
Mozambique (1964)

Mozambique. Capital of Hell ...

Жанр : боевик, драма, криминал

Время выполнения : 1Ч 35М

Директор : Robert Lynn
Писатель : Peter Yeldham

Краткое содержание

An American pilot assists the Portuguese colonial police who are battling a gang of criminals involved in drug smuggling from Lisbon to Mozambique to Zanzibar.


Steve Cochran
Steve Cochran
Brad Webster
Hildegard Knef
Hildegard Knef
Ilona Valdez
Paul Hubschmid
Paul Hubschmid
Vivi Bach
Vivi Bach
Martin Benson
Martin Benson
Da Silva
Dietmar Schönherr
Dietmar Schönherr
George Leech
George Leech
Gert Van den Bergh
Gert Van den Bergh
Vic Perry
Vic Perry
Sgt. Rodrigues
Harold Berens
Harold Berens
Sophia Kammara
Sophia Kammara
Nightclub Employee
Josh du Toit
Josh du Toit
Madeleine Usher
Madeleine Usher
Solo Dancer
Maria Rohm
Maria Rohm


Robert Lynn
Robert Lynn
Peter Yeldham
Peter Yeldham
Oliver A. Unger
Oliver A. Unger
Harry Alan Towers
Harry Alan Towers
Harry Alan Towers
Harry Alan Towers
Johnny Douglas
Johnny Douglas
Martin Curtis
Martin Curtis
Director of Photography
Peter Boita
Peter Boita


