
If it Won’t Hold Water, it Surely Won’t Hold a Goat (2014)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 10М

Директор : Erin Johnson

Краткое содержание

"If it Won’t Hold Water, it Surely Won’t Hold a Goat" is an intimate meditation on the subversive nature of goats and their effect on the people who spend time with them. Centered on the story of the legendary Goat Man - a nomadic figure who spent most of his life walking the roads of Georgia with a wagon pulled by a herd of goats - this experimental documentary weaves together an interview with a goat farmer, footage of the daily rituals Johnson enacted with her own herd, and a poem about the Goat Man’s experimental and spectacular life.



Erin Johnson
Erin Johnson


Джордж Уоллас
George Wallace is a 1997 television film starring Gary Sinise as George Wallace, the former Governor of Alabama. It was directed by John Frankenheimer, who won an Emmy award for it; Sinise and Mare Winningham also won Emmies for their performances. The film was based on the 1996 biography Wallace : The Classic Portrait of Alabama Governor George Wallace by Marshall Frady, who also co-wrote the teleplay. Frankenheimer's film was highly praised by critics: in addition to the Emmy awards, it received the Golden Globe for Best Miniseries/Motion Picture made for TV. Angelina Jolie also received a Golden Globe for her performance as Wallace's second wife, Cornelia.
Шрам русалки
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Солнце неспящих
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История двух девочек-подростков, одна из которых хочет участвовать в демонстрациях протеста против распространения ядерного оружия, а другая больше интересуется мальчиками. Проблемы же возникают, когда отец одной из них заводит роман с подружкой своей дочери.
A amateur writer who seems to have nothing to live for, finds himself as the only hope of three people.
An animation film, made without the use of a camera, in which "boogie" played by Albert Ammons and "doodle" drawn by Norman McLaren combine to make a rhythmic, brightly colored film experiment. The main title is in eight languages.
Заключенный, недавно сбежавший из тюрьмы, пытается вернуть добычу, которую он спрятал несколько лет назад в отдаленной и одинокой деревне; но то, что там найдено, предполагает наказание хуже, чем тюрьма. Зловещие старики, странные исчезновения, духи, своеобразный священник и даже сам протоиерей Сантьяго — главные герои этой ужасной, юмористической и фантастической истории. Первая покадровая постановка из пластилина, сделанная в Испании. В нем звучат голоса Луиса Тосара, Джеральдин Чаплин, Мануэля Манкинья, Хорхе Санса и Пола Наши среди других. С октября 2022 года на YouTube-канале режиссера Фернандо Кортисо: «ПРОСМОТР БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ (ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ!) не возместила себестоимость продукции из-за МОШЕННИЧЕСТВА ДИСТРИБЬЮТОРОВ.». (аудио на испанском и галисийском, многоязычные субтитры) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h7yoEMrL6A
Dracula: The Vampire and the Voivode
This exhaustive documentary attempts to tell the history of Bram Stoker's influential novel Dracula, explaining both the historical antecedents to the story, as well as offering look at Stoker's life in order to help illuminate this enduring horror tale, and exposing some of the myths surrounding vampires that have long been accepted as fact.
Our Daily Bread
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Le Franc
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По одноименной сказке Емилиана Букова о герое молдавских сказок - пастушонке Андриеше, мечтавшем стать витязем, о волшебной свирели, которую однажды ему подарил сказочный богатырь Вайнован, и борьбе со злым волшебником Черным Вихрем, ненавидящем все живое.
Kinoautomat was the world's first interactive movie, conceived by Radúz Činčera for the Czechoslovak Pavilion at Expo '67 in Montreal. At nine points during the film the action stops, and a moderator appears on stage to ask the audience to choose between two scenes; following an audience vote, the chosen scene is played.
Prelude: Dog Star Man
A creation myth realized in light, patterns, images superimposed, rapid cutting, and silence. A black screen, then streaks of light, then an explosion of color and squiggles and happenstance. Next, images of small circles emerge then of the Sun. Images of our Earth appear, woods, a part of a body, a nude woman perhaps giving birth. Imagery evokes movement across time. Part of the Dog Star Man series of experimental films.
В некоем Доме-музее работает сторожем странный молодой человек. Однажды ночью в ванной он встречает другого странного человека, похожего на некоего известного писателя. Тот самозабвенно моется, на требование паренька покинуть помещение госучреждение отвечает нечленораздельным бормотанием…
The Moo Man
Modern British dairy farms must get bigger and bigger or go under but Farmer Stephen Hook decides to buck the trend. Instead he chooses to have a great relationship with his small herd of cows and ignore the big supermarkets and dairies. The result is a laugh-out-loud emotional roller-coaster of a film, a heart warming tearjerker about the incredible bonds between man, animal and countryside in a fast disappearing England.