
Curse of the Zodiac (2007)

Every murder is another sign

Жанр : ужасы, триллер, криминал, детектив

Время выполнения : 1Ч 22М

Директор : Ulli Lommel

Краткое содержание

Genre guru Ulli Lommel (THE BOOGEYMAN, BTK KILLER) directs this horror film about the infamous Zodiac killer. Though decades have passed since the multiple murderer held the state of California hostage with fear, the mystery of his identity has never been solved.


Cassandra Church
Cassandra Church
Natasha Baines
Jack Quinn
Jack Quinn
The Zodiac
Jon E. Nimetz
Jon E. Nimetz
The Writer
Lee Mercer
Lee Mercer
Natasha's Boyfriend
Victoria Ullmann
Victoria Ullmann


Ulli Lommel
Ulli Lommel
Ulli Lommel
Ulli Lommel
Ulli Lommel
Ulli Lommel
Ulli Lommel
Ulli Lommel
Original Music Composer
Ulli Lommel
Ulli Lommel
Director of Photography


Beast Beneath
According to legend, prior to his tragic death, Don Antonio Feliz hid a fortune of Spanish gold deep inside a well on his estate… Decades later, Angelina Feliz discovers a map revealing the secret location of her ancestor’s treasure, but standing in her way is an ancient curse and a bloodthirsty netherworld beast.
Where Evil Lives
A gripping tale of horror, murder, and revenge unfolds as Jack Devlin (Claude Akins in his final screen appearance), caretaker of the Spencer House State, reveals an unforgettable history of zombies, vampires, and witches to a prospective buyer. The chilling stories grow more horrifying and even Jack's visitor is stunned by the final fate at this house where evil lives.
Bloodbath in Psycho Town
The plot concerns two documentary film students who travel to a small, isolated town in the middle of nowhere to film a documentary about murders that occurred there. Soon they are stalked by someone who is afraid the students are getting to close to a close guarded secret in the town that led to the murders.
Enigmatically silent, and driven by love, the man known as Resnik was imprisoned for butchering another man and kidnapping the young girl at the heart of his obsession, Kelly. For the safety of his fellow inmates, Resnik was only ever allowed to wake, eat and exercise alone, after dark, he learned to like it. Now having escaped during a midnight transfer, Resnik is headed back to Moonlight Bay, and Detectives Raynor and Molloy have only 12 hours to stop him before the sun goes down, and the carnage begins, again. Written by Anonymous (IMDb.com).
Dropping Evil
After his friends slip him LSD on a camping trip, ultra-nerdy Nancy hallucinates that they are evil beings and begins to systematically hunt them down. Meanwhile, a mysterious corporation monitors the entire event for their own hidden purpose.
Asylum of Terror
After a former mental asylum is converted into a haunted house attraction, a former inmate returns and starts murdering patrons.
During a wild weekend in Las Vegas, four young friends get into trouble with a loan shark and must skip town in a hurry. But gambling problems may be the least of their worries after they get stranded in the Nevada desert. One of the guys discovers a mysterious metal fragment, then promptly goes missing during the night. When the remaining three catch up with their lost friend, there's something different about him. As his condition worsens, the others realize that something unearthly might be stalking them in the desert.
Gore Whore
When a lab assistant steals an important formula and all its documentation from Dr. Whitman, he hires a bottom-of-the-barrel private eye, Chase Barr, to locate it. When Barr digs deeper into the case he finds the lab assistant is actually a dead street whore and the "formula" is a reanimation agent that, with the consumption of human blood, is keeping her alive! In trying to retrieve the formula, Chase is given a rollercoaster ride through hell as the whore reanimates corpses to attack him and help her hold onto the formula.
A young, unwed, pregnant girl is made an offer she can't refuse. Marry a rich young man with a wealthy estate to please his dying mother, and she'll be well taken care of. What she doesn't know is the family has plans to sacrifice her baby!
Shatter Dead
In a dystopian world where the dead no longer stay dead, a young woman struggles to return home to her boyfriend.
Песочница Сатаны
Семья выезжает на пикник, но из-за поломки машины оказывается в глухом лесу и спасается от ужасов дикой природы в старом доме, где само сабой, в широком ассортименте представленны ужасы природы неживой…
Awaken the Dead
Two down and out strangers are brought together by mysterious letters into a safe house as the world around them is infected by an experimental virus that transforms the living into the living dead. She is a former prostitute hiding from the world. He is a former assassin turned priest who has renounced violence. Together they must unravel the mystery of the letters if they hope to survive.
Молодая пара ученых отправляется на скованную льдами исследовательскую базу. Весь ее персонал бесследно исчез. Они — единственные живые души на сотни километров. Но чем ближе ученые оказываются к чудовищной разгадке, тем отчетливее понимают, за каждым их шагом наблюдает кто-то третий — таинственное нечто. И они — его последние гости.
Black Circle Boys
A young man moves to a new town after experiencing a tragedy and becomes involved with a gang of Satan-worshipping teens who believe they have supernatural powers. But by the time he realises he’s in too deep, it may be too late to escape.
Поклонникам произведений Стивена Кинга. Сюжет разворачивается по нарастающей, заставляя зрителя сначала следить за жизнью обычной канадской семьи, а затем вздрагивать от каждого шороха, понимая весь неотвратимый ужас происходящего. События разворачиваются вокруг семейной четы Алекса и Маши и их семилетней дочери Мины. Вначале ничто не предвещало беды. Первая неприятность происходит с мужчиной, который во время утренней пробежки теряет сознание где-то на окраине лесополосы. В итоге его госпитализируют с частичной потерей памяти и серьёзным ушибом головы. После этого в квартире начинают происходить жуткие события: со стены падают фотографии, пропадают домашние питомцы, малышка Мина засыпает в самых неожиданных местах. Всё это постепенно меняет каждого из героев, семейное счастье уходит, а ему на смену приходят страх, паранойя и ожидание чего-то ужасного. Что именно происходит с людьми? Смогут ли они узнать истину?
Don't Go in the Woods
Don't Go in the Woods is sound advice, especially when there's a killer on the loose. First-time director Vincent D'Onofrio (Full Metal Jacket, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent") explores love, greed and ruthlessness in this twisted musical/horror hybrid, telling the story of a young band who heads to the woods to get away from their everyday lives in order to focus on writing new songs. Hoping to walk away from the trip with new tunes that will score them their big break, they instead find themselves in the middle of a nightmare beyond comprehension.
Ящик смерти
28 декабря 1862 года полк конфедератов попал в окружение, названное «ящиком смерти». Командир отряда, полковник Стрэйн, был ранен, но остался жив. Год спустя в том же проклятом месте были зверски распяты федералисты, после чего убийства не прекращались, но погибали не только федералисты, но и конфедераты. Генерал федералистов посылает капитана Херлинга выследить и уничтожить убийц. Но беда в том, что те, с кем им придется иметь дело, уже не были людьми. Они стали кем-то вроде зомби.
The Sky Has Fallen
Within a couple of hours, a new disease wipes out almost all of mankind. Trying to avoid infection, people flee to remote locations, but they start seeing mysterious black figures, carrying away the dead and experimenting on them. Now, Lance and Rachel, two survivors determined to fight back, must kill the leader of these creatures before the rest of humanity disappears