
Killer Kites (2023)

Not the scariest movie ever, but it's up there

Жанр : ужасы, комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 12М

Директор : Paul Dale, Austin Frosch

Краткое содержание

When Abby’s grandma dies, the only thing she inherits is a stupid kite. After giving it to her brother, he is mysteriously killed and the kite disappears. While searching for the truth, Abby is tangled in a strange supernatural plot, where this killer kite continues to kill. Now, Abby must string together a way to stop the kite before it blows us all away. Kites may not be the scariest monster ever, but they’re up there.


Manon Pages
Manon Pages
Austin Naulty
Austin Naulty
Carter Simoneaux
Carter Simoneaux


Paul Dale
Paul Dale
Austin Frosch
Austin Frosch
Austin Frosch
Austin Frosch
Zach Lee
Zach Lee


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