do not like and have chosen to refuse it. Their challenges are still open, they're not yet fully met and perhaps they never will: these heretics move in one direction, while the world moves in another, quite the opposite one.