
Attenborough and the Giant Sea Monster (2024)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 57М

Краткое содержание

Sir David Attenborough investigates the discovery of a lifetime: the giant skull of a prehistoric sea monster, known as a pliosaur – the Tyrannosaurus rex of the seas!


David Attenborough
David Attenborough
Self - Presenter


Mike Gunton
Mike Gunton
Executive Producer
Tom Jarvis
Tom Jarvis
Arpana Paterson
Arpana Paterson
Production Manager
Fred Kaufman
Fred Kaufman
Executive Producer
Bill Murphy
Bill Murphy
Janet Hess
Janet Hess
Tom Jarvis
Tom Jarvis
Executive Producer
Victoria Bobin
Victoria Bobin


Prehistoric Park
A BBC miniseries about Nigel Marvin's quest to bring the extinct dinosaurs through time to Prehistoric Park.
Dinosaur Revolution
Dinosaur Revolution is a four-part nature documentary miniseries that utilizes computer-generated imagery to portray dinosaurs and other animals from the Mesozoic era. It was praised for its educational content and general energy. Used and unused footage was later made into a feature film titled Dinotasia.
Extreme Dinosaurs
Extreme Dinosaurs is a Dino Double Feature that will challenge a number of the previous perceptions of the Tyrannosaurus rex. In Extreme Dinosaurs, the first on the double-bill, Paleontologist Dr. Phillip Currie believes he has found a fiercer predator than the T-Rex: a six-ton flesh-eating dinosaur, the Argentinosaurus, which hunted its prey in packs. Until recently there was little evidence to support Currie’s theories but now with the discovery of two mass dinosaur graves on his hands, he is able to gather the evidence to prove his theory to be true. In the second feature, T-Rex: Warrior or Wimp?, the T-Rex’s place as the scariest dinosaur also comes into question. The T-Rex has been known as the meanest, most bewitching dinosaur of them all – could experts have been mistaken?
Dinosaurs - The Final Day with David Attenborough
David Attenborough brings to life, in unprecedented detail, the last days of the dinosaurs. Palaeontologist Robert DePalma has made an incredible discovery in a prehistoric graveyard: fossilised creatures, astonishingly well preserved, that could help change our understanding of the last days of the dinosaurs. Evidence from his site records the day when an asteroid bigger than Mount Everest devastated our planet and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Based on brand new evidence, witness the catastrophic events of that day play out minute by minute.
Аттенборо и гигантский динозавр
История о 220 костях, найденных в аргентинской пустыне, которые окажутся принадлежащими ранее неизвестному виду динозавра. Динозавра, возможно, крупнейшего, из существовавших на земле. Дэвид Аттенборо вместе с палеонтологом доктором Диего Полом окажется на месте раскопок и в лаборатории, где останки будут очищены и проанализированы, и встретится с другими экспертами, работающими над реконструкцией огромного скелета.
Mystery of the Megaflood
The Channeled Scablands in Washington state defied conventional explanations for their formation for decades. Little by little evidence mounted for an old theory that was rejected by the scientific establishment. It involved glaciers, volcanoes, a relatively minor river and a prodigious amount of water. Originally aired as an episide of NOVA.
Dino Death Match
A fossil discovered in 2006 contains two nearly complete dinosaurs locked in battle: a triceratops and a carnivore.
An entertaining documentary look at dinosaurs with Emmy Award-winning special effects, feature film clips and stills, commentary by leading paleontologists of the time, and an on camera as well as voice-over narrative by Christopher Reeve. Shot on location in Los Angeles and New York at the American Museum of Natural History
Who killed the Neanderthal?
Neandertal man disappeared abruptly 30,000 years ago. Who was that "other" man and what is the most plausible hypothesis leading to his extinction? An investigation using all current knowledge available tries to answer these questions.
Прогулки с динозаврами: В стране гигантов
Научно-популярный телевизионный фильм компании BBC из серии «Прогулки с динозаврами», рассказывающий о вымышленных приключениях Найджела Марвена в которых он изучает динозавров в их естественной среде обитания.
The Egtved Girl
In 1921, in the Danish town of Egtved, on the Jutland peninsula, was discovered one of the most important Bronze Age burial sites: the tomb of a girl who lived around 1370 BCE. Who was that girl and what was her daily life like?
Walking With Dinosaurs Special: The Giant Claw
Journey back to the dunes of prehistoric Mongolia to find the owner of the largest claws of all time - Therizinosaurus. Presenter Nigel Marven's adventure covers vast nesting sites, skirts curious velociraptors and avoids the terrifying tarbosaurus so we can come face-to-face with The Giant Claw.
Top 10 Biggest Beasts Ever
Before man ruled the world, Earth was a land of giants, from birds with plane-length wingspans to Boeing 737- sized dinosaurs. Count down the biggest beasts in this spectacular special.
Дайвинг с целакантом
В 120-ти метрах от дикого побережья Южной Африки живёт животное, которое, как считалось, вымерло 65 миллионов лет назад. Целакант, известный в местных кругах под именем Гомбесса. Рыба-динозавр, живое ископаемое, которое остаётся единственным звеном, связывающим рыбу с наземными четвероногими: в её плавниках присутствуют зачатки костей рептилий и млекопитающих, а в огромной пасти найдено рудиментарное лёгкое. Команда подводных исследователей решила искупаться с Гомбессой и показать ее всему миру.
The Beasts Within
A closer look at the science of Human evolution, and how much early humans might've contributed to the extinction of large mammals during the Ice Age.
Les genies de la grotte chauvet
Динозавр № 13
Документальный фильм об открытии крупнейшего ископаемого тираннозавра, который когда-либо был найден.
La vie des dinosaures
Titanosaur 3D uses vividly photorealistic animation to imagine what these long-necked sauropods looked like and how they moved, ate, and interacted. Travel back over 100 million years to get a glimpse of their Cretaceous environment and follow a titanosaur’s life from egg to towering titan.