Глубокое синее море 3
Большая любительница и исследовательница акул доктор Эмма Коллинз со своей командой изучает влияние глобального потепления на поведение больших белых акул и экосистему небольшого атолла. Внезапно к ней за помощью обращается давний приятель и бывший коллега Ричард Лоуэлл. Он просит Эмму помочь ему выследить и поймать двух бычьих акул, которые уже убили нескольких человек.
Принцесса Мононоке
Убив вепря, юный принц Аситака навлек на себя смертельное проклятие. Старая знахарка предсказала, что только он сам способен изменить свою судьбу, и отважный воин отправился в опасное путешествие. Так он оказался в загадочной стране, где люди под предводительством злой госпожи Эбоси воевали с обитателями леса: духами, демонами и гигантскими существами, каких Аситака раньше никогда не видел. И была с ними принцесса Мононоке — повелительница зверей и дочь волчицы. Теперь судьба всех зависит только от одного воина — принца Аситаки.
Пропуск в Пимлико
Классическая британская комедия студии "Илинг". Обнаружив старый договор, юридически относящийся к давно несуществующему герцогству Бургундия, жители одного района Лондона объявляют независимость и формируют правительство. Теперь, чтобы попасть туда, нужно иметь "Пропуск в Пимлико".
Воздушный волк
«Воздушный волк» - это высокотехнологичный вертолет, созданный правительственным агентством под названием «Фирма». Ученый, создавший его, немного сумасшедший, он похищает вертолет и переправляет его в Ливию. Заместитель директора Михаил Бриггс, под кодовым названием «Архангел», курировавший проект «Воздушный волк», должен попытаться вернуть его.
The Heartbreak Kid
Christina (Claudia Karvan) is a school teacher from a wealthy Greek-Australian background, engaged to a lawyer and content with the traditional course of her life. She begins teaching at an inner-city working-class school and she finds her ideas challenged by the students. Involving herself in a campaign by a group of non-anglo students to form a soccer club in a school where the racist PE teacher only supports Australian Rules Football, Christina starts falling in love with aspiring soccer player, 17 year old Nick (Alex Dimitriades). The ensuing affair forces Christina to challenge herself, her family and the culture she lives in. Managing to effectively combine comedy with a refreshing examination of contemporary ethnic relationships in Australia, beautifully acted by a young cast, and insightfully scripted.
Killer Nerd
A nerd is harassed by punks, and is the object of ridicule at work. Enamoured by a co-worker, he buys a tape series on how to be cool, summons up his nerve, and goes to the co-worker's house, only to find her in the clutches of another co-worker. Dejected, he goes out on the town and parties with some babes, but when their friends, who turn out to be the same punks that harassed him earlier, trash him again something snaps, and the irritants in his life begin experiencing an attrition problem.
Nelio's Story
Based on the book by Henning Mankell (Sweden), this story takes place in Mozambique and is about a young boy, Nelio, who loses his entire family during a time of civil war. A wounded Nelio is found by a baker in the capital Mapouto; refusing medical treatment, the boy instead asks for sanctuary so he can tell his terrible tale. This he proceeds to do, starting with how the fighters arrived in his village and slaughtered many, to his captivity, his escape and his teaming with other orphaned street urchins to become their leader in survival.
An American pilot assists the Portuguese colonial police who are battling a gang of criminals involved in drug smuggling from Lisbon to Mozambique to Zanzibar.
Герои фильма — обыкновенные спички. Ссора, вспыхнувшая из-за пустяка, перешла в настоящее сражение, в котором сгорели обе враждовавшие стороны.
Target: Harry
Pilot Harry Black is hired to fly a man named Carlyle to Istanbul, where he's murdered. Now, mysterious Diane Reed and a local gangster, Rashi, are after Harry believing that he has the priceless plates Carlyle used to counterfeit money.
The Four Shaolin Challengers
Lin Che Jong, A student of Wong Fei Hung stands up to gangsters from the local crime family,and opens a Kung Fu school in town. The gangsters take revenge by killing students and destroying the school.The town is run by a local crime lord named Shao Pei Lee, a notorious fugitive. Shao Pei Lee in turn enlists the help of a group of villainous fighters known as "The Yangtze Four" to battle Lin Che Jong and his brothers as they try to expose the corrupt officials and rid the town of Shap Pei Lee
Return Home
A man and his wife are partners in a small business, a service station, that is struggling to survive financially. They are visited by his brother, a divorced middle-aged man, who has taken a break from his stressful career in a big business corporation.
The Human Surge
Buenos Aires. Exe, 25 years old, has just lost his job and is not looking for another one. His neighbors and friends seem as odd to him as they always do. Online, he meets Alf, a boy from Mozambique who is also bored with his job and who is about to follow Archie, another boy who has run away into the jungle. Through the dense vegetation of the forest, Archie tracks ants back to their nest. One of them wanders off course and comes across Canh, a Filipino, sitting on top of a giant heap of earth and who is about to go back to his strange, beautiful home town, where he too has a miserable job.
Sick in Africa
Sick in Africa follows the true stories of several Mozambicans from the Yawo tribe who are ill, but searching for healing and answers.
Compelled By Love
This feature-length biography traces the journey of Heidi Baker, a modern day Mother Theresa, as The Baker’s pursuit of the presence of God has transformed a poverty-stricken and war torn Mozambique through love in action. Shot on the run over a period of 20 years, in 10 countries and on 4 continents in war zones, brothels, and Ivy League campuses, from Hollywood to Mozambique, this film chronicles the power of one life fully yielded to God and the truth that love wins.
Sing My Brother, Help Me to Sing
Documentary on Mozambican music, and the role it played in the country's rediscovering its national identity after centuries of colonial rule.
Mueda, Memory and Massacre
Mueda was a massacre. The name is that of the village in Northern Mozambique where in 1960 it took place. The Portuguese colonial regime did the killing. In independent Mozambique, those inhabitants of Mueda who survived regularly re-enact the massacre in situ. They themselves play the roles of victims, assassins, and spectators. Ruy Guerra, now a Brazilian but born in Lourenço Marques (now Maputo, the capital of Mozambique), filmed this extraordinary creation of liberated popular culture, intercutting it with first-hand interviews on the massacre. The mix is compelling, and the grave yet joyous spectacle unique.
A Luta Continua (The Struggle Continues)
A Luta Continua explains the military struggle of the Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO) against the Portuguese. Produced and narrated by American activists Robert Van Lierop, it details the relationship of the liberation to the wider regional and continental demands for self-determination against minority rule. It notes the complicit roles of foreign governments and companies in supporting Portugal against the African nationalists. Footage from the front lines of the struggle helps contextualize FRELIMO's African socialist ideology, specifically the role of the military in building the new nation, a commitment to education, demands for sexual equality, the introduction of medical aid into the countryside, and the role of culture in creating a single national identity.
The Train of Salt and Sugar
In 1989, Mozambique is a country ruined by civil war. The train that connects Nampula to Malawi is the only hope for people willing to risk their lives to exchange a few bags of salt for sugar. Running slowly over sabotaged tracks, the journey is filled with obstacles and violence. Mariamu, a frequent traveler, shares her trip with her friend Rosa, a nurse who is going to her new hospital, living the reality of war for the first time, Lieutenant Taiar, who only knows the reality of his military life, and another soldier, Salomão, with whom he doesn’t get along. Amongst bullets and laughter, stories of love and war unfold as the train advances towards the next stop.
The Island of the Spirits
A small island, a great history. Long before giving its name to the country, the Mozambique island had a fundamental role in the Indian Ocean during centuries. Anchor point for caravels, meeting point for pirates, it is a melting pot of races. It raises its walls in the middle of the sea. Its winding streets full of life reveal small palaces, churches and white houses. Its inhabitants are eccentric characters, proud of the island's past history. As we wander through the streets we meet an historian, a maritime archaeologist, a fisherman, the "doorman" of the island, a dancer, many spirits...